Astro NM Capricorn 12-13 January 2021 @ 5am
All Hail , Merry Meet! Happy New Year to you all. 2021, a new year & decade. This year is a No.5 year in numerology which is set to open doors of transformation on all levels! This year will be an assertive & inspiring year for all of us whom step up to our pledges to protect our Mother Earth!! This year will encourage us to grow, heal, communicate our connection to Earth & to live according to our Earth philosophy. We are going to find ourselves stopping to think of our relationship to the Mother planet, to re-evaluate and reconsider our past actions, to come closer to a symbiotic nature with all that is awareness of the plight of our planet. Lets take a moment with that powerhouse thought!
Now this is going to be a long read, so grab a cuppa, park your broom & plonk your bottom on a comfortable toadstool & lets get started….
New Moon is a time of endings & beginnings & never has this been more a poignant influence as with this New Moon in Capricorn. Our beautiful celestial being enters New Moon phase at 5am UTC, meandering nicely into Capricorn at 23°. Many of us will definitely feel the drag of last year lingering and this would be because the Moon is at the same degree in Capricorn that the Saturn/ Pluto alignment was in January 2020. This degree & alignment brought a lot of unexpected & unwanted energies to the fore. Hindsight is indeed a wonderful gift if a little frustrating, especially if we do not attempt to understand its lessons & amalgamate them into our forward thinking & movement.
Fear not! Its not a bad thing. We find ourselves in the still of Winter & a time of regeneration. With this influence leading us to re-evaluate during this time, we can release that which is lingering & becoming stagnant; begin to feel into this year’s new plans & projects; rekindle efforts for ambitions which came to fruit last year, armed with the knowledge gained from our experiences of 2020, all before we step into 2021’s vibrations of freshness & new ideas. We are continually absorbing last years energies & learning from them. Here in this moment of reflection, we can consider asking ourselves how far have we come? How much have we grown? How much has changed? Has change altered our priorities? What does this mean in terms of our direction?
We are being asked to honour ourselves & the journeying we have undertaken. The last year gave & took away from us all. We can chose to learn its lessons & move forward or we can choose to stand in it and stagnate. We Honour our journey, how far we have come, honouring ourselves, our progress, our beings, before we step into this years path of guidance. Reflection is part of a process to learn & gain wisdom. What was a good thing, What was a bad thing which occurred in 2020? By releasing stagnant energy, we free up space for the new. Beginning with hope, a fresh outlook & trust that 2021 will bring exactly what is needed to us. Trust that our journeying will lead us into our own sacred space of sovereignty, in which we continue to honour ourselves & our paths. Continual sacred self care! We are being asked to renew our promise to ourselves & to our Mother Earth. With this New Moon, armed with answers to our soul searching questions, we can begin to set our intentions from the place we are sure we are standing in now, our true capacity & strength gained from last year’s experiences, rather than where we thought we were in 2020. Let us remind ourselves that movement & change are constants, without them stagnation occurs.
New Moon is the end of the last cycle & beginning of a new 28 day lunar cycle. The Sun & Moon align in the constellation of Capricorn for this January New Moon. We may feel a sudden burst of energies & innovation toward future plans & projects, Ideas we have been dreaming up. We may feel the need to burst forth with all our energies to birth these ideas, however, we must first consider contemplative reassessment of those ideas whilst we clear the way of old patterns, ideas & expectations. Its like preparing the soil, allowing it to settle & regenerate before we plant the seeds, which we have collected and know to be good seeds of intent.
Capricorn is represented by the mountain goat. Have you seen how easily this beautiful being climbs, descends & stands on the sheer mountainside with the grace & attitude? Yes we could be sure footed enough to jump forth now with surety, however Capricorn carries another very important message. In order have the tenacity one must first understand that all good things take time, effort & action to manifest . So, relax into the knowledge that there is time to clear out the old in order for the new to have good ground to seed upon. Capricorn qualities are all about tenacity, grounding, ambition, discipline, resourcefulness & prudence. These qualities call for honest practical assessment before action, know your stuff!
Capricorn, Cardinal Earth sign is a constant. With this in mind, we move forward only, not backward, by asking ourselves, how can we embrace these qualities into our lives right now?
With our focus on Capricorn qualities we can begin to consider realistic, sensible goals for our futures. By committing a mature approach to birthing dreams, we ready the ground for a good seeding & reaping of a good harvest. By setting our targets for the year ahead we can focus on the areas most important to manifesting our plans. Where focus goes, energy flows!
Of course with all phases we will have some planetary influences, which some of us will feel more than others. This will depend on how dominant these planets are in your personal charts. The general reading is as follows:-
A conjunction is an exact line up of components
New Moon Conjunct Pluto
Your ability to have influence over important areas of your life has increased. You may experience manipulation or controlling behaviour, which may have you struggling with a situation, event or even questioning your own authority. Be careful of jumping to assumptions, do your homework & be in the know. This is a good time to; re-evaluate addictions & old habits; sort out relationship issues which will become more evident to you.
A square/ 90° is a hard aspect & tends toward the more stressed aspects of the involved components.
Mars Square Saturn.
Frustration. Desire may be strong, however expressing that desire may be uncomfortable or perplexing to say the least! The greater the pursuit, the more resistance along the way. Time to put up some defences, concentrate on keeping what you have in hand.
Jupiter Square Uranus
An unexpected change in direction or fortune could bring about some real intense personal energies & inner conflict. There are some windows of possibility about to open, choose carefully. Try not to create unwanted tensions in a fit to escape from restrictions. This may cause unexpected/ unwanted events. Do not look for the change, rather let it occur.
Mercury square Uranus
Exciting change. Unexpected news. Nervousness. Possible change of plans. You may feel like you have missed the deadline & are playing catch-up. Rest assured, pause & regenerative rebirth will allow you to view things from a fresh perspective. This can birth creativity & originality and will go some way to restoring confidence.
Trine is 120°, 1/3 of the 360° orb which makes up the zodiac wheel. This is a favourable angle, so good stuff can come of this relationship.
Venus Trine Uranus
Excitement of life, affection. Unexpected romance or a different level of pleasure with existing partner. A possible financial windfall may occur.
My gratitude to you for reading the first Astro article of 2021. New Moon blessings to you all!!! May you find peace & direction in releasing the old & ushering in this new phase of life. Know that you are capable of handling anything that the universe sends your way. Know You are enough!
Please join me again for the first Full Moon of 2021, around 28 January.
In love, light & all betwixt
Kindred, G. 2020, Numerology, Earth Pathways Diary 2021, Derbyshire
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