Astro Full Flower Super Blood moon in Sagittarius
26 May 2021
@12:13 UTC
All hail & welcome to this month’s Astro Full Moon article in which we will be journeying through the cosmic alliances & oppositions, navigating our way through the meandering astrological & astronomical energies which we will be in receipt of over the next couple of weeks. How we receive these energies is almost entirely up to us. I find a good Astro heads up is always a helpful way to prepare for cosmic waves. We will discuss the international phenomenon of naming the moons, followed by non-bias dates of spiritual & religious observation/ celebrations for your diary. We will then begin our astrological journey through the stars & planetary influences for this full moon & into the next 2 weeks, until New Moon, followed by a calendar of astronomical events for your ‘eyes to the skies’ viewing over the coming month. This Month sees the largest Supermoon of the year & a blood Moon eclipse to boot! So let’s get set for some real scorching energy release. Lets be prepared to have our arms out, heart open & ready to receive!
Naming the Moon
Indigenous American names for this full moon are Flower Moon, Milk moon, Hare Moon, Grass Moon. Montana tribes called this moon the Idle Moon. Native North Canadian peoples call this moon the Goose Moon. For the Chinese, this month’s moon is also known as the Dragon Moon. The Dragon being not only a symbol of the Water but also of the Royal family, particularly the Emperors. The British Celtic and Medieval names for this moon are Mother’s Moon and Bright Moon. In Druidic tradition we are in the month of the Hawthorn until early June when we traverse to Oak. The Hawthorn moon is known for its powers of chastity, strength, protection, caution, happiness & relaxation. Hawthorns’ ruling planet is masculine Mars & its element is Fire. It is one part of the sacred triad of Oak, Ash & Thorn. Thorn being the tree of enchantment & magic, Is also associated with the realms of the Fae. The Coligny calendar names this moon as the bright time, simivionios. In India we are in the month Vaishka & will move into the auspicious month of Jyeshtha at new moon.
Non-bias spiritual & religious celebrations & observances
28 May Anniversary Of The Ascension Of Baha’U’Llah - Baha’i
Commemoration of the death of Baha’u’llah at Bahji, near Acre, in 1892. His shrine has become the direction towards which all Baha’is face when praying.
30 May - Trinity Sunday - Christian (Western Churches)
On Trinity Sunday, Christians reflect on the mystery of God, who is seen as One but is understood in and through God, the Father, God, the Son, and God, the Holy Spirit.
3 June - Day of Thanksgiving for the institution of Holy Communion - Christian (Anglican) Also known as Corpus Christi
Corpus Christi (The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ) - Christian (Roman Catholic)
A day recalling the act of Jesus performing the celebration of Holy Communion/ Mass/ Eucharist.
10 June - Ascension Day (40th day after Easter) - Christian (Orthodox Churches)
Commemoration of the last earthly appearance of the Risen Christ. According to Christian belief, Jesus ascended into heaven in the presence of many witnesses.
14 June - Dragon Boat Festival / Duanwujie / Tuan Yang Chieh - Chinese
Great dragon boat races take place between long rowing boats shaped like dragons.
16 June - Martyrdom Of Guru Arjan Dev (1606) - Sikh
Fifth Guru was executed, ordered by the Moghul Emperor, Jehangir, for refusing to pay a fine from a charge of treason. Guru Arjan made the first compilation of the Sikh Scriptures, the Adi Granth, supervising the completion the Golden Temple in Amritsar. A gurpurb is held on this day, including an akhand path.
20 June - Pentecost - Christian (Orthodox Churches)
Important Christian festival in the Christian year, Pentecost is often seen as the ‘birthday’ of the Church, since this is when the disciples of Jesus first proclaimed the Gospel after receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit. It is named after the Jewish festival day on which this event happened.
21 June - Midsummer Solstice - Litha Wiccan / Pagan
21 June - Summer Solstice (Alban Heruin or Alban Hefin) - Druid
Summer solstice is the festival of Midsummer, sometimes called Litha. The light of the sun is at the height of its power. It is a time of plenty and celebration.
21 June - World Humanist Day - National
Humanist holiday is celebrated annually around the world on the June solstice. It is seen as a time for Humanists to gather socially to promote the positive values of Humanism. Methods of celebration are individual, but some groups do socially interact with rituals, music & events which highlight the celebration.
21 June - Midsummer Day - National
One of the four Quarter Days in the UK legal calendar.
The Sun moved into airy Gemini on 20th May. Gemini is the sign of twins who will escort us right up to Summer solstice/ Litha. We step out of laid back Taurean energy & straight into a fast paced witty Gemini energy, which offers us speed in our pace, freedom, flirtatiousness & a step into the realms of love & money. May & June are the months of potency, opening portals & some heavy planetary manoeuvres, which will make this the most revolutionary month of the year. We may experience some challenges but remember that these moments are sent to test us. It is in how we respond & react to what occurs which holds the key to outcome. Challenges often precede change & reward of some sort. Gemini sun brings the air of curiosity, change, emotional attunement, motivation & wisdom. There may also be a feeling of adventurousness thrumming through our senses right now. Our emotions, spiritual, physical & social traits will seem to come easier to us, as Jupiter has now moved into Pisces, bringing expansive flow into our creative ventures. In addition, Gemini is ruled by Mercury who is also preparing to go into retrograde motion 29th May, more on that later. Gemini Sun moves opposite a Sagittarius Moon.
Full moon is a time of heightening desires & fruition of what we may have begun at new moon. On this occasion however, we need to refer back to what we began during the first part of 2020, as this Full Moon is the last in the cycle which began in May 2020. Now, this may be a conundrum for some of us due to lockdown & restrictions, but as I have mentioned, it is down to how we perceive & react that is most important in the preparation for this Full Moon. Ask yourself what began during this part of 2020, which brought you happiness & joy? How far have you come with this new aspect of self & life? Do you still find joy & happiness in this venture? We may find ourselves ready to release this part of ourselves or to release something else in order to forge forward with this pathway. This is what Full Moon is expecting of us. A huge release or expansion in this area of our lives. Sagittarius offers us the ability to aim our arrows in the direction we wish to be travelling in. The downside is that we cannot be exact as to where this arrow lands during blood Moon, but be sure that wherever we find ourselves after this eclipse, it is exactly where the universe wants us to be. Connecting to Sagittarius’ positive mindset & concentrating on our visualisations, we will be guided to expand the abundance of this vision, and so manifestation continues to blossom through our cosmic connectivity.
Blood Moon occurs when a totally eclipsed moon passes through the Earth's Umbra (shadow) . As a result, a refraction of the Sun's rays , the moon takes on a reddish hue, hence the name 'Blood Moon'.
But wait !! This is no ordinary Full Sagittarian Moon! This is the first eclipse of 2021! in Astrology , an eclipse is always the harbinger of changing directions & explosive emotions, drastic changes in weather & manoeuvring amongst authoritative institutions . If we can adopt Sagittarius’ adventurousness, confident aim & hopeful approach, we will be able to journey through the eclipse revelations & concentrate our broad spectrum visions & those things which are within our sphere of control. The last time we experienced a Full Super Blood moon was in January 2019, so this is a rare cosmic event. As the Moon moves through the Earth’s Umbra (shadow) we will be gifted with witnessing a reddish hue to this eclipsed lunation, thus the name blood moon. However, only some of us will be able to view this event if seen from Australia, parts of the western US, western South America, and in South-East Asia. This does not reduce its potency to those of us unable to be in full visual receipt of this event. In fact Full Blood Moon has been seen as the opener of portals, shifting & transforming that which is in need of attention & movement. We may find we release something quite profound from our lives or we may find that a path has been cleared for us! Eclipse has a tendency of placing us where we are supposed to be, even if we find this to be a challenge or not exactly where we thought we ought to be. This is where preparation is key. We need to be in the heartspace, a place of trust to accept these changes & in the knowledge that whatever is occurring carries messages from the universe for us to release & evolve into a higher state of consciousness. These are big motions which bring our spiritual, physical & emotional aspects on leaps & bounds. Remember to honour the space you have been in & to honour the space in which you are moving into. As the moon moves in & out of shadow, we are still capable of setting intentions & being part of a new adventure. receive in love & gratitude.
Deep emotions will be stirred during this phase & revelations or secrets may arise. We can use this information in a transformative manner to create positive changes in our lives. We may find a sudden clarity to our journeying & awaken to something new. Let us not forget that to receive the new, we must make space by releasing that which no longer serves purpose to our pathways. The emotional uprising at this phase may find some of us off kilter. If so, take time to give space where needed & for as long as is needed.
Planetary influences on Full Blood Moon eclipse in Sagittarius.
With Full Blood Moon Eclipse in full swing, we can expect the more deviant side of each planetary aspect to show its face. We have lots of squares (hard aspects) in play in addition to retrograde (slowing down) planets, so hold on to yer hats & brooms, this could be a bumpy ride! For some of us this will be extremely taxing & for others a walk in the park….let us meet in the middle somewhere more forgiving by being prepared.
The word ‘retrograde’ derives from Greek, meaning ‘wanderer’. All planets cycle, revolving around the Sun, whilst continuously cycling through the 12 constellations of the zodiac. Each phase of the cycle is known as ‘direct’ (moving through), stationary (in shadow/ preparing to move one way or the other), Retrograde (optical illusion of moving back in the direction it came from). Each Planet represents an aspect of us, our life, personality, ego, inner us, otherwise known as personality traits. In astrology a retrograde planet is referred to by writing Rx .
Mercury Square Neptune. Mercury rules Sagittarius, so is in full play for this phase. Mercury goes Rx 29th May, which means a slowing down of Mercurial influence. Retrograde gives the planet a moment to pause or slow down and as such the influence it has on each of us. This square is not always particularly alarming, however, under the influence of the Full Super Blood Moon we can expect insecurities, confusion & misunderstanding to raise their heads. Contorted thinking can lead to huge misinterpretations. Speaking with clarity & in truth, listening with patience & discernment will help in these proceedings. If in need, take legal advice before committing to anything, but also be absolutely sure that you have done all the necessary back up work needed to move forward. Mercury is allowing us to slow down & reminding us to double check everything. In addition, put up protection against social & spiritual vampires!
Venus Square Neptune. Venus rules love & finances. Expect a heightening need of softness & compassion. Be aware of romantic & unrealistic ideation, wearing rose tinted glasses is running the risk of disappointment & hurt further on. Trust is key to success in relationships rather than allowing it to become a concern. Not a good time for secrets as Full Blood Moon will out most of these issues inevitably. Watch for feelings of low personal value & insecurity, which may arise. It is imperative to remind ourselves that someone else’ vision of us may have more to do with them, rather than reality & us as an individual.
With both Mercury & Venus Square Neptune we can expect to experience confusion, deception, getting the wrong side of a situation or person, within the parameters of communication, thought, love life, finances, health, fitness & business.
Saturn Rx Square Uranus. Saturn turned Rx on 23 May. Saturn is the taskmaster of the zodiac who likes us to see things for what they are & to give our best to the job in hand to gain future success. The King of Karma, this planet delivers discipline ordinarily, but in Rx we can feel as though we have no boundaries as personal limitations lack the power to inflict caution where necessary. With Saturn Square Uranus, we can expect unexpected changes & restrictions as well as finding it difficult to make decisions which welcome change. This can be a frustrating time. Remember to double check everything! It does not have to be so difficult if we prepare our awareness, remain open-minded, flexible & patient. What seems a challenge can be transformed into an opportunity in order to be free from limitations & restrictions.
Pluto Rx April - October - One of three Planets in retrograde (slowing) during this Full Moon Eclipse phase. Pluto is the Planet of transformation, death & rebirth, who asks us to take a long hard look at our shadow, shedding layers, revisiting old wounds in an attempt to heal. This energy which was rife last year will be in slowmo until October.
May 26 - Total Lunar Eclipse. Total lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes completely through the Earth's shadow, umbra. The Moon will gradually get darker, taking on a reddish hue. Eclipse is visible throughout the Pacific Ocean, parts of eastern Asia, Japan, Australia, western North America.
June 10 - New Moon. The Moon will located on the same side of the Earth as the Sun and will not be visible in the night sky. This phase occurs at 10:54 UTC. Best time of month for observation of faint objects, galaxies & star clusters.
June 10 - Annular Solar Eclipse. Annular solar eclipse occurs when the Moon is too far away from Earth to completely obscure the Sun. Results are a ring of light around the darkened Moon. Sun's corona is not visible during an annular eclipse. The path of this eclipse will cover, extreme eastern Russia, the Arctic Ocean, western Greenland, and Canada. A partial eclipse will be visible in the north-eastern United States, Europe, and most of Russia.
June 21 - June Solstice. The June solstice occurs at 03:21 UTC. North Pole of the earth is tilted toward the Sun, which reaches its northernmost position, directly over the Tropic of Cancer at 23.44 degrees north latitude. 1st day of summer (summer solstice) in the Northern Hemisphere, 1st day of winter (winter solstice) in the Southern Hemisphere.
June 24 - Full Moon, Supermoon.
So we come to the end of an epic Astro article. Take some time to absorb what I have written & perhaps revisit parts of this article which resonate with you. Sit with & listen to what comes to you & gently feel into it & work at a pace that is comfortable for you.
A Blessed Full Super Blood Moon to you all. I hope I have given you an idea of how to navigate these tremendous cosmic energies. My gratitude for joining me on this journeying through the cosmos & beyond. Please join me again for Astro: New Moon in Gemini around 10th June.
In gratitude, love, light & all betwixt
Adhar S. 2020, EarthPathways Diary 2021,, Earthpathways co-operative, Gloucestershire, UK.