Astro: Full Moon in Pisces 2 September 2020 @6:22 UTC
Full Corn / Harvest Moon
All hail & welcome to September’s edition of Astro: Full Moon in Dreamy Pisces. I Hope you are all in good stead & ready to receive all the universe has on offer for you. The turning wheel of the year is once again moving us into the darker part of the year & along with that a change in how we visualise our lives,spirituality, deities, nature & of course how we treat & work with our shadow self. There is much preparation to be done on a personal & spiritual level at this moment & so much to look forward to too.
As these articles go, we will have a meander through the naming of the moons which is an international, interfaith phenomenon. This will be followed by an international, non-bias list of dates for observance & celebrations. I shall discuss this Moon’s astrological significance & list September’s astronomical events for you. Enjoy the read & journeying with me, with my gratitude.
Naming the Moons
Naming the moon is an international phenomenon reflecting ecological and geographical events which reoccur in an annual cyclical nature. Depending on your geographical area or what you believe in determines the name of the monthly lunation. Let me begin with this months names for the September full moon, from around the globe. The Native American names for the September full moon are Singing Moon & Barley Moon. The Montana tribes know this to be the Yellow Leaf Moon. The Canadian Inuit peoples called this moon the Harpoon Moon. Across the globe and the Chinese name for this months full moon is the Chrysanthemum Moon, called such after the Choyo festival held on the 9th day of the 9th month, also known as the Chrysanthemum festival. Chrysanthemum petals were used to make Chrysanthemum saki, used as a celebratory drink to ward of evil. In India, the lunar calendar month will be Ashvin and the celebrations of Sharad & Koiagri are observed, celebrating end of monsoon & harvest season. The British Medieval Celtic and the Druidic calendar celebrate this moon as the Wine Moon, Song Moon & Harvest Moon. The Vine is celebrated during this month as a symbol of the great harvest of grapes and fruits from all regions. The Celts called this moon Muin/ Vine, which symbolised the balance between happiness and wrath, in some cases the rise of passionate emotions. This is an androgynous moon of celebration. Depending on the type of vine you choose to use in your ritualising, this moon holds magickal aspects; for, Blackberry, prosperity & protection; blueberry, spirituality & dream magick; grape, fertility, inspiration,prosperity & binding; thistle, courage, protection & strength. These vines would be used in ritual concerning Mabon / Autumn Equinox.
Non-bias religious & spiritual observances & celebrations for September 2020
Sept/Oct Harvest festival - Christian (Western, Anglican and Free Churches)
Displays of food collections for charity are made in churches and Sunday schools. Services are held to give thanks for the goodness of God’s gifts in nature.
1st Installation of the Guru Granth Sahib in the Harmandir Sahib The Golden Temple, Amritsar 1604 CE - Sikh
Sikhs’ fifth Guru, Arjan Dev, installed the volume of scripture, the Adi Granth, which consisted of the hymns of the first five Gurus including those of other ‘saint-poets’. Hymns of Guru Tegh Bahadur were later added forming the present Guru Granth Sahib.
2 Festival of Hungry Ghosts/ Zhongqiujie / Chung Ch’iu - Chinese
Chinese Buddhist and ancestral festival. Paper objects for use in the spirit world are made and offered to aid spirits with no resting place or descendants. Large paper boats are made and burnt at temples to help spirits cross the sea of torment to Nirvana.
3 Fravardin Mah Parab - Zoroastrian (Shahenshahi; Parsi)
At Fravardin Zoroastrians visit the Towers of Silence in India (or in the UK the Zoroastrian Cemetery in Brookwood, Surrey) to participate in a jashan ceremony in memory of the departed fravashis (guardian spirits and souls of the community). Sacred food is prepared as an offering to the departed during the jashan and is later shared by the participants.
11 Ethiopian New Year’S Day - Rastafarian
Rastafarians have a four year cycle. Each year is named after one of the evangelists.
19 September - 20 October (Sunday) Rosh Hashannah - Jewish
5779 years from the creation of the world. The festival includes ten days of self examination. The ram’s horn (shofar) blown in the synagogue in remembrance of Abraham’s sacrifice of a ram rather than his son, Isaac. Apples dipped in honey are eaten in the hope of a ‘sweet’ new year. The greeting is ‘Leshanah Tovah Tikatev’ (may you be inscribed for a good year).
20 – 26 - Higan 23 - Shubun No Hi - Japanese
Marks the autumn equinox. As at the spring equinox, harmony and balance are the themes; sutras are recited and the graves of relatives are visited.
22 Autumn Equinox (Mabon) - Wiccan Pagan 22 Autumn Equinox (Alban Elued Or Alban Elfed) - Druid
Equal hours of day & night. Pagans see the darker faces of the God and Goddess. For many Pagans, this rite honours old age, the approach of Winter & thanksgiving for a good harvest.
28 Yom Kippur - Jewish
Last of ten days of repentance This ‘Sabbath of Sabbaths’ marks the holiest day of the Jewish year. It is observed by ‘afflicting the soul’ – a total fast 25 hours long. Jews spend the eve and most of the day in prayer, asking forgiveness for past wrongdoings and resolving to improve in the future. The Book of Jonah is read.
29 Michaelmas - National
One of the four Quarter Days in the UK legal calendar.
Full moon is all about culmination of that which was begun at New Moon. It is a time for finding balance between the opposing solar & lunar energies. In this case the Sun, our ego & personality, is in extremely organised Virgo who is the ruler of our daily life-tools. The Moon, our emotions & inner personality is in dreamy, visionary Pisces who governs our spiritual tools. Finding the balance between your daily schedule and your spirituality & dreams may become slightly chaotic right now, if unbalanced in favour of one rather than equilibrious. The key is to be present in the moment, to retain order in daily life whilst allowing ourselves to express our spiritual needs. To unbalance these two would not be of any benefit. Find your happy ground with both.
If you are empathic, this is a moon in which I would advise you to take extra protective precautions of your own energies. What you may be open to receive could become quite overwhelming during this full phase. Therefore there is a need to remain grounded & protected. Keep your eyes & ears peeled for being taken for granted, right now may not be the time to overdo helping others who could be energy vampires.
The Sun represents our ego & outer personality which is visible to the rest of the world. Sun in Virgo brings us organisation, harmony, perfection, practicality, understanding & service to others. Too much of this can create compulsive obsessive order in your life. Remember nothing is perfect. Our imperfections are what make us unique, even if that refers to our quirky & creativeness in or outside the world of employment. Just be the amazing you that you are. With Mercury in Virgo too we may experience the reality of some areas of life, hard truths which need to be seen & accepted.
Full moon is a time of peaking emotions & psychic awareness. Moon in Pisces is visionary, dreamy, intuitive, creative & psychically attuned to divine. Too much of this ether-reality can cause chaos to your daily life and you may become disenfranchised from your day to day schedule. So here is a need to practice grounding techniques such as barefoot walking, salt bathing or outdoor meditation. In addition, take some time to ask your body & mind to reject anything which does not belong & is not meant for you in a spiritual or energy depleting manner. This is an intuitive moon so its time to tap into you, to trust your instincts especially when it comes to personal freedom, attending events, changes in routine & self expression. You may find a new found freedom & meet new people who reflect your chosen lifestyle.
As Full moon’s go, this is also a time to release that which no longer serves our purpose or pathway. This month’s gentle, creative, empathic, flowing moon can bring us awareness and focus on the places which need to be cleared. With a positive aspect to Uranus, the planet of awakenings & change, we will be guided to look from a fresher standpoint. With Uranus on the scene there is bound to be more awakening energies for all of us. Forces which can help move us into a place of higher consciousness & offer us a deeper relationship with cosmic energies. It is a good time to break bad habits & level with ourselves. Time to be honest to ourselves. We deserve the truth no matter how much it may hurt to release those things, people, memories, habits, which we cling to for no good reason. Stop making excuses for them & release that which is not serving your life.
In addition, relationships may come under scrutiny from the stirring cauldron & ladle of Venus & Saturn, who are also both active this full moon. There may be some frustration surrounding love & money. Moreover, we are being asked to stand in our truth & to own it. To take responsibility for what we do & say, the way we act Not to pass the buck & blame to others for our behaviour. Remember, we choose to react a certain way, we can choose to not react explosively. Rather, think before any actions & be aware that your actions are yours & yours alone. Furthermore, there is some very strong leadership energies with this moon, so as I have mentioned, your reaction is your responsibility, perhaps now would be a good time to practice what you preach & lead by example. Be the force of change & beacon of light you want in this life! Above all remain steadfast in the present moment, the here & now.
2 - Full Moon.
Moon located on opposite side of the Earth as the Sun. Its face will be will be fully illuminated. This phase occurs at 05:23 UTC.
11 - Neptune at Opposition.
Blue giant planet at closest approach to Earth. Its face will be fully illuminated by the Sun. Brighter than any other time of the year, visible all night long. Best time to view and photograph Neptune. Due to its extreme distance from Earth, Neptune only appears as a tiny blue dot in all but the most powerful telescopes.
17 - New Moon.
Moon located on the same side of the Earth as Sun. Moon not visible in the night sky. Phase occurs at 11:00 UTC. Best time of the month to observe faint objects, galaxies & star clusters as there is no moonlight to interfere.
22 - September Equinox.
The September equinox occurs at 13:30 UTC. The Sun will shines directly on the equator. There will be nearly equal amounts of day & night throughout the world. First day of Autumn (autumnal equinox) in the Northern Hemisphere & first day of spring (vernal equinox) in the Southern Hemisphere.
October 1 - Full Moon.
And that is it for another Astro: Full Moon instalment. Again, there is a lot to take in, please re-read to gain more clarity & understanding on areas which you feel are affecting you right now. All credits are shown at the end of this article.
Thank you for joining me on this wonderful journeying. Please join me again for Astro: New Moon article closer to 17th September, for more insight into our beautiful celestial lunations & how we are connected to them.
Don't forget my Oracle card reading for the full moon, which you will also find on Facebook & Instagram.
My Blessings to you all. I hope that you find your pathway & journeying lightened by the release of what no longer serves you.
In gratitude, love, light & all betwixt
#astronomy #astronomers #astrology #astrologers #namingthemoons #spiritual&religiousobservances&celebrations #fullmoon #fullmooninPisces #Suninvirgo #venus #Saturn #Mercury