ASTRO: Full blood Hunter's Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus
@9:24GMT 28/10/2023
All Hail & Welcome to another journeying through the cosmic energies on offer to us at this time of partial lunar eclipse AKA Blood Moon. What is a blood moon? The Moon to loses its light therefore becoming reddened in hue. This we call a blood moon as the colour the moon takes on whilst this phenomenon is occurring is usually a deep shade of red. Partial lunar eclipse, occurs when the Earth moves between the luminaries, but do not form a straight line. During this event a small part of the Moon's surface is shrouded by the dark, central part of the Earth's shadow / umbra. The remainder of the Moon is enveloped by the outer part of Earth's shadow/ penumbra, thus causing the reddened hue of blood moon. In some ancient traditions it was also the time of the hunt for large prey to preserve for the coming darker, cold month’s. In addition, the Moon is also in the sign of Taurus opposite the Sun in Scorpio & is the last one along the Taurus -Scorpio set of eclipses. This is set to be truly transformative in our personal sphere of connectivity to ourselves, relationships with others, past hurts & resolutions. This lunation will help us to regain our connection to Mother Earth’s heart beat, if we open ourselves to the forces available to us. There may be a lot of purging taking place & it is for us to create more space for our truest desires. Furthermore, we have a plethora of planets in play which will amplify power or soothe transitioning. Lets take a look at the international phenomenon we call ‘naming the Moon’ to begin our journeying….
Naming the Moon
The moon has entranced humankind since time immemorial. The appearance of the moon through the phases has intrigued many civilizations across the globe. Many peoples have used the moon phases as a guide on how and when to seed, rest & harvest plants, which a have been mainly used in agriculture. Each geographical area has differing climates, therefore naming the full phase moon is often onomastic to crops in flower or ready to harvest. With this in mind we discover the differences. The Native American names for the November moon are Frosty Moon, Beaver Moon, Dark Moon, Tree Moon & Snow Moon, much like the Montana tribes who named it the Frost Moon. In addition, the North Canadian Inuit peoples named this moon the Freezing Mist Moon, brrrr!. All of these names are tangible given this time of year is often a time of the first frosts we see. The Chinese people call this the White Moon. In India the calendar is solar/ lunar therefore we are in the month of Kartika in which the observations of Kartik , Guru Nanak Jayanti & Tripurari Purnima are witnessed & attended. The Ogham month is Reed. Reed is generally used for whistle making & the haunting sounds it creates are symbolic of the calling of the dead to the underworld whilst the veil is at its thinnest. This is a time for scrying & seance, spirit guides, energy workings,meditation, celebrating the dead & once again honouring the cycles of our great Mother Gaia. The British medieval Celtic names for the November moon are Mourning Moon & Darkest Depths Moon. They indicate that we are in the month in which deep transformations begin to take place, in which we delve deep into soul work to face our shadow selves. Working together to tend to ourselves, allowing ourselves to feel out old hurts, states of mind, habits & emotions in an attempt to release them, making space for that which is to come.
Below is a list of websites for spiritual & religious celebrations & observances for the month of November:
A quick advice note: Astrology is a general guide to helping us to understand the movement of the universe in our lives and how this can affect us on an annual, bi-annual, bi-monthly, monthly or daily basis. As a rule of thumb it is a general guide and not specific to all. Our experience of the cosmos, movements, conjunctions, full moons, zodiac signs are all individual. Why is that? Well, When you are born, the stars are aligned in such a way that they will not be realigned again in exactly the same way for at least another 26,000 years!! I know its incredible right? This means that only someone born on the same day or time as you will have similar experiences to how you perceive the universe and how it effects you. In addition, only the outer planets of our solar system have an effect on whole generations, as it takes them a lot longer to move through the zodiac and thus they generate energies for whole groups of people born with them in the same house of their natal charts. We truly are unique in our experience of the cosmos. Doesn’t that just blow your mind?
Full moon is a time of fruition & abundance, usually connected to our intentions set at new moon or at certain times of the year during eclipse seasons. It is a time of witnessing our new ideas to fulfilment, a time for romance & relationships. This makes it a very emotionally charged time of the month. There may be revelations & experiences which we have not had a chance to rationalise, so this is a good time to think before we say anything that comes to mind. We may also experience feelings that are so huge to us, that we need time to absorb them alone. The moon is at her fullest & this is a time of fecundity. As we enter the darker months we may feel this in deeper, darker & all encompassing ways, as the Earth goes into her dormant phase. Although that is what it seems on the surface, there is much still moving & making itself known underground. This is cavern time, womb time, allowing ourselves space to develop self time. Its pure magick!
A lunar eclipse connects to endings. As this is the last along the Taurus-Scorpio axis, we may find ourselves looking at major changes coming our way or the end of something we have traversed. This is the final of three annual Autumnal eclipses we have experienced, so there is a real feeling of endings & readiness surrounding those endings. In Taurus, we have made necessary changes toward our security, ethics, what makes us feel assured & resourceful. The areas in which we have made advancement & redeveloped working smarter for ourselves will potentially be the result of the past few years of these Taurus - Scorpio lunations. The Taurus-Scorpio axis refers to form vs transformation. This means that there will be 2 different energies working toward the same end but in very different ways. The trick is finding balance between both & giving equal amounts of energy to them, without losing sight of what it is we are attempting to achieve. Eclipse energies can last up to a few months, so be mindful what you wish for as the universe has a unique sense of humour!
We have a Full Moon in Taurus opposite Sun in Scorpio. Taurus energy is stable & steady whilst Scorpio energy is pure emotional, transformative energy.
Now is a very good time to remind ourselves to ground our energies, lest we fall prey to primal emotional outbursts.
We must initiate balance between Earthy, peaceful, practical Taurus who wants us to steadily accumulate & Scorpio’s emotional, transformational, often contingency centred, wishes for us to share. This eclipse lunation is where we find that this equation can blossom if balanced correctly. Taurus wants simplicity & the tangible through practical means & Scorpio wishes for us to look at our intangibles, complications & enigmas. All of this will lead us to a destination which we have been working toward. However, we need to recognise, acknowledge & accept each energy as it enters the sphere our BE -ingness. It may be that we reach our destination or outcome but maybe not in the way we were expecting. Universal energies can sometimes have us meandering off point, learning things along the way which we do not at first realise will help us in the long run.
Taurus - Scorpio is a great time for sensual pleasures , self love & care. It is a creative & intensely intimate lunation in which we consider our personal principles, enjoyment & sexuality. Whatever we have been moving toward, especially in our relationships, wants to be seen now. Being creative often has its advantages.
Here in this moment we are given a chance to make improvements in the Taurus- Scorpio areas of our lives. Our emotional needs will be amplified, feel into them & what they bring to us. All of the mental ‘sorting out’ will bring us balance & understanding, directing us to make better decisions on our life path. Try not to let feelings of dissatisfaction, from within or from an external source, destroy the peace & contentment we create for ourselves. Furthermore, It is a good time for resolution, learning the lessons, moving on & finding balance. It is a time of discovery, whether that be emotionally demanding or illuminating a sense of lack. Either will bring us to a place of understanding & creating change for ourselves at this time, for our emotional healing. Emphasis is on clearing old habits & expectations which have prevented us from feeling a sense of self satisfaction & achievement. It doesn’t matter where these have come from, rather how we feel or have been dealing with them. These issues will be highlighted around areas of possessiveness, sharing & self esteem.
If you find yourself in turmoil, remind yourself, transformation is not an easy process. It will bring you to your knees before you see or feel the changes you need to receive universal gifts meant for you. When you go through this process you will notice the subtlety of some evolutions & the damn right overwhelming crushing giant waves of other expansions developing. Know that you are strong enough now, to take what is coming, know that the universe always has your back.
Planetary influences
Lunar eclipse opposite Mercury- big news / developments, important communications occur. Things may not turn out the way you were expecting. Time to release outdated expectations.
Lunar eclipse Sextile Saturn - Focus, discipline, success to a degree. Whatever you have been working on now has the capacity to become more facilitated. Saturn is the taskmaster & wants us to do things properly. This means with direction, focus & the correct mannerisms, you can achieve the outcome you’ve been working toward.
Mars is also in play, although a weaker force of discontent, creating hostilities & possible difficulties in resolutions. Try not to let yourself be dragged into angry confrontations, rather use this force as a tool to create a positive outcome.
Jupiter is also in effect, so keep in check any areas of expansion, particularly emotions, as it is in retrograde & only a few degrees away from the eclipse moon & opposite Sun. This can affect our self esteem as our emotions rise. Try not to give into anger & rage, rather utilise it for your own benefit by finding a healthy outlet for release. Jupiter can also expand exaggeration causing drama to occur.
3 - Jupiter at Opposition.
Giant planet Jupiter, at its closest approach to Earth, fully illuminated by the Sun, brighter than any other time of year & visible all night long. Best time to view, photograph Jupiter & its moons. Medium-sized telescope shows some details in Jupiter's cloud bands. Good binoculars allows visual of Jupiter's four largest moons, appearing as bright dots on either side of the planet.
November 4, 5 - Taurids Meteor Shower.
Taurids, long-running minor meteor shower; about 5-10 meteors per hour. Unusual that it consists of two separate streams. The first produced by dust grains left behind by Asteroid 2004 TG10, second stream is produced by debris left behind by Comet 2P Encke. Shower runs annually from 7 September - 10 December, peaking this year night of 4 November - morning of 5th. A second quarter moon blocks most dim meteors this year. Best viewing just after midnight from a dark location. Meteors radiate from the constellation Taurus, appearing anywhere in the sky.
November 13 - New Moon.
Moon located on the same side of the Earth as the Sun, will not be visible in the night sky. Phase occurs at 09:28 UTC. Best time of the month to observe faint objects, galaxies, star clusters as no moonlight interferes.
13 - Uranus at Opposition.
Blue-green planet, at its closest approach to Earth , fully illuminated by the Sun. It will be brighter than any other time of the year, visible all night long. Best time to view Uranus.It will only appear as a tiny blue-green dot in all but the most powerful telescopes.
17, 18 - Leonids Meteor Shower
Leonids, average shower, producing up to 15 meteors per hour at peak; unique in its cyclonic peak about every 33 years; hundreds of meteors per hour can be seen. Last occurred in 2001. Leonids is produced by dust grains left behind by comet Tempel-Tuttle, discovered in 1865. Annual shower from 6-30 November, peaking this year on the night of the 17th - morning of the 18th. A crescent moon will set before midnight leaving dark skies for a great early morning show. Best viewing from a dark location after midnight. Meteors radiate from the constellation Leo, appearing anywhere in the sky.
27 - Full Moon
So, we have traversed another cosmic phasing & eclipse of our Moon & are now at the end of another Astro article. It is that time of year that I wish you a plentiful final harvest, A blessed Samhain & all good intentions for the next chapter of the turning of the Wheel.
Thank you for joining me journeying through the universal energies on offer to us. Please join me again on or near New Moon in Sagittarius, 13 November. Until then I wish you all a very blessed couple of weeks on your personal journey.
Bright blessings & Merry Met.
In gratitude, love, light & all betwixt
Adhar, S. 2022,