Astro: Full Buck SuperMoon, in Capricorn
13 July 2022 @ 19:37 BST
All Hail & welcome to July’s edition of Astro: Full Buck Supermoon in Capricorn. We are in for a hot potato this month as this will be one of the most super charged Full Moon’s we will experience this year! So its kinda ‘hold on to ya hats’ as we embark on our journeying though the cosmic tides, to navigate our way through the various qualities of Capricorn Super Moon & planetary aspects occurring at this given time. In addition, it is also a supermoon, so we will experience an amplification of what's on offer, as the Moon is at its closes approach to the Earth AKA Perigee. Furthermore, We have Cancer Sun opposite Capricorn Moon to find our balancing requisites for dealing with a Moon Conjunct Pluto, Opposite Mercury, Trine Uranus & Square Chiron. With the latter hinting at where we could be facing or acting from old wounds. Awareness of these aspects can help us to become a driving force of goodness within our own & others lives. Can we become the beacon of light for others by overcoming our own fears & deepest wounds? Will humility rule & give us the opportunity to show how honourable we can be? Of course! Let’s cast off for another cosmic adventure….
Naming the Moons
I would like to introduce to you some of the wonderful names that we give our beautiful celestial being when she is at her full phase. The month of July once again recalls by name the many agricultural aspects of varying geological areas. In America, indigenous people named this July full moon the Hay Moon, Summer Moon, Thunder Moon, Buck Moon and Red Berries Moon.
In China this moon is known as the Hungry Ghost moon. Now, this isn’t something agricultural is it? Let me explain in a little more detail. In China the Hungry Ghost Festival lands on the full moon of the seventh month. It is said at this time that the gates of hell are open and hungry ghosts visit the land of the living. Many people do not venture out after dark and many stay away from water as it is believed that the ghosts of those who died by drowning are particularly bothersome and dangerous. The festival itself begins with a parade of lanterns which are taken to the waters edge and lit before being released. The lanterns are said to guide the souls of the dead and deities toward safety and food which has been laid out for them. In some areas the lantern has the emblem or name of the family etched onto it. It is thought that the further the boat lantern goes before burning out and sinking reflects the good fortune that will come to the family in the forthcoming year.
In India we are in the lunar month of Sharvan in which the celebrations of Narali Purnima and Rakhi Purnima (coconut day).
The Ogham tree months usually cross over during the month and this month is no exception. This month we are in the month of the Holly going into Hazel. A Holly (Tinne) moon is a feminine moon also known as the Moon of Polarity and Moon of Encirclement. This moon brings forth aspects of protection, Magick for animals and sex magick. Think adaptability, renewal, endurance, stillness, clarity, regeneration & protection & we have a Holly Moon. And so it is!
Sun in Cancer - The Sun is all about self & ego, representing life force, consciousness, creativity, self identity, self expression & self integration. In Cancer we find ourselves to be cautious of self expression & highly emotional, as this is a water sign we expect the ebb & flow. We may have been or experienced possessiveness, nurturing, tenacity & withdrawal. This is our outer ego, the one which is seen by the outside world.
Moon in Capricorn - The Moon is our eternal feminine linking spirit & matter, our inner thoughts, self talk & expression, our past & intuition, mostly our emotional side which is kept internally & nurtured by us. At Full Moon we are at a state of abundance & fullness which can create feelings of overwhelm or serenity. We feel into our emotions, instincts , receptiveness, mothering nature & subconsciousness. The Moon in Capricorn is usually emotionally controlled, however this moon brings exuberance to a much higher level. It is a moon of self reliance & dependability. Moon in Capricorn urges the need to be in control of family & environment. Beware of authoritarianism & absolutes.
Full Moon is a time of fruition & culminating energies from that which was set in motion at New Moon. It is an emotional time & this will be amplified by perigee moon (Supermoon). So as Sun in watery Cancer comes into opposition to Moon in earthy Capricorn, we can expect the 2 signs to illuminate polarities, necessary to find the balance we need during what is quite a heated time. Cancer Sun likes a private life, the crab lives in its shell & so home & family play a great part in this factor. It highlights nurture, need for home base, love, unconditional love, roots, attachments & is ok with dependency. On the other hand, Capricorn Moon wants us in the public eye & highlights career, reputation, accountability, rewards & achievements, conditional love & sense of duty. It encourages taking our responsibilities, publicly & professionally seriously & finding the right direction for these to traverse. As Cancer represents roots, Capricorn will give us direction. Our job is to find our balance between both without omitting anything. Career & families are in the hotspot. If we ignore one or the other we risk disharmony & potential chaos in our lives. We are being asked to take responsibility for self-sabotage & by confronting that which has stopped working for us.
Ask :
What do I want to achieve?
What is my fear & why?
What is standing between/ preventing me from fulfilling my ambitions?
What am I doing to contribute to self sabotage & not achieving the life I wish for?
How can I flip this situation around to bring life in line with the way I want it to be?
Try not to be too hard on yourself. The Full Moon empowers us to face our challenges & get over or around obstacles. Capricorn wants us to aim as high as we’d like to climb or descend as deeply as we wish, learning along the way & growing from our weaknesses transforming them into our strengths, adding to our intelligence. From these acts we solidify our knowledge & become stronger & more perceptive.
What & where needs my commitment to enable growth & advancement?
Planetary aspects
There will be other influences we will need to be aware of regarding planetary influences during this lunation. These could be of help but can also play a hindrance in bringing about some difficulties. We have some real big aspects to take a look at…
Full Moon in Capricorn conjunct Pluto & opposite Sun in Cancer
Pluto lord of the Underworld resides over transformation, cycles of life, death & rebirth, crisis healing & passion, shadow side, relationship toward money, control ,old wounds & purging.
Conjunct Full Moon refers to both beings working harmoniously. So we could experience climbing or diving deep into home or family situations to uncover truths to create equilibrium.
Opposite Sun in Cancer refers to possible difficulties in expressing your innermost feelings & truth to family members.
There may be a certain amount of personal motive for emotional transformation. We may feel the need for increased emotional support from family to enable us to thrive. A healthy version of emotional energetic support can aid us toward the transformation we know we need to move forward to our goals.
Beware of the ‘devouring mother’ archetype! Too much support or an external influence navigating will not enable the required changes, rather it encourages unhealthy stagnation & lack of necessary movement toward achieving personal goals & healing. Moreover, be on the look out for negatives like blame & guilt coming from elsewhere, which keep us stuck in the same situation.
Full Moon conjunct Pluto may have us talking directly & from a place of our truth. Be sure of what you wish to achieve before becoming too brutal with the truth or there is a risk of hurting someone close or becoming the victim of guilt & blame. Acting from a place of humility will benefit all concerned.
What do I hope to achieve?
Does this serve my goal?
Know that you are loved. You are supported. You are enough.
Full Moon in Capricorn opposite Mercury conjunct Sun in Cancer - Mercury ruler of communication, travel, personal & business documentation may have us involved in complex conversations. This can indicate particularly emotionally charged family discussions around authority & ego.
Embark on discussions with a personal goal or ambition in mind, staying on track with the theme. It is good to know which direction the conversation needs to go in, regardless of how difficult it is. If the main theme is lost, miscommunication & misunderstanding are likely which could lead to resentment. Be mindful of moodiness. Remain humble even if it means admitting defeat . Keeping honour in tact rather than blowing a fuse is the adult thing to do.
Uranus in Taurus Trine Sun & Moon - Trine usually refers to the harmonising of bodies. Uranus of progress, change, unexpected surprises, breakthrough & chaos will grow in strength over this month & we will feel its energy increasing, bringing change, release & freedom. Expect change through unorthodox means, perhaps not what you’d wish for, change nonetheless is good & needing implementation in areas which are highlighted.
With this aspect we may find that we are looking at the authority or popularity of others under a rose tinted microscope. Giving someone else your loyalty can be a huge mistake if misplaced. In addition, offering advice may create a backlash as it returns to you in a displaced manner, which you will be blamed for. Be mindful to be accountable & hold others accountable for their actions separately.
Full Moon Square Chiron - Chiron the healer will have us dive deeply into Capricorn moon emotionally & expressively. This Square Is a hard aspect , so keep in mind that hard work of the shadow can benefit our healing & transformations. This work beckoning for us to be actively seeking change. Although, it means hard work in those areas.
There is a lot of emotional healing on offer through shadow work. We will have experienced the illumination of old wounds, emotional tides & have the opportunity to create change in the way these wounds affect us.
We may find we become embroiled in family discussions regarding our wounds, we feel to express ourselves.
It is time to clear the stagnation we have been feeling around people & situations.
A word of warning, think before you act! Thought out expression is more logical & practical & less harmful & misleading.
Remember words have power!
They create, manifesting into your reality.
Watch your internal dialogue does not manifest paranoia or hate speak, as this will become part of your experience.
Be wise with your words & choices using clarity & intelligence, rather than backlashing knee jerk reactions & inflamed vocabulary.
This is a heavy moon with lots of hidden goodness, if you decide to climb high or dive deep for it, you will reap the rewards of change & healing.
Finally, There will be a healing influence from Venus & Neptune a few days after Full Moon. Phew!
July 28 - New Moon.
Moon on the same side of the Earth as the Sun not visible in the night sky. This phase occurs at 17:55 UTC. Good time to star & galaxy spotting
July 28, 29 - Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower.
Delta Aquarids, average shower producing up to 20 meteors per hour at peak. Produced by debris left behind by comets Marsden and Kracht. Shower runs annually from July 12 to August 23, peaking this year July 28 - July 29. Great year for this shower because new moon & dark skies, best viewed after midnight. Meteors radiate from constellation Aquarius, appearing anywhere in the sky
Well What a lot to take in! Please re-read if you feel that something is calling your attention. It is likely that a 2nd read will confirm the areas which are within your personal sphere.
My gratitude for joining me on this journey through the cosmos. May your days be filled with beautiful transformations & may your direction reveal clarity & light your path over the next 2 weeks to the next issue of Astro, where we will be traversing the cosmic tide for a New Moon in fiery, regal Leo. Please join me again around New Moon on 28th July.
My blessings to you all
In love, light & all betwixt
Your loving guide
Hall. J, 2005. The Astrology Bible, Godsfield Press, London
Adhar, S. 2021 ,
Farmers Almanac
Sky & telescope