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Astro: Full Flower Moon in Scorpio

Writer's picture: Sheela AdharSheela Adhar

Updated: Jul 24, 2020

Astro : Full flower moon in Scorpio

Image Credit: NASA

7 May 2020 @11:45 GMT/ 10:45 UTC

Image Credits: The Old Farmers Alamanac

Hail & welcome to this month’s Astro: Full Flower Moon in Scorpio article which will bring you this month’s moon names, a non-bias list of religious and spiritual observances, full moon astrology and the coming month’s astronomical events. Grab a cup or glass of something you like and take a comfy seat. Join me now on my journeying. Take a moment to digest each section of this article, as it has so much to share with you.

Our beautiful celestial satellite will enter full phase on 7 May @ 11:45 GMT/ 10:45 UTC.. This month the Sun sits in Earthy, dependable Taurus and the Moon directly opposite in the fixed watery sign of Scorpio, bringing in deep transformative energies which I will be discussing further. We are meandering through the ‘Season of Bright Blossom’ in which the fire festival of Beltane has already ignited the natural principles of the feminine & masculine into joyous communion. It is a season of intoxicating, energetic loving & sharing with the Mother Earth. A time in which we should put our energies into green, ecological, earthly projects in honour of the Mother Earth’s joy and perseverance, in order to give us life and sustenance freely. It is a time to discover love of ourselves, for who we are, what we do and sharing this with the world. We are really entering our own heartspace here and clearing the negative to allow for the flow of love to enter into our existence and out into the world to inspire others. The message this month encourages us to go beyond our safe limits for the sake of what is sacred to us.

To begin, I would like to tell you a little about the naming of this month’s Moon…

Naming of the Moons

Image credits: Hare,

Native American names for this full moon are Flower Moon due to the resurgence of flowers during this season, in addition to Milk moon, Hare Moon, Grass Moon. Montana tribes called this moon the Idle Moon. Native North Canadian people call this moon the Goose Moon. For the Chinese this month’s moon is also known as the Dragon Moon. The Dragon is a symbol of Water but also of the Royal family, particularly the Emperors. The British Celtic and Medieval names for this moon are Mother’s Moon and Bright Moon. In Druidic tradition we are in the month of the Willow until May 12th when we enter the month of the Oak. This moon is known to be masculine in nature, known as the moon of strength and moon of security. The Bear Moon. The aspects it carries are indicative of all purpose magick for men and fidelity.The Coligny calendar names this moon as the bright time, simivionios. In India we remain in the month of Vaisaka until New Moon  on May 22nd, when we enter the month of Jyeshtha which celebrates Vata Purnima and Jyeshtha Purnima. This is an important month for the Hindu calendar relating to Maa Savitri and her virtues as a devote wife, her dedication to her biological and marital families. She is the representation of eternal wifehood in the Hindu religion. Savitri chose her own husband based on his virtuosity. However, she was informed by a sage that her future husband would die within a year. Armed with this knowledge, she married him regardless and nonetheless devoted her life to her husband and his family. Nearing the date of her husbands predicted death, Savitri made offerings to the deity of fire. On the day of his death, She accompanied her husband gathering firewood. Satyawan grew tired in the forest, laid his head on the lap of his wife and fell to sleep. Yama the god of death appeared in the forest and took Satyawan’s soul. Savitri followed Yama and although she was told to return to her husbands body to perform the death rites, she refused to leave her husband’s soul, saying that she should go with him wherever he went.

A series of discussions ensued between Yama and Savitri. She was the faithful devoted wife, loyal to her family and to her husband’s family, sacrificing herself for them. Yama granted her several wishes. None permitted the return of her husband. Savitri requested vision, strength and radiance for her father in law and the return of his kingdom, which had been lost to him; 100 children for her father, so that he would be cared for and protected because she was no longer there; 100 courageous children for herself. This last wish was the only one for herself.

A fifth wish was granted after she spoke righteously to Yama. Savitri explained that without her husband, there would be no children for her. Yama granted her wish, foretold of Satyawan’s good health, fulfilled desires and that they would live together for 400 years, during which time Satyawan would become righteous and famous as well as father 100 children with Savitri.

After offering her gratitude for Yama’s grace, Savitri returned to her husbands body, laid his head on her lap and watched as Satyawan’s life returned slowly to his body until he woke.

On this day of observance bathing , meditation, fasting and deeds of virtue are performed by Hindu devotees. In particular, Married women worship the Banyan tree and listen to the story of Vrat. Maa Savitri is worshipped whilst taking 7 rounds of the Banyan tree, wrapping a Molly around the tree.

Image Credit: FreePress

Non bias list of religious & spiritual observances

1 May (Friday) BELTAINE/MAY EVE - Wiccan / Pagan

The wheel of the year continues to turn and fertile spring yields to the height of summer. Many pagans celebrate Beltaine by lighting fires and leaping over them, and/or with maypole dances, symbolizing the mystery of the Sacred Marriage of Goddess and God.

7 May (Thursday) VESAKHA PUJA / WESAK / BUDDHA DAY - Buddhist

Wesak is the biggest of Buddhist festivals. Theravadins celebrate the birth, enlightenment   and final passing away of Gautama Buddha. Mahayanists have separate days for each of them, and on Bodhi Day celebrate the enlightenment of the Buddha. Houses are decorated with lanterns and garlands, and temples are ringed with little oil lamps.

10 May (Sunday) – 16 May (Saturday) CHRISTIAN AID WEEK - Christian

Initiated in 1945, this fund raising week raises money for work with the needy throughout the world; mainly done by house to house collections and sales of goods of various kinds.

12 May (Tuesday) LAG B'OMER - Jewish

The Omer lasts 49 days from Pesach to Shavuot. A time of sadness, it is relieved on the 33rd day. It recalls the end of a plague in Roman times.


This commemorates the night in 610 CE when the Prophet Muhammad received his first visit from the angel Jibril (Gabriel) and his revelation of the Qur’an.

21 May (Thursday) ASCENSION DAY (40th day after Easter) - Christian (Western Churches)

This day commemorates the last earthly appearance of the Risen Christ, who, according to Christian belief, ascended into heaven in the presence of many witnesses.


The Bab heralded the arrival of Baha’ullah, co-founder of the Baha’i faith. He first declared his mission in Persia in 1844. He inaugurated the Baha’i calendar which numbers itself from the year of this declaration.

23 May (Saturday) ZARATOSHT NO DISO Zoroastrian (Shahenshahi; Parsi) [26 December (Tuesday) - (Iranian)]

This is the death anniversary of the Prophet Zarathushtra. It is customary to visit the Fire Temple, ponder upon the Gathas, the Hymns of Zarathushtra, which embody his eternal message to humanity.

24 May (Sunday) EID-UL-FITR/FEAST OF FAST BREAKING (1st Shawwal) - Muslim

This is a time - once fasting of Ramadan is complete - for making gifts to the poor. It is especially a time for new clothes, good food, and presents for children. Families get together and contact friends, especially those who live far away. The community assembles for Eid prayer and a sermon at its mosques. The traditional greeting is ‘Eid Mubarak’ – ‘a happy and blessed Eid’.


Commemorates the death of Baha’u’llah at Bahji, near Acre, in 1892. Baha’is face this shrine when praying

28 May (Thursday) ASCENSION DAY (40th day after Easter) - Christian (Orthodox Churches)

Commemorates the last earthly appearance of the Risen Christ, according to Christian belief.

29 May (Friday) - 30 May (Saturday) SHAVUOT / THE FEAST OF WEEKS / PENTECOST) - Jewish

Seven weeks after Pesach, Shavuot celebrates the revelation of the Torah on Mount Sinai

31 May (Sunday) PENTECOST / WHIT SUNDAY - Christian (Western Churches)

Pentecost, when the disciples of Jesus first proclaimed the Gospel . Seen as the ‘birthday’ of the Church.  


Image Credits: Unknown artist; found on Pinterest

The Moon enters full phase in Scorpio at 10:45 UTC/ 11:45 GMT on 7 May. The moon represents our inner feelings, emotions, internal image, intuition. Supermoon amplifies the energies of the Moon, which sits in Scorpio. Scorpio is deeply transformative and wants to destroy the norm and what is deceiving us, to reveal truth. There is an intensity with Scorpio moon to see through the falsities of others. Intuition and awareness is likely to peak with this moon phase and into the next two weeks until New Moon on 22nd May. Scorpio wants us to flow within the waters of our souls to rid ourselves of preconditioned thought patterns and learned habits which do not serve us well. We are being encouraged to fully purge what we do not want to carry through to the next phase of life, in an attempt to make space for what we have envisioned. Thinking deeply, delving into our hearts and minds to align, gaining clear visions of a pathway to the future which holds space for our highest and most authentic self. What we release now must remain released, so be clear. fully release whatever it is and completely move away from it. It no longer serves our higher purpose, whether that refers to people, fear, addiction, places, whatever this last Supermoon pulls from of us!

In opposition to the Moon in Scorpio, we have a Taurean Sun. Here there is a need to find the balance which steady Taurus wants for us. This is going to be a tough love moon of personal values. With Taurean energies pulling us toward home comforts, love of simplicity and material possession, Scorpio will pull us out of the comfort zone encouraging us to break from what we know, transform and draw our attention to unveiling the truth, regardless of how harsh that may be! Neglecting either of these energies will ultimately tip the scales in favour of one more than the other, so the trick is balance! Finding our affirmations of truth and reconciling personal values, in releasing negativity which has been building momentum, by analysing and standing aside from fear and the untruths we tell ourselves, is where we will find it. Release can be very difficult and trying. It may have taken many attempts to rid ourselves what causes us damage, because of our need and want to hold on to the memory of it, for whatever reason. Know that a lesson is taken from all of our experiences and with that lesson learned, we should release it and move on. This moon is the ultimate moon for mental emancipation. You know the score, what we want versus what we need to let go of to move forward, one step at a time. Allow the mind to seek the truth and sit with it for a while. We may find our dreams and meditations bringing messages, listen to them, write them down, research them. What part of the unveiling sits right with your soul? Work on that, do more research, learn. This is the shift and it may seem overwhelming with Scorpio moon, but it evolves our state of being and is part of our great journeying of universal alignment and truth. So whatever you feel, FEEL it now. Grieve, cry, sob, cry out, talk to a friend, light a candle in honour, release and make space. A weight is being lifted from your shoulders but you need to let go of what is holding it in place.

There is a saving grace to cushion this sense of urgency, purgation and expurgation. It is found in the planetary aspects (planetary relationships) made to the moon during this phase. This means that the planets align with the moon in such a way that they influence the scene which has just been set. With Pluto Rx (retrograde/ as if moving backwards/ slowing down from the planets stronger influences) there is an ease in what seems harsh with this moon phase. Nevertheless the deeds still need to be completed. Mercury sextile (60˚) Neptune brings in a positive aspect to this phase. Communication is bang on! We will openly converse about the ideal world and how we can make necessary changes to achieve this vision. We will remain highly sensitive to others and to certain environments. In turn this will help us to be understanding, sympathetic and intuitive around others. Trust your instincts. We have the ability within us to communicate our need and wants and to understand those of others around us, in a sensitive way. With a calming and healing influence, we can reduce painful pangs in our relationships. Mercury opposite Full moon signals that communication is an open channel! Tap into it for the great reveal. This is a good time for creativity and spiritual pursuits whether that be drawing, painting, astrology, tarot, channelling, yoga, meditation, poetry, literature, lucid dreaming, the list goes on. The door is wide open and ready to transmit to you in whichever way you choose.

Veritas Liberabit Vos, the truth will set you free!


May 7 - Full Moon, Supermoon. 

The Moon’s location on the opposite side of the Earth as the Sun means Its face will be will be fully illuminated. This phase occurs at 10:45 UTC/ 11:45 GMT. This is the last of four supermoons for 2020. The Moon will be near its closest approach to the Earth and may look larger and brighter than usual.

May 22 - New Moon. 

The Moon’s location on the same side of the Earth as the Sun means the night sky will be void of the moon. This phase occurs at 17:39 UTC/ 18:35 GMT. No moonlight will interfere with viewing of faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters .

Image Credits:

May 23 - Comet Atlas. 

Newly discovered comet Atlas closest approach to Earth at a distance of 72 million miles (116 million kilometers). The following month's, will see the comet brighten, potentially making it the 2nd brightest object in the night sky alongside moon.

June 4 - Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation.

Mercury reaches greatest eastern elongation . Best time to view Mercury above the horizon low in the western evening sky.

June 5 - Full Moon. The Moon’s location on the opposite side of the Earth as the Sun. Its face will be will be fully illuminated. This phase occurs at 19:12 UTC/ 20:12 GMT.

June 5 - Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. 

A penumbral lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes through the Earth's partial shadow, or penumbra. The Moon will darken slightly but not completely. Visible throughout most of Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, the Indian Ocean, and Australia.

Well now, That's an awful lot to digest isn't it? Take a moment to re-read if you need to. It is important to allow the information we receive to be held in a place of love, trust and honour. My gratitude to you all for joining me on this journey. It is my absolute pleasure to bring you these articles at Full & New Moon.

Blessings of love & gratitude from my heart to yours





Beth, R. 2003, The Hedge Witches Way, Robert Hale Ltd, London.

Romani, R. 2004. Green Spirituality. Green Magic, Somerset.

Online resources:

Image Credits are shown at foot of image

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