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with Sheela Adhar

Welcome to Ancient Footprints. This is my space for research & discovery articles of ancient practices, astrology, oracular divination, mythology, ancient and sacred places,  including personal development of the divine feminine within. Articles, poetry & prose for you to read & enjoy, with my gratitude.

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Lammas/ Lughnasadh / 1st harvest

Lammas/ Lughnasadh / 1st harvest Lammas is a harvest festival. The first of 3. depending on your persuasion, this is either a Celtic...

Poetry: Beltane dance

Beltane dance Crowned, your natural beauty, Flowers of Spring upon your head, Sweet smell of Springtime blossoms, Awaiting you with...

The Wheel of the Year: Imbolc

The turning wheel of the year Imbolc / Imbolg Imbolg is a cross quarter day, midway between Winter solstice and Spring Equinox, which can...

The Wheel of the year: Yule

The Turning of the Wheel of the Year YULE Winter Solstice 21 - 22 December Etymology & Origins: The word ‘Yule’ varies in origin,...

The Turning Wheel of the Year: Samhain

The turning Wheel of the Year Samhain / Halloween Etymology The term ‘Samhain’ derives from the name of the month Saminios (coligny...

The Wheel of the Year: Mabon

The Turning of the Wheel of the year Mabon / Madron / Autumn Equinox / Harvest festival No matter what your persuasion, there is no doubt...

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