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Astro: Full Harvest Moon in Aries. Welcome to the Season of the Witch

Writer's picture: Sheela AdharSheela Adhar

Updated: Sep 30, 2020

Astro: Full Moon in Aries 1st October 2020 @ 22:05 UTC

Hunter’s Moon

All Hail & Welcome to Ancient Footprints for my bi-monthly Astro article based around the new & full phases of our beautiful celestial satellite, the moon. We have 2 Full moons this month! Double the energy eh?! What’s In store? I am pretty sure we’ve all had some serious tensions this year, & this I know just by looking at the astrological sematic signs in our cosmos. Its been a tough year this year, 2020 really has been a time of deep transformations, personally & globally. The big generational planets have been in play for the most part of the year, with the interim being taken up by harder aspects from the remaining planets, stars & asteroids, within the cycle of our cosmos. Now, we have entered the season of the witch. This season is going present a huge bubbling cauldron ready to boil over. There is much which we have placed into the cauldron over the past year alone & much which will finally come of it. This October season is not only filled with global purging but also personal clearings. So, get ready for a few surprises as the tensions rise. The planets are aligning to bring about the pinnacle of all that has been building, offering us a turning point to all the facets of what has been, toward all that will be. We have some huge planetary & asteroid contenders amongst this moon phase & cycle ,which I will explain the what & how these will affect our already red hot October Full moon in Aries in the astrology section. As ever I will also discuss the naming of the moons, present you with a list of Non- bias spiritual & religious celebrations & observances, astrology & astronomical events list for the coming month. For now, buckle your seatbelts, hold on to your staff, wand and broom because the amplification is about to erupt all that has gone into the cauldron.…..

Naming the Moons

Firstly, the moon is known by different names the world over. You might ask why we name the full moon phase & the answer is simple. The full moon is a symbol of fruition & to those who lived by agricultural means, the moon was named after flora or fauna indicating what was in season & what season they were in. However, an event, harvest or animal which was in plenty may not have been so in another part of the world. Therefore, the moon is named according to ecological events as well as geographical area. It may seem silly but to our ancestors this was a time to celebrate the fecundity of the world around them, it may have included spiritual inference.

The Native American names for this moon are Travellers Moon & Blackberry Moon. The Montana tribes named this moon Gophur looks back moon. In Canada, the Inuit peoples called this moon Ice Moon. In China it is the time of the Kindly Moon. In India we are in the month of Ashvin where the celebrations of Sharad Purnima & Koigiri Purnima are celebrated.  The British Celtic Medieval names for this October full moon are Hunter’s Moon, Blood Moon & Seed Fall Moon. However, due to the close proximity of this moon to the Equinox, it is also known as Harvest Moon. The Druidic/ Ogham month still has us in the Month of Ivy the survivor, Gort until the 27th October where will will enter the month of the Reed. October, is also the month in which Samhain is celebrated. We should look on this moon as the moon of banishment, releasing all bad habits & banishing old ways of thinking. This moon carries the potential healing, protection, ancestral connection, scrying & farseeing.

Non- bias spiritual & religious celebration & observance


Harvest Festival -  Christian (Western, Anglican and Free Churches)

Displays of various foods in church services, held to give thanks for the goodness of God’s gifts in nature.


1  Jashn-E Mehergan (Or Mihr Jashan) -  Zoroastrian (Iranian)

Festival of Mehergan dedicated to the divinity Meher or Mithra, who is associated with the sun and with justice. Thanks offered at the fire temple & community meal  including dry fruits and nuts, along with a drink, dancing and merrymaking.

1 Rabbit In The Moon Festival / Zhongqiujie / Chung Ch’Iu  - Chinese

Mid-Autumn festival celebrating the moon’s birthday. Offerings made to the rabbit in the moon, who pounds the elixir of life with a pestle. ‘Spirit money’ is brought along & incense, offered to the moon by women, who also make special ‘moon’ cakes, ingredients including ground lotus and sesame seeds or dates.

1 Pavarana Day  - Buddhist

Last day of Rains Retreat (the Vassa), known as Pavarana Day or ‘Leaving the Vassa’. Pavarana means ‘to invite’.Monks who have completed the Retreat invite their fellows to admonish them for any failings. Also known as ‘Sangha Day’.

2 Gandhi Jayanti  - Hindu

An Indian national holiday celebrating the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, referred to as the ‘Father of the Nation’, the driving force behind the foundation of the state of India. Services, prayers and painting and essay contests, using topics that glorify peace and non-violence, and the singing of Gandhi’s favourite devotional song entitled ‘Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram’ (Ram Dhun for short) are observed.

3 - 9 October Sukkot -  Jewish

Harvest festival recalling 40 years Jews spent in the wilderness from slavery in Egypt to freedom in the Promised Land. A temporary hut or booth – called a sukkah – is used for eating meals and for visits and socialising. The roof, which has to be partly open to the elements, is covered with branches and decorated with fruit.

11 Simchat Torah  - Jewish

Annual reading of the Torah is completed. Reading moves from the last words of Deuteronomy to the first ones of Genesis. All Torah scrolls are paraded around the synagogue, people dance and sing.

11 - 18 Inter Faith Week Of Prayer For World Peace

Prayers from literature of several different world religions are published each year in a special leaflet. Composed and used by many different religious communities.

17- 25 Navarati -  Hindu

22- 26 Durga Puja -  Hindu

25 Dussehra / Vijaya Dashamipuja -  Hindu

Navaratri means ‘nine nights’, which is the length of the festival. In Northern India, the Ram Lila is performed  during Navarati commemorating Rama’s victory over Ravana, Demon king of Sri Lanka. The day after the end of Navaratri is celebrated as the 'victorious tenth' (Vijaya Dashami). Huge figures of Ravana are filled with fireworks & burned on Ram Lila grounds (public areas). UK - temple congregations perform this on a smaller scale. Elsewhere Goddess Durga is worshipped on the eighth day. Panjabis mark the day by giving food and other items to young girls.

18  Anniversary Of The Birth Of The Bab  - Baha'i

The Bab ( means ‘Gate’) announced the coming of a messenger from God, believed to be Baha’u’llah (a title that means ‘Glory of God’).

19  Anniversary Of The Birth Of The Baha’U’Llah  - Baha'i

Founder of the Baha’i faith, born the eldest son of a Persian nobleman in Tehran, Persia, in 1817.

20 Conferring Of Guruship On The Guru Granth Sahib  - Sikh

In 1708 Guru Gobind Singh declared that from now on, rather than another human Guru, Sikhs would regard the scripture, the Guru Granth Sahib, as their Guru.

25 Climb A High Mountain / Picnic In A High Place / Chongyangjie / Ch’Ung Yang - Chinese

Hill climbing or ‘going up on a high place’, kites are flown, family graves visited, a ‘golden pig’ is shared by large families with fruit, wine, tea & rice.

29 The Prophet Muhammad's Birthday / Milad Ul Nabi (12th Rabi'Ul-Awwal)  - (Sunni)              

3 November The Prophet Muhammad's Birthday / Milad Ul Nabi (17th Rabi'Ul-Awwal)  - (Shi'a)

Widely celebrated public holiday in many Muslim countries. Qur’anic readings, songs in praise of the Prophet feature.

30 Anapanasati Day -  Buddhist

Last day on which the Kathina, final day of the three months long Rains Retreat, a Kathina robe is made of patches of cloth, presented to a deserving or virtuous monk, a ceremony conducted by four colleagues.

Celtic wheel of the year turns. The veil between life and death is at its thinnest. Samhain is the festival of death when Pagans remember and honour those who have gone before. Fires are lit and ‘dead wood’ burned before stepping into Winter darkness.  

Wheel of the year begins at Samhain. Pagans celebrate death as part of life cycle of birth, death, regeneration, rebirth. A time to understand more deeply that life and death are part of a sacred whole.

31 Hallowe'En  -Heathen

Halloween / Hallowe’en , a holiday celebrated on the night of October 31. Traditional activities; trick-or-treating, bonfires, fancy dress parties, visiting ‘haunted houses’, and carving jack-o-lanterns.

Irish & Scottish immigrants carried versions of the tradition to North America in the nineteenth century. Other western countries embraced the holiday in the late twentieth century.


Buckle those seatbelts!

We are in that time of year. A time of endings & beginnings in which we will see the beginning of an end of a situation. We will also see the beginning of the new & exciting, although it may not feel that way to start with. This is our pinnacle before we retract to do our inner workings, our deepest darkest workings. This season will affect us personally & collectively. What decisions we make or actions we take now will have a resounding influence on the future.

We are well into Libra Season, where the Sun is sitting pretty, waning away, helping us to find our equilibrium, because that is what Libra does! Libra is all about the big, beautiful, harmonious picture, encompassing the whole, we may find that we are being gently influenced by Libranisms!! That should give you an idea of what we may be up against this month! This is a cardinal, Air sign of the scales, ruling justice, love & money.

I always seem to chuckle when I read those 3 qualities back to myself :D. As a Libran, I do find my indecision almost laughable particularly around those subject areas. So, lets attempt to be decisive!

Sun in Libra has been offering us an advantage in all of those areas. Venus is Libra’s patron goddess so Love, money & justice will have all been prevalent since the Sun entered this sign after Autumn Equinox / Mabon. We will continue to work with an understanding that we can find balance & harmony in all of those areas, if we allow the solar energies to persist in our lives. The Sun represents our ego, what we allow our friends to see of us. So we can find a balanced & an agreeable image to put out to others right now, showing a confidence in love, around money & being fair minded toward ourselves & others in whatever situation we find ourselves in.

The Moon is in Aries, another cardinal action sign. This fire sign is going to activate a lot of intensity. Aries is all about ‘me’. Now this may exert some ‘go get it’ attitude, but be warned, we are in diplomatic Libra season & we are being encouraged to think before we act or face regret. The moon represents our emotions, our inner personality, our reaction & what we need to find security. These qualities within will be heightened during full moon phase. Aries is all about the direct action, energy (force) & focus. Aries ruling planet is Mars. So we have fire, action, force & focus…lots of selfishness & drama, if we allow it to enter our lives. We may concentrate on what we want more at this time & this is a good thing if we have been neglecting an area of life.  

Beware: The Aries - Libra polarity is on a relationship axis. Relationships are in the spotlight this Full moon. Libra is the sign of relationship harmony & balance. Aries is dynamic & independent. There may be things brought to light, a change in circumstance through intentions, which do not match up with the direction we see the relationship going. Use tact & think of one another’s feelings. Approach with care & caution.

Furthermore, the Moon in Aries is going to activate Mars (rx) retrograde , which in turn will also induce the Saturn- Mars( rx) Square. A square in astrological terms is a hard aspect bringing intense energies into the areas each planet rules. Mars much like Aries is about drive, action & war! Saturn is about discipline, justice, authority & karma. These two can cause delays, restrictions & impatience. There could be a lot of frustration & built up aggression released with this full moon. There may be a strong vibe for lashing out, impulsiveness, rebellion & violent action. We can counteract this energy in our personal lives by remaining as flexible & balanced as possible. By recognising this energy rise, we can avoid the blunt end of it.

Intense right?

Our knight in shining armour this phase:

We also have the asteroid Chiron, (the wounded healer) conjunct (in the same sign & a softer more favourable aspect) the full moon, so there will be a lot of deep healing on offer. Deep healing allowing us to clear & purge old hurts, past wounds and emotions. Generally speaking, October is the time of the great purge, in which we rid ourselves of as much non serving claptrap as we can. It is a time of spiritual, emotional & physical clearing in preparation for the darker shadow time we will be encouraged to work with, during the darker months of the year. With Chiron on hand we have more impetus guiding us toward that end.

Chiron is also said to be the rainbow bridge, which represents the awakening process & can guide us to higher states of consciousness. In this time we are encouraged to see through our suffering & turn those hurts & pains we carry into huge power sources of wisdom, from which we can channel Chiron’s energy. In doing so, we will have the benefit of seeing things for the lessons they have been. We will be encouraged to avoid drama and see it for what it is, toxicity which hides the reality. We will be guided to the root cause by bypassing that toxic drama. In addition, we are able to see that whatever happens, there is always the bigger picture, that what we experience is both reality & illusion.

We are able to vibrate at a higher vibration now more than ever. It is imperative that we adhere to that notion now to avoid the pitfalls of relapse. Our unity is what makes us strong. Division makes us weak. These are the messages that we are being shown by the cosmos. It’s down to our reactions, choices & vibrations as an individual as to how this will all affect us on a personal level & in turn on the collective level. We must remind ourselves that what we put out into the universe will come back to us. This message is not for the feint hearted!


Eyes  to  the  skies !

we have 3 meteor showers this month!

1 - Full Moon. 

Moon located opposite side of Earth as the Sun. Moon’s face fully illuminated. Phase occurs 21:06 UTC. This full moon is also known as the Harvest Moon. The Harvest Moon is the full moon that occurs closest to the September equinox each year.

1 - Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation. 

Planet Mercury reaches greatest eastern elongation, 25.8 degrees from the Sun. Best time to view Mercury at its highest point above the horizon in the evening sky. Look for the plan low in the western sky just after sunset.

7 - Draconids Meteor Shower. 

Draconids is a minor meteor shower producing about 10 meteors per hour produced remaining dust grains of comet 21P Giacobini-Zinner, first discovered in 1900. Draconids is an unusual shower in that the best viewing is in the early evening, peaking this year on the 7th. 2nd quarter moon ensures dark skies in early evening for a good show. Best viewing early evening from a dark location. Meteors radiating from the constellation Draco, appearing anywhere in the sky.

13 - Mars at Opposition. 

The red planet at its closest approach to Earth, its face will be fully illuminated by the Sun. Brighter than any other time of the year, visible all night long. Best time to view and photograph Mars, a medium-sized telescope allows you to see some of the dark details on the planet's orange surface.

16 - New Moon. 

Moon located same side of the Earth as Sun, will not be visible in the night sky. Phase occurs 19:32 UTC. Best time of month to observe faint objects, galaxies and star clusters because as no moonlight will interfere.

21 -22 - Orionids Meteor Shower. 

Orionids average shower produces up to 20 meteors per hour. Produced by dust grains left behind by comet Halley, known and observed since ancient times. Annual shower from October 2 - November 7.  Peaks on the night of the 21st and the morning of of the 22nd.  A waxing crescent moon will set before midnight leaving dark skies for a good show. Best viewing will be after midnight. Meteors radiate from the constellation Orion, appearing anywhere in the sky.

29, 30 - Southern Taurids Meteor Shower. 

Southern Taurids, a long-running minor meteor shower producing 5-10 meteors per hour. The shower is famous for producing a higher percentage of bright fireballs. Southern Taurids is produced by debris left behind by Comet 2P Encke. Annual shower running from September 10 - November 20, peaking this year the night of the 29th and morning of the 30th. A nearly full moon will block out all but the brightest meteors. Patience may award you with a few good ones. Best viewing just after midnight from a dark location. Meteors radiate from the constellation Taurus, appearing anywhere in the sky.

31 - Full Moon, Blue Moon. 

Moon phase occurs at 14:51 UTC.  The second full moon in the same month, sometimes referred to as a blue moon. This rare calendar event only occurs every few months.

31 - Uranus at Opposition. 

Uranus, blue-green planet at its closest approach to Earth, its face fully illuminated by the Sun, brighter than any other time of the year, visible all night long. Best time to view Uranus. Due to its distance, it only appears as a tiny blue-green dot in all but the most powerful telescopes.

What a corker this month is set to be! That’s it for now. I’m glad you’ve stayed with me on this journey, my gratitude to you. I will be back with the Astro: New Moon article around 16th October & again for Astro: Full Blue moon around Samhain. Halloween 31st October. Please join me again.

If you wish to share, quote or use the information within my articles, please do, but I must ask that you reference or credit me directly if you do. (Adhar, S ). Thank you.

For now, I wish you enough. I wish you peace, happiness, good health & abundance.

In gratitude, love, light & all betwixt




Adhar, S.


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