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Writer's picture: Sheela AdharSheela Adhar


29/09/2023 @10:57 GMT

All Hail & welcome to Astro Super Full Harvest Moon in Aries. This is the final Super Full Moon of 2023 bringing the start of endings or of new beginnings, for those of us who have been transitioning throughout this year’s supermoon season. What’s In store? I am pretty sure we’ve all had challenges this year. This I know by looking at the astrological sematic signs in our cosmos. Now, we are entering the season of the witch. This season is going present a huge bubbling cauldron ready to boil over, if we cannot find the balance we need. There is much which we have placed into the cauldron over the past year alone & much which will finally come of it. Get ready for a few surprises as the tension rises. The planets are aligning to bring about a steadying point as we approach the ‘all that will be’ part of the year. We have some planetary contenders amongst this moon phase & cycle ,which I will explain the what & how these will affect our already Full moon in Aries in the astrology section. As ever I will also discuss the naming of the moons, present you with astrology & astronomical events list for the coming month. For now, buckle your seatbelts, hold on to your staff, wand and broom because the atmosphere is about to erupt. Will you be able to keep your head around those who would see you lose your emotional balance? Or will you take the lead with wisdom & clarity?

Naming the Moons

Naming the moon is an international phenomenon reflecting ecological & geographical events which recur in an annual cyclical nature. Depending on your geographical area or what you believe in determines the name of the monthly lunation. Let me begin with this months names for the September full moon, from around the globe. The Native American names for the September full moon are Singing Moon & Barley Moon. The Montana tribes know this to be the Yellow Leaf Moon. The Canadian Inuit peoples called this moon the Harpoon Moon. Across the globe and the Chinese name for this months full moon is the Chrysanthemum Moon, called such after the Choyo festival held on the 9th day of the 9th month, also known as the Chrysanthemum festival. Chrysanthemum petals were used to make Chrysanthemum saki, used as a celebratory drink to ward of evil. In India, the lunar calendar month will be Ashvin, the celebrations of Sharad & Koiagri are observed, celebrating end of monsoon & harvest season. The British Medieval Celtic & the Druidic calendar celebrate this moon as the Wine Moon, Song Moon & Harvest Moon. The Vine is celebrated during this month as a symbol of the great harvest of grapes and fruits from all regions. The Celts called this moon Muin/ Vine, which symbolised the balance between happiness and wrath, in some cases the rise of passionate emotions. This is an androgynous moon of celebration. Depending on the type of vine you choose to use in your ritualising, this moon holds magickal aspects; for, Blackberry, prosperity & protection; blueberry, spirituality & dream magick; grape, fertility, inspiration,prosperity & binding; thistle, courage, protection & strength. These vines would be used in ritual concerning Mabon / Autumn Equinox.

List of websites with a non-bias list of spiritual & religious observances:


Full Moon is a time of fulfilment of intentions we had set at New Moon, 2 weeks ago. Furthermore, Full Moon is all about manifesting our goals & finding the balance between energies of Sun & Moon. This phasing sits on the Aries - Libra relationship axis. Therefore, this lunation has its heart set on our relationship issues with ourselves & within relationships, how we maintain them & whether we continue to move forward by clearing out stagnant energies or become inert. Moreover, this lunation is about us & our partners; our relationships with ourselves & with our partner. We are being asked to find the balance we need between two polarities to avoid a chaotic outcome. Our personal needs & those of the other in our lives refer to independence opposing dependence; it can mean the difference between becoming the adversary or the companion, self or we. The choice is, as ever, ours to make in our pursuit of balancing our lives.

Sun in Libra holds the balance & harmony expected from the sign of the scales of justice. Libra is about our relationships with pretty much everything & everyone. As a cardinal sign, Libra is a starter of ideas & plans. Sun in Libra is all about the ‘others’ in our lives. Its about compromising within our relationships; the upkeep of our relationships through discussion, negotiation; finding balance. Libra wants us to think about how or when to compromise within a relationship, whilst at all times maintaining wisdom & grace in all acts.

On the other hand, Moon in fiery Aries is all about the self, self expression, leadership & fearlessness. It values independence & authenticity. Aries is also a cardinal action sign with fire & aggressive tendencies to be mindful of. Aries is ruled by Mars & the Sun, so there are elements of Yang to consider. This Moon can powerfully connect us to the protective, warrior, mother archetype, which embodies Moon, Sun, Mars & Aries in one sitting!

Aries can bring force into a situation, to be used for the benefit of our relationships, but be mindful to not let aggression or anger manifest. This sign is of the self & as such leadership, personal courage & self assertion come to the fore.

Read through the following questions. Acknowledge those which resonate with our circumstances,

Ask :

How am I honouring myself ?

How am I honouring myself within my close relationships?

How can I embody the archetype of protective, warrior, mother?

What changes need to be made in order for me/us to continue to walk forward in harmony?

Have I reached a point of no return in relationship with myself or another?

How do I move forward from this point gracefully?

Planetary influences

There is one influence I would like to discuss this article. That is the movement of Venus in Leo squaring up to Uranus in Taurus, which began on 2 July 2023. This aspect repeats itself as Venus moves direct, retrograde, station & direct through Leo, squaring up to Uranus in Taurus, several times over.

Venus in Leo - Venus governs love, relationships, creativity & beauty. Leo is Fiery, the zodiac drama queen who will add passion & drama to Venus’ influence over relationships. There may be a want for huge expressions of love, grandiose gestures & unapologetic love. Here we are being urged to go within & bring out our inner gloriousness, to openly express our love in an overtly passionate manner & let our beautiful inner qualities glow.

Uranus in Taurus - Uranus is the planet of transformation, sudden unexpected change & liberation. Taurus brings stability & resourcefulness. This duo will ask that we release ourselves from inertia, repetitive patterns & question what has become the norm. In so doing we will be free to open ourselves to our uniqueness in the areas of personal security & material wealth.

Venus in Leo Square Uranus in Taurus - We are being asked to question the way in which things are being done in certain areas of life. Personal values, self expression & love are all on the agenda. There may be challenges which need confronting in an out of the ordinary fashion. This will help us to see & take new opportunities for self worth & growth & will encourage us to find the balance between security, stability & self actualisation. We may experience changes in our relationships & the patterns they have fallen into. We are being encouraged to allow passion & uniqueness to shine through. This planetary square also pertains to creativity & personal freedom. Step outside the box of normality, examine that which needs enhancing & break free from the mould that no longer fits the situation or work that you are doing. This is an exciting time in which we can align ourselves with our desires & those things that drive us. We can employ mindfulness in our approach & gain the best results & personal liberation.



23 - September Equinox.

Autumn Equinox occurs at 06:43 UTC. Sun shines directly on the equator. There will be nearly equal amounts of day & night throughout the world. This is 1st day of fall (autumnal equinox) Northern Hemisphere; 1st day of spring (vernal equinox) Southern Hemisphere.

29 - Full Moon, Supermoon.

Moon located opposite side of Earth as the Sun, its face fully illuminated. Phase occurs at 09:59 UTC. Known as the Harvest Moon, which is the full moon occurring closest to September equinox. Additionally, the last of four Supermoons for 2023. Moon at its closest approach to Earth, may look slightly larger & brighter.


7 - Draconids Meteor Shower.

Draconids is a minor meteor shower producing about 10 meteors per hour, produced by dust grains left behind by comet 21P Giacobini-Zinner, first discovered in 1900. Draconids is unusual, best viewing in the early evening rather than early morning like most showers. Running annually from October 6-10, peaking this year on night of 7th. 2nd quarter moon will darken skies early evening & should present a good show. Best viewing early evening from a dark location away from city lights. Meteors radiate from constellation Draco,appearing anywhere in the sky.

14 - New Moon

Located the same side of Earth as the Sun, not visible in the night sky. Phase occurs at 17:56 UTC. Best time of month to observe faint objects, galaxies, star clusters as no moonlight interferes.

So My lovelies, we come to the end of September’s articles. We finale on a Full Supermoon with such powerful energies to make change happen.Go forth & live, Change things up & strive, glow & be unabashedly passionate about the people & aspects of life that bring you to life! Blessings to you all.

My gratitude to you all for joining me on another adventure through the cosmic energies on offer to us. Please join me again for another meander on or around 14 October, for New Moon in Luscious Libra.

In gratitude, love, light & all betwixt




Adhar, S.





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