Full Moon in Virgo
18th March @ 7:17 UTC
All Hail & Welcome to Astro: Full Linten Moon in Earthy Virgo, Sun In Watery Pisces. Linten means 'lengthening', which seems apt given our days in the Northern hemisphere are getting longer as we head toward Spring equinox. The lighter part of the year can offer its fair share of goodness as we work with the seasons to manifest. The Vernal Equinox is a time of equal night & day. It is the indication of Spring, the balance of dark & light, inner & outer, masculine & feminine. The promise of light given at Imbolc now fully present with the abundance of Earth’s fertility. Our Moon enters full phase a day or so before equinox, into the sign of Virgo. The Sun will sit opposite in the sign of Pisces. What kind of energy will this offer us?
But First...
Naming the Moon
Ancient people all over the world have named this phase of our moon. Many names are a reflection of what is happening agriculturally or from a hunter gatherer perspective as well as from the forces of nature that preside over us everyday. The Native American’s named the March full moon as , Crow Moon, Sap Moon, Worm Moon, Moon of Winds, Fish Moon, Chaste Moon or Death Moon. Montana tribes called this moon Sore Eye Moon. The Inuit peoples of Northern Canada named this moon Snow Bird Moon. The Chinese peoples know this moon as Sleeping Moon. Celtic Medieval British names for the March full moon are Plough Moon, Wind Moon, Linten (lengthening) Moon. The Ogham tree month varies depending on which calendar is followed. This month we are in the month of the Alder (18 March - 14 April). I find in research that each of the trees at the very beginning of the cycle mostly represent new beginnings, rebirth, cleansing, purity & transformation. Alder covers the time of Spring Equinox & produces roots into the water of riverbanks, thus holding sacred space between the worlds of heaven & earth. It is sacred to Bran who laid himself down, as a bridge, for his men, to cross the sea.
The Coligny calendar informs us that this is Ogronios, Ice Time.
The Hindu calendar is lunar in nature & this month of Phalgun marks the celebrations of Holi Purnima & Phalgun Purnima. Holi is the festival of colours, celebrating fertility & good harvest. There are many stories surrounding the origins of this vibrant festival. Legend has it that King Hairanyakashyap demanded that the people of his kingdom worship him. However, his son, Prahlad was a devotee of Lord Vishhnu, & as such offended his father by his behaviour. The king attempted on 7 occasions to have his son killed. His failed attempts prompted him to call for his sister Holika, who was immune to fire, to sit with Prahlad in a bonfire in order to burn him. Ironically Holika was burned & Prahlad walked out of the fire unscathed by the event. Therefore, Holi is seen as a victory of good over evil. In addition, Holi is also associated with the playfulness of Radha- Krishna. Legend tells us that Krishna shot an arrow of love at Kaamdeva, to bring him out of eternal meditation. Kaamdeva was turned to ashes. This festival celebrates the sacrifice made by Kaamdeva. Holi is also pledge day, where we are encouraged to take responsibility of our own shortcomings & weaknesses, taking stock of mistakes & pledging not to repeat them. Holi is about ridding the self & life of negativity. This year Holi is 18 March.
To round up this section, here is a list of websites for April’s special dates of observation or spiritual significance:
Pisces season. Ah the flowing river of knowledgeable & inspired fish. Pisces is a mutable sign, which means flexible & adaptable. It is represented by the two fish, a sign of spirituality, duality & eternal cycles. Both fish are connected by an eternal loop, thus representing eternal cycles of transformation. This sign is governed by Neptune, planet of illusion, mysteries & deepened awareness. Focus is on dreams, intuition & creativity as well as spirituality. This sign asks us to acknowledge both sides of our human nature, the side which craves rest & indulgence & on the other fin (pardon the pun!) dreams & the need to chase them to manifest them into our reality. Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac wheel, in essence the finale of the astrological year, indicates a round up of all that we have learned & a release of all that we no longer require to move forward.
Sun in Pisces opposite Moon in Virgo. The Sun sits in Pisces & illuminates the Moon through this sign. So we will feel the movement of the meandering fish & the rise in ambition through our dreaming as well as the recognition of that which did not work out for us. Moon in Virgo is very organised & this could mean getting the dream to reality through manifestation is closer to our authenticity than at any other time in the year. The need to clear space for what is to come is more prevalent at this time. Virgo is a perfectionist but this is not always a good thing as we attempt to live up to expectations of who we ought to be in another’s eyes. Its enough to be human & present, don’t beat yourself up! We may feel a spiritual energy urging us to go within & let go of what is no longer actively serving our forward motion. This can be very difficult & may need us to turn within to acknowledge pain & gather the energies of all that is good & worthy within to enable us to rid ourselves of that which we truly know needs to be gone from our lives.
Full moon is the pinnacle of whatever was begun at new Moon, your intentions for the month or a culmination of that which was put into motion at this very point 1 year ago. Journaling really helps with this kind of need to look back & hindsight is a great tool for fixing that which can be fixed & also acknowledging that which holds us, preventing that forward motion to the life we’ve been dreaming of. This is what we are being encouraged to do again now. As humans, we have our very own personal cycles as well as those we feel spiritual connection to throughout the year. These are the workings of spirit, planets, moon & stars which guide us to forward motion, acknowledgement & release. Be assured that whatever comes to us for attention will need to be thanked for its lesson & released for us to move through our own veil & into our truest self. In addition, we will also need to acknowledge our dreams & visions of our future & begin to work toward that end.
Full Moon in Virgo. The Virgo-Pisces service axis is fully activated with this Full phase. Virgo rules our daily functions, schedules, health, presents a need for order & represents the tools we employ for our daily lives. Pisces involves our spiritual well of being, unrest, cosmic limitlessness & the tools we use to administer our spirit selves. Finding the balance between them & allowing ourselves to experience a culmination of both is required. Emotional needs arising may urge us to go within. We may feel self worth issues arising. There may be a need for recognition which is not being felt, but is hindering our progress. The need for recognition will not give us a way out of feeling certain issues such as judgement, guilt or blame. Recognition does not help us grow, it is egocentric. Self empowerment & self improvement allow us to grow, look within.
“ I feel the need to encourage meditation, whether that be guided or not, but a need nonetheless to be rid of negative energies, all ill will & all that no longer serves purpose in our lives. Thus giving us the chance at a fresh slate, to begin the new zodiac year with a freshness like nothing we’ve ever experienced before. Deep cleansing is urged, in whatever way you can. Water cleanses & contains knowledge. Drink plenty of water to keep hydrated & when you wash, visualise all the bad stuff being washed away.”
Ask yourself questions:
Is a need for recognition hindering progress & where in life is this occurring?
What is it you feel you really deserve?
How can you convince yourself of your worth?
How can you convince yourself that your authentic self deserves to be seen & heard?
No blame, no guilt, just positive personal growth.
Planetary influences
Full Moon Trine Pluto - increased emotion & intuition. Delving deeper into darker corners of the subconscious mind. Feeling more deeply; dramatic & transformational emotional changes. Possible intense interactions. A desire for extremes may lead to delving into your darker side. In addition, supportive & grounding energies focus on what can be done & that this is enough. Change has been occurring & it needs time, just like healing. Give it time.
Full Moon opposite Sun, Neptune of transformations & illusion, Mercury of communications & Jupiter of expansion makes for extreme overwhelm! Full Moon in Virgo wants to have order, to be of service & see the results. She wants us to be open to what could or should be, but with all the disorganisation & overwhelm in opposing Pisces, she cannot see the picture clearly enough, so visualising those goals is difficult at present. There may be a crushing feeling that your effort isn’t enough for what seems like the mountain of a task. Know that whatever help you can give is enough, you are enough. Be mindful of your own energies, so as not to experience burnout!
Not a lot at the moment!
March 20 - March Equinox. - March equinox at 15:24 UTC. Sun shines directly on the equator, almost equal amounts of day & night. 1st day of spring (vernal equinox) in the Northern Hemisphere; 1st day of fall (autumnal equinox) in the Southern Hemisphere.
And that is all for Astro: Full Moon in Virgo article. Please join me again for another journey of cosmic discovery at New Moon in Aries, around 1st April.
I wish you all safe navigating.
In gratitude, love, light & all betwixt