Astro Astro Full Moon in Virgo
27/02/21 @ 8:17 UTC
Hail & welcome to February Full Moon’s Astro article. I hope you’ve been navigating your way through any stifling energies which you may have been experiencing of late, particularly surrounding this month’s New Moon - Stellium energies. There is still quite a lot of potency floating around with this beautiful illumination, as February is the cosmically defining month of 2021, so you may still feel sluggish & tired from the darker months or you may have found a huge surge of energy, which is in keeping with what is to come. Its all there for you to tap into at your own pace. All of this will add to some very active feminine energies coming into play, with the flow to meet the changes which are occurring in life & our surroundings, at the present moment. The moon is our beautiful satellite which holds sway over many of us & our emotional states as well as our earthly tides, flora & fauna. She who governs our emotions & lights our nocturnal paths is integral to my journeying & bringing this article to you is a work love & honour to the Moon & her phases. This article will briefly discuss the international phenomenon of naming of this months moon, give you a non-bias spiritual & religious observances / celebrations events list, Full Moon astrological interpretation to take you through the next 2 weeks to New Moon & of course a list of astronomical events for the month ahead.
Naming the Moon
This months’ full moon is known by many names the world over. As you are probably aware the names we give the moon correspond to agricultural incidences in our geographical areas. The Native American names for this February full moon are Hunger or Starvation moon, Storm moon, Trapper’s moon, Moon of Ice, Tree Moon, Long Day moon or the Full snow moon. Traditionally this is the time of year with the heaviest snows in this part of the world, hence the names given. The Chinese tradition knows this moon as the Budding moon. In Indian tradition we are in the month of Magha . The British Medieval Celtic names for this moon are Storm moon, Ice moon & Snow moon. You can see the differences of where in the world people inhabit and what is occurring around them ecologically.
The Celtic month of the Ash offers us a feminine attribute. It is known as the goddess tree. In the Norse eddas, Yggdrasil, the world tree, was an Ash. The spear of Odin was made from the branch of an Ash tree, Nion. The Ash is one of three trees sacred to the Druids (Ash, Oak & Thorn). This is a good month to do magic that focuses on the inner self. It is connected to ocean rituals, magical influence, prophetic dreams & spiritual journeying. Ash wood is used to create magical tools which are considered more productive than those made from other wood. Our full February moon is known as the moon of waters and is a good time for anything connected to prosperity, protection and healing. Are you feeling that?
Non-Bias spiritual & religious observances for March 2021
1 St David’S Day - Christian; Welsh National
Anniversary of the death of St David, the 6th Century CE patron saint of Wales.
3 Hinamatsuri / Dolls’ Festival / Girls’ Day - Japanese
Clay dolls representing the Emperor & Empress, are displayed in the home. Offerings of peach blossom, rice-wine & rice-cakes are placed before them. Dolls carry away any illness afflicting the daughters of the house. Prayers are offered.
5 The Women’S World Day Of Prayer - Christian
International, interdenominational prayer movement, begun in 1887. Each year a different country produces the Service material
11 Mahashivratri [Great Shiva Night] -Hindu
Shiva is said to have performed the cosmic dance on this night, from creation to destruction. Many Hindus fast at this time. All-night prayers focus on Shiva, his shrines & statues. Milk is poured on his symbol, the lingam.
11 The Prophet'S Night Journey & Ascent / Lailat Ul Isra Wa-L-Miraj -Muslim
Marking the night journey of Prophet Muhammad through the heavens to the presence of God, the command that Muslims should pray five times a day was given to the Prophet. Muslims read the Qur’an & say additional prayers.
11-20 Fravardigan/Muktad - Zoroastrian (Iranian)
Fravardigan festival. Immortal souls & their fravashis (the guardian spirits of departed ancestors, half man/half bird), come to reside in places of worship. Many Zoroastrians take time off to pray, recite the five Gathas & cleanse their homes. Samples of sacred food are tasted during the daily ceremonies.
14 Mothering Sunday (Simnel Sunday) - Christian
Mother’s Day UK. Traditionally, Christians visited their ‘mother church’ and took gifts to their mothers, which often included a simnel cake.
15 First Day Of Lent / The Great Fast - Christian (Orthodox)
Beginning of the Lenten Fast, involving abstinence from meat, fish and dairy products until Easter. Western tradition, where Lent begins on Ash Wednesday before the first Sunday of Lent. Eastern Churches start Lent on the Monday before the first Sunday.
17 St Patrick's Day - Christian; Irish National
Patron saint of Ireland, lived in Britain in the 4th century CE, became a priest & set out to evangelise the Irish. His symbol is the shamrock. Parades held in Dublin & elsewhere, often of a secular nature.
18 - 24 Higan - Japanese
20 Shunbun No Hi -Japanese
Marking Spring equinox. Harmony & balance are themes. Sutras are recited, the graves of relatives are visited.
19 St Joseph’S Day, Husband Of The Blessed Virgin Mary - Christian
A day to honour Joseph,husband to Mary. Both were responsible for Jesus’ upbringing.
20 Naw-Ruz - Baha'i
New Year’s Day & end of nineteen day fast concluding the old year.
20 Spring Equinox (Ostara) - Pagan
Vernal Equinox (Alban Eiler Or Alban Eilir) - Druid
By Spring Equinox, powers of the gathering year are equal to the darkness of winter & death. The God (the Green Man) awakens during this season. Dedications to Eostre, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of fertility, bringer of light. Action taken on intentions set at Imbolc.
21 Passion Sunday - Christian
5th Sunday in Lent. Christians concentrate their thoughts on the Passion or suffering of Jesus.
21 Jamshedi Noruz - Zoroastrian (Iranian)
NoRuz (New Year’s Day) occurs on the first day of spring. It represents the resurgence of life & the symbolic victory of the forces of light over darkness. New clothes are worn, gifts & prayers offered at the Fire Temple, seeking blessings from Ahura Mazda & to participate in a jashan or thanksgiving ceremony, followed by dancing & merry making.
23 Ava Mah Parab (Aban Jashan) - Zoroastrian (Shahenshahi - Parsi)
Ava is the guardian/protector of the waters associated with fertility. Zoroastrians celebrate the birth of the waters by going to seas, rivers & streams to recite a litany to the waters. They offer flowers, sugar, coconuts & flat cakes of sweet lentils.
25 The Annunciation Of The Lord / Lady Day - Christian (Anglican / Roman Catholic)
Celebrating the announcement to Mary by the angel Gabriel that she was to bear a child & her response in the Magnificat.
25 Mahavir Jayanti (599 Bce) - Jain
Birthday of the last Tirthankara, or great teacher & model of the Jainas. His birth & surrounding events are re-enacted. Monks or nuns read from the scriptures & teach about the rest of Mahavira’s life. Lay people return home to a celebration feast.
26 Khordad Sal - Zoroastrian (Iranian)
Birthday of Prophet Zarathushtra. Visits to the Fire Temple to give thanks to Ahura Mazda for his gift of the Prophet; to participate in a jashan or thanksgiving ceremony; to listen to stories of the miraculous birth & life of the Prophet; & to share in a joyous community meal, a drink & a dance are observed.
28 March- 4 April Passover / Pesach - Jewish
8 day festival when Jews commemorate the Exodus from their slavery in Egypt. Seder meal is held in each family’s home at the beginning of the festival, the story of deliverance is recounted. Matzah (unleavened bread) is eaten throughout the festival.
28 Palm Sunday - Christian
First day of Holy Week. Christians remember Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Many churches commemorate with processions, the congregation carrying symbolic palm leaves folded in the form of a cross.
28 March - 3 April Holy Week - Christian
The most solemn week of the Christian year. Christians recall the events of the week in which Jesus was crucified.
28/29 Holi - Hindu
Spring festival lasting 1-5 days. Bonfires are lit, coloured powders & dyes are thrown over people in celebration. Various stories of Vishnu and of Krishna & the gopis (milkmaids) are related throughout the festival.
29 March (Monday) Hola Mahalla/Hola Mohalla - Sikh
In 1680 Guru Gobind Singh,10th Sikh Guru, introduced this festival at Anandpur in Punjab, India the day after the Hindu Holi. Including displays of swordsmanship, horsemanship, archery & wrestling, displays of weapons & symposia of poetry, it is a lively and colourful occasion.
29 (14th Sha'Ban) The Night Of Forgiveness / Lailat-Ul-Bara'Ah - Muslim
Birthday Of 12th Imam, Muhammad Ibn Hasan Al-Mahdi - (Shi‘a)
Muslims seek forgiveness for their sins at this time. It is believed that one’s annual forecast is set by Allah. The night is spent in prayer, asking forgiveness & God’s guidance. Daytime fasting in preparation. In certain parts of the world Muslims visit the graves of relatives, giving of charity is also traditional. In many places the night is marked with firework displays.
Full Moon in Earthy, meticulous Virgo opposite Sun in Dreamy, watery Pisces.
Full Moon is a time of abundance, illumination & the pinnacle of our New Moon intentions for the month. This Full Moon may have you feeling intense energies before full phase due to dynamics on the lead up. Whatever needs to surface will do so now. This may have us questioning issues & areas of our lives which we thought we’d already put to bed. As Full phase occurs, we may experience an easing in the intensity of our emotions surrounding the issues we have been nursing prior to full phase. With the luminaries where they are, we will find a more manageable energy, which may encourage us to look from another angle with a softer approach. Yes that’s right there are to be gentler energies to work with. What a comfort to know that this is on offer to us after the tumultuous energies we’ve been dealing with to date!
The Virgo- Pisces axis is allowing time for this softer, dreamier flow to enter our lives & with it a long look at our inner self, our higher self & what is blocking us, thus what is in need of clearing to make way for the new. This axis encourages us to find the balance we need between Virgo influence, which governs the tools and methods we use to work within our daily lives, our daily routine, physical health & need for organisation & Pisces influence, which governs the tools we use to work with our spiritual self, our vision, spiritual health , disorder & the infinite. Another way to look at this Full Moon is, If we look back to September’s Virgo New Moon, we may be able to recognise a theme within our own lives which will be coming to fruition. I keep a journal & reflecting back to last September I can clearly see what I was doing, intending & working toward, which has helped me to notice & feel into the what, where & when of this Full Moon’s concentration, in my own personal sphere. Journaling is very creative & can offer an intuitive insight into our inner world of being.
Full Moon is asking us to look deeply into the balance we can strike between work & service to others; the practical & impractical, inner criticism & acceptance; work & family. In addition, if we cast our minds across the bigger picture, our surroundings also need to find the balance for us to move forward. Maybe time for a spring clean in all areas of life is what is being called for. To approach this clear-out we must connect to our inner self & higher state to really see the immensity of what could become manifest in our spiritual & personal spheres. Bringing in the light to our selves & our homes is a good starting point. Open the curtains & windows. let the fresh air & bright light shine into our existence. Bring nature inside to the abode & watch how your mood lifts & lightens.
Virgo is governed by Mercury in his form as healer. In addition, Virgo represents the Virgin’s archaic meaning, the confident, self aware, independent, free-willed, whole woman whose strength was born from her connection to her true self rather than ego. She has the capability to connect to higher self, listen to the needs of her own body & follow her heart’s desire. She remains grounded throughout. Mercury & Virgo will offer the opening for healing the wound carried, which prevents wholeness, by allowing us to see the blockages & which areas are in need of our attention. Allowing the Moon’s cleansing illumination to penetrate those areas will reveal our inner strengths & access to our higher selves. We are being encouraged to recognise that which is within us to heal ourselves & to become the person we envisage ourselves to be, free from self imposed restraint. If you are prone to monkey mind, over thinking & personal hyper-criticism, bring yourself back to heart-space whilst experiencing these thoughts. Begin again to work with higher self in the present moment, remembering this is your personal divinity & it requires your complete attention to be able to move forward into a new understanding of itself.
Furthermore, there are 2 more big feminine energies to consider before I embark upon the planetary influences affecting this Full Moon.
Sun conjunct Venus & Full Moon conjunct Vesta. Huge feminine energies can be felt as these 2 archetypes make their presence known in our manifestation of self service & serving others, offering up self love & understanding our own spirit. Venus will effect our self consciousness, loving from within & self realisation that ones love for self begins within our own being. This is in fact an act of remembering, which most of us are awakening to.
Vesta is the largest object in the asteroid belt, deriving her namesake from the virgin Goddess Vesta of the hearth & home, often represented as sacred fire or divine flame. She will aid us to burn away blockages within us which prevent us from self love & the higher state of our own spiritual awareness. With her we are encouraged to burn away all impurities & egoisms, enabling ourselves to work in spiritual service. That which we do unconditionally for another, we also benefit from ourselves.
Planetary influences, Saturn Square Uranus is the biggest planetary influence which ushers in conflict; independence vs responsibility; duty vs freedom; religion vs science; obedience vs rebellion; old vs new; you get the picture! The Resulting changes, some of which we may already be experiencing, are too large to ignore. These are big changes & are sometimes hard to process. Change is part of the passage of life, everything is in flux & flow, nothing is still. So, we are being encouraged to accept a state of impermanence, as frustrating as this might be. Going against these changes could create a loss of support & security. Compromise is on the cards. Remain as open-minded as possible because opportunities can arise from crisis. Think creatively & recognise that negative thoughts will limit your understanding of what is occurring & your ability to step up to new opportunities.
Astronomical events for March 2021
6 - Mercury at Greatest Western Elongation.
Planet Mercury reaches greatest western elongation of 27.3 degrees from the Sun. Best time to view Mercury at its highest point above the horizon in the morning sky, low in the eastern sky just before sunrise.
13 - New Moon.
Moon location: same side of the Earth as Sun; will not be visible in the night sky. Phase occurs at 10:23 UTC. Best time of the month to observe faint objects such as galaxies & star clusters because there is no moonlight to interfere.
20 - March Equinox.
March equinox occurs at 09:27 UTC. The Sun shines directly on the equator, there will be nearly equal amounts of day and night throughout the world. First day of spring (vernal equinox) in the Northern Hemisphere; First day of Autumn (autumnal equinox) in the Southern Hemisphere.
28 - Full Moon.
Moon location: opposite side of the Earth as the Sun, face fully illuminated. This phase occurs at 18:49 UTC.
That’s it for this months Astro articles. Thank you for joining me on another moon journeying. Its been my absolute joy to bring you this article. Please join me again in March for New & Full Moon Astro articles, 13 March & 28 March.
In deep gratitude, love, light & all betwixt
Adhar. S
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