Astro Full Harvest Moon in Pisces
10 September 2022 @ 10.59 BST
All Hail & welcome to this months Astro: Full Harvest Moon in Dream-Mist Pisces. I Hope you are all in good stead & ready to receive all the universe has on offer for you. The turning wheel of the year is once again moving us into the darker part of the year & along with that a change in how we visualise our lives, spirituality, deities, nature & of course how we treat & work with our shadow self. There is much preparation to be done on a personal & spiritual level at this moment & so much to look forward to too. We have lots to discuss on this journeying. There have been some huge shifts & planetary movements in preparation for this Moon phase. You may already be in receipt of some of those energies or emotions which have risen. This is a very emotional moon, so get ready to feel into the big release which comes with such an intuitive moon & prepare yourself to truly let go.
As my Astro articles go, we will have a meander through the naming of the moons which is an international, interfaith phenomenon. This will be followed by an international, non-bias list of websites which will give dates for observance & celebrations. I shall discuss this Moon’s astrological significance & list September’s astronomical events for you. Enjoy the journeying with me, with my gratitude.
Naming the Moons
Naming the moon is an international phenomenon reflecting ecological and geographical events which reoccur in an annual cyclical nature. Depending on your geographical area or what you believe in determines the name of the monthly lunation. Let me begin with this months names for the September full moon, from around the globe. The Native American names for the September full moon are Singing Moon & Barley Moon. The Montana tribes know this to be the Yellow Leaf Moon. The Canadian Inuit peoples called this moon the Harpoon Moon. Across the globe and the Chinese name for this months full moon is the Chrysanthemum Moon, called such after the Choyo festival held on the 9th day of the 9th month, also known as the Chrysanthemum festival. Chrysanthemum petals were used to make Chrysanthemum saki, used as a celebratory drink to ward of evil. In India, the lunar calendar month will be Ashvin and the celebrations of Sharad & Koiagri are observed, celebrating end of monsoon & harvest season. The British Medieval Celtic and the Druidic calendar celebrate this moon as the Wine Moon, Song Moon & Harvest Moon. The Vine is celebrated during this month as a symbol of the great harvest of grapes and fruits from all regions. The Celts called this moon Muin/ Vine, which symbolised the balance between happiness and wrath, in some cases the rise of passionate emotions. This is an androgynous moon of celebration. Depending on the type of vine you choose to use in your ritualising, this moon holds magickal aspects; for, Blackberry, prosperity & protection; blueberry, spirituality & dream magick; grape, fertility, inspiration,prosperity & binding; thistle, courage, protection & strength. These vines would be used in ritual concerning Mabon / Autumn Equinox.
For more on Mabon see my article:
Non-bias religious & spiritual observances & celebrations
Full Moon is a time of fruition, of all that was begun at New Moon. This moon is Harvest Moon so also a good time to look back on intentions set & situations around March & Spring time, as we are now reaping what we’ve sown. We will be feeling an emotional heightening at Full phase which will have an effect on our relationships, romance & intentions. This is a time of abundance & fulfilment, intuition & is emotionally charging. We can choose to go with the flow or we can fight it, the choice is ours alone. Having said that its always a good idea to take a look at what cosmic energies are offering us at this time. Forebodingly, this lunation comes just hours after Mercury stations retrograde, which can have all sorts of hiccups for us if we rely on communications, travel & business, more on that later. We may be having some difficulty seeing our true path or next turn at this moment. This is a time for tapping into our senses, feeling into what is happening rather than seeing or thinking into it. Using our own intuition will be part of the theme of this Harvest Moon lunation. Another theme is surrender which is another way to ‘allow’ ourselves to, slow down, see the bigger picture, give ourselves permission to appreciate what we have, enjoy self care more. In addition, we are also being asked to offer our unconditional love to our partner by being attentive, listening & supportive. This goes both ways too, so the support we give may be that which we need ourselves. Allowing ourselves to feel into this with our wholeness will find balance.
Sun in Virgo has a need to be organised, as I have mentioned in this months Virgo New Moon article, its organisation stations for us to get our lives, in every sense prepared for the new season to come. Virgo governs our personal, daily tools for everyday life, so we may find ourselves & what we really want from our lives coming to the fore. Virgin Goddess is a representation of personal wholeness & being able to rely on ourselves independently. She is the Earthy, hip wriggling goddess who salsa’s into our lives & really gets us going, whipping up well needed space for self care routines whilst reorganising our daily schedules to fit our ambitions. She is the one who will bring alignment issues to be addressed until we are in that place of equilibrium, ready for the next season.
What can I do for myself right now? (slip away from everyone else’s wants & needs, take a look at where we may need to pay more attention to ourselves in order to thrive)
What can I change to make space to be in alignment with my true self?
(what hurdles do we place in front of ourselves? Time to step aside & get out of our own way!)
Moon in Pisces is dreamy, fairly unclear, slightly confusing, possibly chaotic, depending on how we are dealing with the magickal mist before us. Pisces will ask us to go with its flow because it is deeply embedded in vision & spiritual health. Pisces governs our spiritual tools which we use to progress our spirituality. We are being encouraged to use our intuition & to trust that whatever is unfolding is entirely for our progressive highest good.
The key to a full functioning Pisces full Moon is harmonising with the energies of Virgo Sun, by our awareness of personal spiritual needs & the continual upkeep of order in our daily lives. If we can find that balance, we will benefit from a more gentle journeying, but by ignoring or paying more attention to one side of this illumination equation, we risk havoc in our lives by causing imbalance & disharmony. If things are appearing a little confused, come away & concentrate on grounding & centring.
Furthermore, We may feel that old wounds are surfacing. When they do, it is usually for us to release something surrounding it or all of it. Listen with the heart. What is it saying? There is no energy like this & no control is needed either. Relax, sit with it & surrender to whatever comes to you. Feel into it & watch its unravelling. Our inner wisdom has divine timing & comfort on offer at any time we tap into it.
What am I gripping on to that I need to release?
Listen to your heart, place your hands over it. Know that whatever is being held too tightly needs relinquishing once & for all. Release whatever it is, thanking it for its messages, teachings & presence. Try to avoid listening to negative self chat about all the reasons why you can’t or ought not to let go & let it go, be grateful for those thoughts & then let them go too. You do not need to understand it, if you are coming form heartspace you are speaking the truest intuitive language of the soul. Surrender is key to this Full Moon in Pisces. When we release, we set an intention from heartspace. Allow signs & visions to come as they will & move gently with that flow by being open, trusting & knowing that this is the motion of the universe moving us closer to what we have asked.
Pisces, the last of the Zodiac wheel, brings us closer to endings & fruition of that which we have been working on or toward. After all, this is harvest time, so we will feel reward for all our labours & closure to that which we have now found no longer serves us. Remain open to receive universal blessings of abundance.
Finally, under Pisces Full Moon the veil is thinner & we are much more capable of reaching out to spirit guides, we all have this ability, so don’t be afraid to ask.
Planetary influences
As I have mentioned Mercury stations retrograde a day before Full Phase. Mars is also active under Pisces Moon & the years’ themed planetary dance is still in motion. So lets see where this part of our journey will take us….
Mercury Rx in Libra - Planet of the Mind, governing travel, business & communications in the sign of balance & relationships. Within the flow of Piscean Moon we find this aspect adding to the confusion & haze we may be feeling. Feeling is the key! Emotions are our way to navigate these waters. We may need to reflect on relationships, artistic flow & how happy we are in our capacity to help others. Your health may be highlighted. Mercury retrograde always advises us to triple check travel, business & communications before we embark on anything.
Uranus trine Full Moon - harmonising movement toward natural acceptance & progression of things. We may feel that there is an ease into what is occurring around us. It may help to make all important decisions, as Uranus is the planet of change & liberation.
Mars is in Virgo, loosely conjunct the Sun. This aspect can make for some serious waves of emotional triggering. We could be experiencing vulnerability, erratic moods, hastiness which could lead to decisions being made without too much thought. If this lunation is showing us anything, it is to slow down, listen to the heart, find our centre.
Full Moon conjunct Neptune - this duo highlights Piscean qualities to release, readjust, allow divine inspiration, creativity, flow & dreams to give us the messages & answers we have asked for.
We need to be in the heartspace for this lunation to really work in our favour. Self care & sharing our loving moments with a loved one is also part of the narrative. Slowing down to appreciate all the we have in or lives & all of our personal gifts, which we share with others, in addition to releasing, readjusting & paying attention to intuitive nudges, signs & visions whilst being in the heartspace flow.
September 16 - Neptune at Opposition.
Blue giant planet at its closest approach to Earth, its face fully illuminated by the Sun. Brightest time of the year, visible all night long. Best time to view & photograph Neptune. A Very powerful telescope will be needed due to Neptune’s extreme distance from Earth, appearing as a tiny blue dot in the sky.
September 23 - September Equinox.
September equinox occurring at 00:55 UTC. Sun will shine directly on the equator allowing us nearly equal amounts of day and night throughout the world. 1st day of fall (autumnal equinox) in Northern Hemisphere, 1st day of spring (vernal equinox) in the Southern Hemisphere.
September 25 - New Moon.
Moon will located on the same side of the Earth as the Sun & not visible in the night sky. This phase occurs at 21:55 UTC. There is no moonlight so this is the best time of the month to observe faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters.
September 26 - Jupiter at Opposition
Giant Jupiter will be at its closest approach to Earth, its face fully illuminated by the Sun. This is its brightest visibility of the year and will be visible all night long. Best time to view and photograph Jupiter & its moons. You’ll need a medium-sized telescope to reveal some of the details in Jupiter's cloud bands. A good pair of binoculars should allow visual of Jupiter's four largest moons, appearing as bright dots either side of the planet.
So, we are being asked to find a flow which resonates with what we want in our lives by getting into our heartspace & truly listening to our own & our partners wishes for the life ahead of us. We may have a bit of releasing & readjustments to schedules & plans. If we remain open & in the Piscean flow, we will experience a more gentle approach to the rest of the year & we will be preparing ourselves from a more heartfelt, honest & loving space, creating a gentle journeying ahead.
My gratitude to you all for joining me on our bi-monthly journeying through the cosmic energies on offer to us. Please join me again around 25 September, when our Sun enters Libra, for Astro: New Moon in Libra.
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