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Writer's picture: Sheela AdharSheela Adhar



@ 09.01 GMT


All Hail & Welcome to Astro: Full  Moon in Gemini,  December 2024. We are in the final month of 2024, according to the Gregorian calendar introduced by Pope Gregory XIII, in 1582. This month’s full moon is in the sign of Gemini the twins & the Sun is in Sagittarius until December 21st, when it transits into the sign of Capricorn, I will discuss the significance of this later in the astrology section of the article. Full moon phase occurs 15-16 December @ 9.01 GMT. December is a month of celebration to many faith systems & religious pathways which can be seen from the non-bias list of websites for religious & spiritual events & observances I have produced for you. All that after meandering through the international phenomenon of naming the moon. I will finish this month’s article with my regular astronomical events list of dates for your diaries, so eyes to the skies. Enjoy the read with my gratitude for joining me on my journeying.

 Naming the Moon

Naming the moon phase is an international phenomenon. Each geographical area has its own unique agricultural or ecological events which helped to produce a name for each Moon phase. The many names for each moon, depend on where you are from or what it is you believe in. The moon takes approximately 28 days to go through her cycle, in which time she goes through the same process which the Earth & Sun take a year to cycle through. Each phase has a relationship to us humans through the sign the moon sits in. How we interact & feel within the world in which we live. We have lived our lives by the moon throughout time immemorial. Let’s take a look at the naming of the moon around the world & its significance to those ancients who named the moon phase. The Native American names for December’s full moon are Cold Moon & Long Night Moon. The Montana tribes named this moon the Younger Hard Time Moon, & is a precursor to next month’s Hard Time Moon. In China it is the time of the Bitter Moon, a reflection of the dipping temperature? In India we are in the month of Margashirsha when the Margashirsha Purnima is observed. Hindu devotees worship the Moon God as it is believed that on this day, the Moon was blessed with Amrit, known as the nectar of immortality. The British Medieval Celtic names for the moon are Full Cold Moon & Oak Moon, Oak being a symbol of the ever-revolving battle between the lighter side of the year & the darker side of the year. In many Pagan traditions these are represented as battling kings Oak versus Ivy. Finally in the Druidic tradition of Ogham, we are in the month of the Elder, so this will be the Elder Moon, also known as the Moon of Endings. The tradition of elder is that it has the most amazing self-healing properties & can bounce back to life even after it has been cut back, quickly making reparations to itself, so as to spring back from recovery. Known as Ruish in Celtic, this moon is creative & has the element of renewal. It is also known to be the time of new beginnings & endings, a symbol of the cycle of birth, life, death, rejuvenation & rebirth. Elder has been used for protection against negative entities & energies. This month is connected to Faerie & nature spirit magick.

Non Bias listing: spiritual & religious celebrations & observations websites:-





Ok, there is a lot going on for us all at this time of year & much of it is so out of synch with what is occurring in nature. There is also a lot going on in Astrology & the cosmos too, so it’s going to come down to your personal values, ethics & self- awareness, as to how much of the festive season you absorb into yourself & surroundings. Let’s all be a little more self- aware to know when it is down time, You time, as this is very important to avoid burnout. Be careful which functions you choose to go to & be aware of how draining this can be on your body & mind. In addition, you will experience many people who do not like this season for many reasons, be kind, as you really don’t know why that person may dislike this time of year or find it so difficult. With that said, lets crack on with this full moons energies & aspects.

When the moon reaches full phase, for us it is usually a culmination of intentions set at new moon & actions toward that intention which come to fruition. However, there are moons throughout the year which act a little like markers for us to use our hindsight to effectively understand the past six months & the theme we wish to carry with us on our journey through the next half year. This is one such marker as we end the last full moon of the year in a Gemini moon during Sagittarius season, but as Christmas & new year creep up on us we enter into cardinal sign Capricorn season which herald the last 3 signs of the zodiac cycle. Our new moon is also in Capricorn, which makes for some excitement during this phase. More of that in my new Moon article.

At full moon the sun & moon are sitting directly opposite each other, creating oppositions for us to find some balance between.


Before all of that Goatly energy kicks in we have the Sun in Sagittarius until 21st December, so Full moon phase will be with a Sagittarian Sun shining on to our ego & external selves. Sagittarius is a fire sign & has been adding friendly, open minded philosophical qualities to our month, if we have been able to stop & slow down enough to pick up on it, otherwise you've probably experienced quite the opposite. Sagittarius is of the higher mind, seeing the bigger picture, searching for meaning & ideas to expand upon in the present moment. This sign seeks adventure.


The Sagittarius – Gemini polarity is of the mind, on the mental axis


The Moon in Gemini. Gemini is the sign of the mind, an air sign of communication. So, this moon phase looks a lot like there will be a revelation in communication. Gemini is of the lower mind, so keep thoughts in check. In addition, Gemini is a logical sign & will attempt to see the logic in situations. This sign is quite comfortable in its own surroundings & environment.


The key is to find a mutually agreeable middle ground between these signs. If one outweighs the other, we could experience chaotic imbalance in our lives. To satiate the adventurer with the homebody has a fine line, especially at this time of year. When we are being invited out to Christmas parties or gatherings is great for distraction, but if we feel the pull to stay home, listen to what your body wants. This is an important part of the balancing trick that is opposing signs.


Full Moon is a time of heightened emotion, romance & illumination in our relationships & lives. We will notice how areas of life become more prevalent at this time. Take this as a sign that these areas are in need of attention, particularly if this resonates with the mental axis of Sagittarius – Gemini. This is a time in which we can truly express how we feel. However, anything that comes to our minds, whether that be a new idea, thought or expression is fairly raw & will need some Gemini logic applied before being expressed to others around us. Some ideas will come at us quickly, so try to be mindful of translation & communication with others, as this is a time of taking literally or perhaps the wrong way. Something which is said in haste cannot often be withdrawn without hurt or explanation.


As this is the end of the calendar year, we may feel drawn to complete projects & wrap up the final plans. Perhaps, now is a good time to put off beginning something new, giving time for more thought on the subject. Alongside this, we are being guided to find like- minded folk to talk to. We are encouraged to find an activity that busies the mind, so we do not go into overthinking, creating unnecessary stress. Remember to listen to the body. Going out may help to alleviate stresses & distract from overthinking, but be mindful of needs & a bit of self- care. indulgence can be fun but over-indulgence is not good for either mind or body, find the balance.



planetary influences

There are no other planetary influences on the day of Full Moon, however 12 hours after full phase, Mercury goes direct. Mercury is the governor of Gemini. This could give us extra concentration where we have been lacking of late. However, the likelihood of remnants of retrograde clinging on, are high & could cause emotional aggravation. There could be, not so good news on the way to getting straight with Mercury Direct.

At present & at time of the Full Moon Mercury & Mars are Trine, which means they are aiding each other. This may not bode well, for desired endings in the present moment. Both Mercury & Mars are doer’s & full of action whilst direct, but laid back & disruptive whilst retrograde. This Full Moon & Mercury Direct could highlight something that was assumed was ending, but not in the intended way. It may be that this situation is holding on until Mars comes out of retrograde in February. Be mindful of overthinking, reacting poorly. Try to zone in on lessons learned & wisdom that comes with it.

For now, work on communication with those who are in touch, in whatever manner they are communicating. Be mindful of how communication feels & sounds. Try to express yourself humbly & listen, because hearing someone is precious & listening is a tool which can enhance communication. It helps to avoid any miscommunication & upset.

To round up the end of the Gregorian calendar year, end projects & plan new ones, but avoid starting them just yet. Get rid of old patterns which did not work for your plans in 2024, or wrap up the end of a project which didn’t work out. Re-evaluate & re-plan. Share your thoughts & knowledge with the like-minded. Put the world to rights if you need to, but always listen to your body & give it some YOU time. Spend time with those who resonate with you if you can. Do the things which make your soul sing. Talk to your loved ones & clear the air ready for new year & beyond. Watch your finances & your love life. Distract from overthinking, but not at the cost of self care.


Astronomical events for the coming month. Eyes the skies my lovelies, as this month is going to be quite a show for us stargazers.


15 - Full Moon.


21 - December Solstice.

December solstice at 09:17 UTC. South Pole of earth tilted toward the Sun, having reached its southernmost position, will be directly over the Tropic of Capricorn at 23.44° south latitude. 1st day of winter (winter solstice) Northern Hemisphere; 1st day of summer (summer solstice) Southern Hemisphere.


21, 22 - Ursids Meteor Shower.

Ursids, minor meteor shower producing about 5-10 meteors p/h, by dust grains left behind by comet Tuttle, 1st discovered in 1790. Annua shower December 17-25, peaking nightime 21st - morning of 22nd. A waning gibbous moon blocks fainter meteors this year. However, you should still be able to catch some brighter ones. Best viewing just after midnight, dark location. Meteors radiate from constellation Ursa Minor, appearing anywhere in the sky.


25 - Mercury at Greatest Western Elongation.

Mercury reaches greatest western elongation of 22° from the Sun. Best viewing Mercury at its highest point above the horizon. Look for the planet low in the east just before sunrise.


30 - New Moon.

Moon, located same side of the Earth as the Sun, will not be visible in the night sky. This phase occurs at 22:28 UTC. This is the best time of the month to observe faint objects, galaxies, star clusters as no moonlight interferes.



3, 4 - Quadrantids Meteor Shower.

Quadrantids, an above average shower, up to 40 meteors p/h at peak, is thought created by dust grains left behind by an extinct comet 2003 EH1, discovered in 2003. Annual shower January 1-5, peaking this year nighttime 3rd- morning 4th. A crescent moon sets early evening, leaving dark skies for an excellent shower. Best viewing from a dark location after midnight. Meteors radiate from the constellation Bootes, appearing anywhere in the sky.


10 - Venus at Greatest Eastern Elongation.

Venus reaches greatest eastern elongation of 47.2 ° from the Sun. Best viewing Venus at its highest point above horizon in the western sky after sunset.



13 - Full Moon.

Moon located opposite side of the Earth as the Sun, its face fully illuminated. This phase occurs at 22:28 UTC.


Well, that’s it for this calendar year. I wish you, Above all, A blessed Yuletide, Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, an abundant new year to you all, Merry meet & merry meet again.

Keep an eye open for my new moon article, soon to be released.

Have a blessed couple of weeks. In love, light & all betwixt











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