A Prayer for Mother Earth
Sacred Mother, hear me,
I know that you are unhappy,
For ungrateful, ignorant man
Has disrespected your sacred land.
Look on us gently, those of us who are meek,
For we have a voice through which you can speak.
Blessed Goddess hear my roar
I speak on behalf of you evermore.
And in this space I do believe
I can be heard across your seas.
I have this voice, it will be heard
By those who would destroy this Earth.
Cease, desist your desecration
For punishment comes
In all forms of invasion,
All across the Earth you see
Innocence lost to your constant greed.
We cannot turn back the hands of time
But we can learn to listen to Mother’s low whine
She is in pain and it is our fault
We must stop, think and act before she revolts.
(© sheela Adhar 2019)
Image: Dreamstime.com