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Astro: Full flower Moon in Scorpio, Annular Lunar Eclipse

Writer's picture: Sheela AdharSheela Adhar

Astro Full Moon Annular Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio

5 May 2023 @ 18:34 UTC

All Hail & welcome to Full Flower Moon Annular Lunar Eclipse in deeply transformative Scorpio. The Sun is in the opposite sign of steady, Earthy Taurus. This May’s full moon phase is an annular eclipse which basically means that the Moon is at apogee/ furthest away point from the Earth, as such does not totally eclipse the Sun, however it covers most of the surface leaving a ring of fire visible, known as an annulus. This Full Moon will carry a huge amount of powerful energy which will highlight the Scorpio- Taurus polarities of; mine v yours; form v transformation; security v change & destruction leading to transformation. The Scorpio-Taurus axis is a financial axis, which began with a series of eclipses from November 2021 & ends in October 2023.

Fair warning, this is a longer read than usual, so park ya broom, grab a cuppa, put ya feet up & enjoy the journeying...

Naming the Moons

This months names for the full May moon originate in many different geographical areas & reflect a variety of ecological & agricultural events. The Native American names for the May full moon are Flower Moon, Milk Moon, Hare Moon and Grass Moon. The Montana tribes named this moon the Idle Moon. In Canada it is known by the name of Goose Moon. In China it is the Dragon Moon. In India we are still in the month of Vaisakha, until 6 May when we will meander into the auspicious month of Jyeshtha. The British Celtic Medieval names for this moon vary according to your persuasion, two of those names are Mother’s Moon & Bright Moon. The Druidic Ogham has us in the month of the Hawthorn, Huath. This is a masculine moon also known as the Moon of Restraint, Moon of Hindrance or Summer Moon. With this full moon come the aspects of fertility, peace, prosperity & binding, making this a good time for magic designed for these aspects.


Full Moon

Full Moon is a time for harvesting our intentions which began at New Moon. Full phase is an emotional time for sensuality, relationships & productivity. As we are gathering in our well earned rewards, we are faced with the qualities of Sun in Taurus opposing a Scorpio Moon, with huge potentiality from a Lunar eclipse which will deeply affect our emotional stability & how we perceive some of our personal relationships, including our connection to money. Our beautiful celestial satellite goes into full phase on 5th May 2023 at 18:34 UTC. The moon will be in the sign of watery Scorpio, ushering in deep emotional & spiritual transformation, intense sensuality & heightened instincts. The Sun is in the Earthy stable sign of Taurus & will shine a light on the sensual you, all things Earth appreciative, as well as lending a steady hoof to transform relationships with ourselves & those close to us, in addition to relationships with finances.

Sun in Taurus. Taurus is an Earth sign which encompasses grounding, patience, generosity, security, devotion & sensuality. This sign is a real powerhouse keeping a steady hoof & heartbeat of calm practicality, which helps to get done the job done. This energy will help us with those areas or situations which illuminate during this phase & the month ahead.

Moon in Scorpio

Scorpio is represented by 2 iconic beings. The first being that of the Scorpion, who sheds its skin, representing endings & new beginnings & the 2nd being that of the Phoenix, who rises from the ashes, representing our transcendence to our highest potential. So, we are looking at peeling back the layers in our relationships, in order to truly examine our actions, reactions, feelings & emotions toward all the things. We may need to shed some aspects in order to rise to fullness. We are experiencing the death & rebirth of a life cycle. Everything has cycles & none of our relationships are exceptions. It is time to weigh up pro’s & cons of any connections which are highlighted by this Full Moon, by peeling back the layers & taking a good look at motives, what is acceptable & what is no longer good for us. It could be a friendship, family, relationship to ourselves, finances, which may need improvement or release. This is a big ask, I know, a need to acknowledge the ending of a cycle & take action is a life changing manoeuvre.

This eclipse is along the financial axis, so money will be highlighted in one way or another.

Moon in Scorpio is deeply emotionally transformative. This Scorpio Moon is going to dig deeper than many others have dared. Our relationships with ourself & those closest to us will come under the microscope, if they haven't already showed signs of needing closer inspection. Scorpio Moon penetrates with such an intensity & asks us to face the deepest emotional details of our lives & relationships. We are being encouraged to think about what goodness we wish to have in relationships to self & those closest, in terms of how we feel, listen & understand within those connections.

Think about how personal connections feel; good, bad, unsure?


What personal deep inner investigation can lead to the change we need within ourselves right now? (Our relationship with self & reactions to those closest to us; how we feel, act & react to certain connections)

Which relationships need improving? ( which connections have been playing out recently?)

Which relationships can be transformed? ( Is there room & capacity for improvement?)

Is this relationship benefiting my life? (Does it make me feel good, bad or unsure?)

Has this relationship travelled its course?

Which connections need to be released?

I know there are a lot of questions to ask. Remember, this is deep work needing to be taken that step further to benefit us in terms of safety, security, stability & trust.

Hold on to ya hats loves as this could be a roller-coaster of a Moon phase as it is the sister to our last New moon annular eclipse in Aries!

Full Moon annular eclipse in Scorpio is the sister eclipse to the Aries-Libra annular eclipse in April 2023. Last year we had a similar Full Moon in Scorpio opposite a Taurus Sun which was a Total Lunar eclipse. The effects were pretty strong, as you can imagine. Think back to November 2021, when this series of eclipses began to develop right up to last May 2022 when we had a similar eclipse to the one we are experiencing now, or check your journals for what was happening or what occurred during these dates & what has been developing for us to date. This will help in recognising themes & changes we were wanting to make in our lives.

We began this years eclipse season with a New Moon Solar eclipse along the Aries-Libra axis last month, which indicated our personal courage & independence, taking steps toward self mastery into our authentic nature. Being true to who we really are is important at any point of life, really stepping up can mean a lot of soul searching & acknowledging our personal obstructive traits which tend to hold us back. We were being encouraged to be assertive & have a strong focus on new beginnings. We are all aware that to make space for the new, old ‘stuff’ has to be released & we must be prepared for this ritual purpose. We were being encouraged to re-evaluate our relationship with ourselves & make those all important changes we need for our own benefit. This axis brings about a realisation around how we manage/ commit to our relationships with ‘all’ the things we have in our lives including & especially finances, love & familial relationships. April’s Solar eclipse was highly charged & proactive.


What new venture/hobby/change have I been implementing into my life?

How well is that going for me right now?

Am I en’joy’ing this newness?

Is this changing my life & benefiting me in a positive way?

Is this affecting others around me, if so how? (positively/negatively)

This month’s lunar eclipse is intense & emotional. If you have been feeling out of kilter, this is probably why, The Scorpio Full Moon is not only hugely transformative, but deeply sensual too. Scorpio takes us deep into our psyche, shadow & all that creates depth in our sensual self. Our relationship with ourself is the most important relationship we can have. We must create a safe, happy, acceptable, evolving & joyfully creative relationship within our own sphere if we are to be happy externally, with others in our lives. It boils down to how we treat ourselves as a given marker of how we want others to treat us. Of course this is not only self preserving but also indicative of what we accept into our lives. It does not mean that everyone else will be on the same page as us. Some will act out of their own darkness & that is ok. This says more about someone else’s own healing journey if they are upset by the progress we make as individuals. This is how Full moon illuminates areas that need our attention.

The Taurus-Scorpio axis is a financial one. So if finances have played a big part of the evolving nature of this eclipse series, it will surely be highlighted again during this full moon. It is imperative given the times we are in to have a healthy relationship with finances, but that can be very difficult. Sometimes it’s a good idea to see where money is bleeding out, to regain control & reign in the expenditure.


How is my relationship with money?

Have I learned to live within my means?

Am I in control of the money I have or is it controlling me?

Are my money ventures aligned with who I am becoming?

Everything about this eclipse corridor has been there to make us feel uncomfortable with those relationships we feel are in need of attention, recreation, advice, or release. We are being encouraged to create a self-sustainable environment & future for ourselves to abide in. One that we are happy to be ourselves in, rather than being stressed, in need of approval from external sources or feeling the need to prove ourselves.

We may have been broaching subjects which aren’t readily discussed & we may have been feeling this on a very deep personal level, that change in our perspectives are a good thing for us to continue evolving.

As this is the penultimate Scorpio eclipse, we will feel the movement toward closure from transforming our stability, security & resources into the Aries-Libra arena of connections with others. So it’s a great time for a final release, as we tend to what has been illuminated by this Full moon.

Planetary aspects

The Moon is in Scorpio. Opposite the Moon there is quite a line up happening in Taurus. Taurus is all about a steady, trustful, loving look at what is at hand, in addition to comfort & love of money. Reminder: Taurus - Scorpio axis is financial.

In this line up of planets in Taurus we have….

Mercury in retrograde in Taurus - we may experience inertia. This is why many of us have been feeling a little stuck. Remember that Mercury rules communication, travel, business so the likelihood of any of these aspects going awry is high.

Uranus in Taurus - Uranus is the planet of chaos, progress & change. Known as the maverick of the Zodiac, infamous for freedom or breaking free, intuitive bolts from the blue. liberation & destruction of traditional ways. Uranus is where you dare to be different & not care what others think. It encourages the breaking of barriers. In Taurus this is all about self sufficiency. It may mean that we experience the Iniquitesness of someone else’s life or plans or perhaps see that the way we are doing something is not quite as good as it could be & change is required. Power struggles could be a problem.

North Node in Taurus - Highlights areas of neglect. This could indicate relationships which are in need of TLC or perhaps finances are being taken for granted & not put to the best use. Pay attention to anything relating to both areas & act accordingly to address the situation.

Jupiter enters Taurus - Suddenly rules & regulations come into the situation. It may indicate a whole swathe of people affected; finances, government, expansion. On a personal note, this could indicate us setting healthy boundaries around our relationships & finances.

Pluto in retrograde - Pluto has moved into Aquarius, beginning a new Plutonian cycle. Pluto is Scorpio’s governor & it is in retrograde, Square Jupiter (just moving into Taurus). Pluto, lord of the Underworld rules the cycles of death & rebirth, intense transformation, shedding that which no longer serves, in favour of the tangible, endings & new beginnings. In retrograde, Pluto encourages us to look inward at our shadow selves’ relationships to power, money, control, motivations, old wounds & the purging of them. Resistance is futile, going with this flow will help to ;acknowledge & release; surrender to a life changing transformation. The Pluto retrograde will affect us on a global & personal level, helping us to tune into change.


Eyes to the skies for the Eta Aquarids this month!

May 5 - Full Moon.

Moon located opposite side of the Earth as Sun, its face fully illuminated. Phase occurs at 17:36 UTC.

May 5 - Penumbral Lunar Eclipse.

Penumbral lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes through the Earth's partial shadow, or penumbra. The Moon will darken slightly . Eclipse is visible throughout all of Asia and Australia, parts of eastern Europe & eastern Africa.

May 5, 6 - Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower.

Eta Aquarids is an above average shower, producing up to 60 meteors per hour. Mostly visible in Southern Hemisphere. Northern Hemisphere, rate reaches approximately 30 meteors per hour, produced by dust particles left behind by comet Halley, observed since ancient times. Shower runs annually from 19 April - 28 May, peaking this year 5-6 May. An almost full moon will be problematic, blocking out all but the brightest meteors. Best viewing will be from a dark location after midnight. Meteors radiate from constellation Aquarius, appearing anywhere in the sky.

May 19 - New Moon.

Moon located on same side of the Earth as Sun, will not be visible in the sky. Phase occurs at 15:55 UTC. Best time of month for observing faint objects galaxies, star clusters as no moonlight will interfere.

May 29 - Mercury at Greatest Western Elongation.

Mercury at greatest western elongation of 24.9 degrees from the Sun. Best time to view Mercury at its highest point above the horizon in the morning sky. Look low in the eastern sky just before sunrise.

June 1, 2 - Mars in the Beehive.

Planet Mars will pass through the beehive cluster in the sign of Cancer. This is an open cluster of asteroids. Mars can be seen with good pair of binoculars or a telescope, near the cluster on 1-2 June.

June 4 - Full Moon.

Well! This is a real opener of an eclipse as we realise, acknowledge & release. Thank you for joining me on this journeying through the cosmic tides & all they have on offer to us. Blessings to you all for the next few weeks of traversing the waves. May you navigate well & see true.

Join me again on or closer to May’s New Strawberry Moon on 19th May 2023. You are most welcome.

In love, light & all betwixt




Adhar. S, 2022,




The Old Farmers Almanac


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