Astro New Moon in Aquarius
21/01/23 @ 20:53 GMT
All hail & Welcome to Astro: New Moon in Aquarius, our first New Moon of 2023. We are witnessing the last of the Capricorn moon cycle & entering into the Aquarius Moon cycle. How different these two energies are will reveal & dictate how we explore our way through this next Moon phasing in Aquarius. Let us drift gently into Aquarius New Moon with our intentions for the next month or the whole year in mind. There is no rush here, no deadline to meet. Each of us are different in our approach & understanding of the world around us. Each of us blossom at different times just as in nature.
New Moon is a time for preparing the ground on which we wish to build our firm foundation upon. It is a time for preparing the soil for our seeds of intent to flourish in. How we approach this area in our lives is unique for each of us. Contemplate the energy needed to mindfully begin our seeding. Think about that which we wish to call toward us this year, that which we wish to see to fruition, to thrive & to harvest. Find alignment which carries a real sense of purpose for these personal goals & ambitions, with the person we are becoming. Sometimes we stomp through life wanting, expecting & feeling entitled to that which we have perceived ought to be ours by some kind of divine right. Being mindful of our footsteps & treading carefully, meaningfully, with great intent to birth that which we really want to see thriving in our lives, is being encouraged. Hold onto that notion in all its glory. This golden egg we hold is filled with our hopes, dreams & aspirations for the forthcoming months of our lives. Make it worth it. Make it something to be honoured. Make it THE thing that is ongoing In our combined unravelling. Make it something that will bring joy & happiness. Most of all, make attainable. Work toward that end. Too often we expect our dreams to manifest overnight, however we more often find that our intentions, like seeds take a while to gestate & find the light of day to begin manifesting our desires into our daily existence. Patience, sweet patience & love for that which we are drawing toward us is a steady & magickal way of manifesting our newness into the mundane. For fruition to occur we may need to take an offer of help or advice. This subtracts nothing from our efforts, rather it encourages a fuller understanding & reverence of ourselves on the journey to discovery & manifestation. The key is to allow ourselves to ‘BE’ in the moment. To give ourselves permission aside from all societal expectations, to be the person we are supposed to be. To walk & talk our authentic nature.
Aquarius is the sign of innovation so this can go hand in hand with the ideas we wish to manifest. The water bearer carries the water of knowledge & asking for wisdom is attained through this portal. So, as I have mentioned there may be something or someone with knowledge needed to make plans successful. It is now time to acknowledge & request this to aid our journeying. It is time to put out a hand of friendship & accept offered help. During this cycle, Aquarius energy will be encouraging us to be more sociable, to find new friendships, connections, social group endeavours ,shared projects all with a heavy focus on new beginnings. This is also a great time for brainstorming & problem solving, finding the balance, the people & to think outside the box. Focus on a brand new positive vision of the future. This will be away from the usual we are used to & something brand new or perhaps simply different from what we are accustomed to. We are being encouraged to not fall prey to old habits & thought processes. This new outreach & objectivity is exactly what is needed for us to break away from our own destructive behaviours. It is entirely up to us alone to take those steps. I can assure you it will be well worth it!
Aquarius energies make way for our resurgence from our inner journeying. Be gentle & aware. As we emerge from our inner caves we may need to have patience with ourselves as we tread softly toward new beginnings. Think about the way in which we feel into the newness of notions. It is one thing to think on what we want to manifest, moreover we really need to understand what we want to feel in our movement toward that end. The work we put in is crucial & the way in which we wish to feel needs to balance our ambitions. We need to prepare ourselves to feel good about what we are doing also. Ask:
How do I really wish to feel in my endeavours?
How do I want to feel every day?
How can I become gently aware of what I need to change to enable the feeling of joy everyday?
How can I pro-actively achieve joy in my daily life?
Moon conjunct Sun (in the same sign) gives us the balance between both luminaries. One of our jobs right now is to find that balance & tend to it, so that one does not outweigh the other. An imbalance will cause chaos in our lives if we let it. Sun is all about ego, the present & self image. The moon represents the inner us. Feelings, nurture, instinct, the past are all part of lunar governorship. The Sun represents our wants, the Moon our needs. To find the balance, we must ask ourselves what we want & need & in which manner we wish to forge forward & how we wish to feel whilst we are doing so. Balance with an Aquarius edge to it, 'how do we wish to begin & how do we wish to intuit that which we are preparing ourselves for this year?', is a key question to ask of ourselves. Be brave, fearless & yet soft in an approach to get the most honest answer.
Planetary influences
Mercury is no longer in retrograde; Mars too is out of retrograde as will Uranus be just after New phase , so we may feel that the slowing energies we have been wading through are finally lifting us out of the blue we may have been experiencing. This also indicates a forward motion to our lives. Finally, the feeling of one step forward & two steps back in the dark & unknown begins to fade & what has been hidden comes to light & life. By using the freshness of Aquarian energies, we will feel elevated & gain clarity. Place no pressure on the situation, move gently. The water bearer can help us to connect to healing, wisdom & transmutation, if needed.
Pluto in Capricorn is conjunct both luminaries in Aquarius, however , this aspect is overruled by Jupiter sextile to the Moon, which creates an harmonious connection between them. So we have expansive, joyful energies surrounding this new Moon.
Saturn is in its own house Aquarius alongside both luminaries & Venus creating a Stellium in Aquarius, so I think we can safely say that the Moon is in an harmonic residency with Saturn of Karma & tasks energies & Venus of independence, love & financing. All good it seems! An auspicious time for internal & external new beginnings or improvements.
After New Moon All planets are direct!! So its all go in terms of forward motion & energies!
And so it is, we come to the end of Astro: New Moon in Aquarius, our first new moon adventure of 2023. I hope you find the energies you need to fulfil all of your dreams. Remember not all flowers bloom at the same time. So, if you see others prancing forward with their ambitions, be reassured that you may be a daisy or bluebell rather than a snowdrop. Have faith & patience, all will come to you at the time it is supposed to.
Thank you for your presence.
Bright blessings to you all
In gratitude, love, light & all betwixt
Hall, J. 2019, The Astrology Bible, Godsfield Press, Octopus Publishing group Ltd, London
Online resources
Adhar. S., 2021,
I really needed to read this today! Thank you for your insight, inspiring thoughts and wisdom. Now we just need to Be, to Do and to Wait 🙌