17-18 SEPTEMBER 2024
@3:35 - 4:59 GMT
All hail & Welcome to Astro Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Watery Pisces, another journeying through the cosmic energies on offer to us at this time of partial lunar eclipse AKA Blood Moon. What is a blood moon? The Moon to loses its light therefore becoming reddened in hue. This we call a blood moon as the colour the moon takes on whilst this phenomenon is occurring is usually a deep shade of red.
Partial lunar eclipse, occurs when the Earth moves between the luminaries, but do not form a straight line. During this event a small part of the Moon's surface is shrouded by the dark, central part of the Earth's shadow / umbra. The remainder of the Moon is enveloped by the outer part of Earth's shadow/ penumbra, thus causing the reddened hue of blood moon.
Sun is in Virgo & Moon is in Pisces, which gives us the axis of health & service. With a partial Lunar eclipse we can see the energies of both amplified & a need to find balance between the 2 is important to our well-being. This is also Full Harvest Moon in Dreamy Pisces. I Hope you are all in good stead & ready to receive all the universe has on offer for you. The turning wheel of the year is once again moving us into the darker part of the year & along with that a change in how we visualise our lives, spirituality, deities, nature & of course how we treat & work with our shadow self. There is much preparation to be done on a personal & spiritual level at this moment & so much to look forward to too. We have lots to discuss on this journeying. There have been some huge shifts & planetary movements in preparation for this Moon phase. You may already be in receipt of some of those energies or emotions which have risen. This is a very emotional moon, so get ready to feel into the big release which comes with such an intuitive moon & prepare yourself to truly let go.
As my Astro articles go, we will have a meander through the naming of the moons which is an international, interfaith phenomenon. This will be followed by an international, non-bias list of websites which will give dates for observance & celebrations. I shall discuss this Moon’s astrological significance & list September & October's astronomical events, right up to the next Full Moon, for you. You can skip to the part you want to read if this article is too long for you, but if you wish, grab a cuppa & take a seat. Enjoy the read & journeying with me, with my gratitude.
Naming the Moons
Naming the moon is an international phenomenon reflecting ecological & geographical events which reoccur in an annual cyclical nature. Depending on your geographical area or what you believe in determines the name of the monthly lunation. Let me begin with this months names for the September full moon, from around the globe. The Native American names for the September full moon are Singing Moon & Barley Moon. The Montana tribes know this to be the Yellow Leaf Moon. The Canadian Inuit peoples called this moon the Harpoon Moon. Across the globe & the Chinese name for this months full moon is the Chrysanthemum Moon, called such after the Choyo festival held on the 9th day of the 9th month, also known as the Chrysanthemum festival. Chrysanthemum petals were used to make Chrysanthemum saki, used as a celebratory drink to ward of evil. In India, the lunar calendar month will be Ashvin & the celebrations of Sharad & Koiagri are observed, celebrating end of monsoon & harvest season. The British Medieval Celtic & the Druidic calendar celebrate this moon as the Wine Moon, Song Moon & Harvest Moon. The Vine is celebrated during this month as a symbol of the great harvest of grapes & fruits from all regions. The Celts called this moon Muin/ Vine, which symbolised the balance between happiness & wrath, in some cases the rise of passionate emotions. This is an androgynous moon of celebration. Depending on the type of vine you choose to use in your ritualising, this moon holds magickal aspects; for, Blackberry, prosperity & protection; blueberry, spirituality & dream magick; grape, fertility, inspiration, prosperity & binding; thistle, courage, protection & strength. These vines would be used in ritual concerning Mabon / Autumn Equinox.
Non-bias religious & spiritual observances & celebrations
Full Moon is a time of fruition, abundance & reaping all we’ve sown over the past month. In this case we are also being asked to reflect back to what was peaking in March. It is likely something coming to its end now. If you journal, this can be an easy task to pinpoint. Feel into this notion.
What comes is highlighted for you?
What has reached its peak?
What has ripened for harvest?
What has not come to fruition?
What is ready to move forward?
What is ready to be released?
Take some time with these questions, be honest with yourself, brutal if you have to be.
In addition, Full moon represents the peak of our emotions as does water & Pisces is a mutable water sign. So be ready, because this moon in Pisces is going to aid the moon in raising the vibration of our intention & intuition as well as our emotions, coercing us to feel into this energy fully. This will affect us on an individual level. Know that you are not alone in this & that if you require help, ask for it & you shall receive all the aid you need.
Furthermore, Full Moon is also connected to feminine energy, that which flows constant with knowing, clarity, compassion & growth in all living things. We may find ourselves encouraged to delve deeper into this side of ourselves, men included so don’t be shy about it! Additionally, this may include our relationships with the females in our lives. Speak as you would like to be spoken to, show compassion & knowing in giving & receiving what comes into our lives. Practice gratitude for all that has been gleaned from a situation or event, allowing this energy to bring peace to our personal sphere.
Full Moon in Pisces. Pisces is a mutable water sign ruled by Neptune & Jupiter. Neptune is the planet of illusion & dreams & is very active during this phase. Therefore, the watery effect of raising emotional vibrations is amplified further, making this the dreamiest & most emotional moon of the year yet! We will be feeling extra everything! Extra sensitive, intuitive & creative. We may be drawn to seeking out security & safety in the knowledge that all is well within our personal space. Pisces is also the final sign of the Zodiac Wheel, so is tied to endings. This could indicate something that we have been working on since March this year, springtime, cast your mind back. Expect drama from those who are not in touch with this astrological energy, as they will not know how to deal with it other than to release it upon others. However, if drama occurs, know that it often clears the way for the new.
However, also accompanying this energy is what I would call the ‘mist’, which keeps our eyes veiled until we find clarity, the Lunar eclipse will aid this veil, if only for the time it lasts. This, is an indication of stepping out of the mind & into our emotional flow. Don’t be afraid, sometimes we experience this mist in many different ways, colours, emotions, dreams. This is our mind’s way of feeling into the unknown & allowing what comes, to happen as it should, no control, just surrender. Let go, release all that no longer serves you any longer, no matter how painful it may be. Cry, scream, sob, release whatever needs to come out, fall to the ground, squeeze the soil or sand in your hands, be grounded by the mothers’ love, compassion & freedom. The mist holds you until you feel free from its binds, then it will clear, giving you the view of the cosmos that you need in response to your asking. Be patient as this is not an overnight occurrence & could take some time. Know that all will be as it should be when you re-emerge. Know that you will be better for this time & space to surrender & allowing, in perfect love & trust.
There is so much happening with this Piscean Moon as the eclipse will bring into focus huge karmic energy, possibly bringing about a major shift in spirituality & our sub conscious. We may feel that old wounds are rising for attention or to learn a new lesson from. Coming face to face with our wounds & past issues is hard inner work, but brings with it new understanding, different perspectives & the ability to release the weight we have held on to for such a long time. As this eclipse is the 1st in a new set along the Pisces – Virgo axis, we will find a heightening in all things spiritual, intuitive & possible alone inner work. Remember, when the Phoenix rises from the ashes, it is fully formed from its ordeals & ready to serve its purpose.
Just writing this message to you all is sending a huge wave of emotion through my physical body. I hope you all travel well through this cosmic journeying.
Sun in Virgo, transitioning to Libra 23rd September. The Sun will still be in Virgo, so we will still be feeling the need to control & order everything. Unfortunately, this is the nature of the beast that is Full Moon. Sun is opposite Moon & so reveals opposing forces which we need to find balance within before we can truly release what we need to free from. The Virgo-Pisces polarity is along the service axis. This puts our focus into finding the balance in our daily lives, routines & physical health. With Virgo’s insistence on order & vision, ruling the personal instruments we use for scheduling daily tasks versus Pisces ruling over implements we use for our spiritual selves, spiritual health, the infinite & disorder, the trick is to find balance between our spiritual needs while continuing to have a semblance of control over our daily lives. We would be living a chaotic life if we neglect either one of these zodiacal polarities. As we are nearing the end of the Virgo season, its looking like we are going to be treading quite carefully into Libra season to find more personal balance In our relationships. We may feel this already as we are not far from this point during Full phase. The crossover of qualities of both Virgo & Libra can be as rough or as smooth as we ourselves make it. Feeling into this Piscean moon will help our rites of passage.
Planetary aspects influencing Full Moon in Pisces
Full Moon Lunar eclipse: -
Conjunct Neptune – often means that the sign & planet work well together. We can take that as a given seeing as Neptune rules Pisces. Dreams, intuition, all amplified. A heightening of all Piscean qualities too. Flow, selflessness, dreams, romance, creativity, charm, generosity, respect, peace & inner journeying all amplified by Full Moon, Lunar eclipse.
Sextile Uranus in Taurus & Pluto in Capricorn – These 2 will aid in change & transformations we have in mind. Be aware of what you are involving yourself in. Release in healthy ways. Our future is awaiting us.
In addition, Eclipse often makes for a very tiring time. We may feel more drained than usual. Be sure to check in for a little self- care & rest if you need it. Try to avoid burnout.
18 - Full Moon, Supermoon.
Moon located opposite side of the Earth as the Sun, its face fully illuminated. Phase occurs at 02:36 UTC. Known as The Harvest Moon as this full moon occurs closest to September equinox each year. First of 3 supermoons for 2024. The Moon at its closest approach to Earth may look slightly larger & brighter than usual.
18 - Partial Lunar Eclipse.
Partial lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes through the Earth's partial shadow, (penumbra). Only a portion of it passes through the darkest shadow, (umbra). Part of the Moon will darken as it moves through the Earth's shadow. The eclipse will be visible throughout most of North America, Mexico, Central America, South America, the Atlantic Ocean, & most of Europe & Africa.
20 - Neptune at Opposition.
Blue giant planet at its closest approach to Earth, its face fully illuminated by the Sun. Brighter than any other time of the year, visible all night long. Best time to view & photograph Neptune, which will only appear as a tiny blue dot in all but the most powerful telescopes, due to its extreme distance from Earth,.
22 - September Equinox.
September equinox occurs at 12:39 UTC. Sun shines directly on the equator, giving us nearly equal amounts of day & night throughout the world. 1st day of fall (autumnal equinox) in the Northern Hemisphere & the 1st day of spring (vernal equinox) in the Southern Hemisphere.
2 - New Moon.
Moon located same side of Earth as the Sun, will not be visible in the night sky. Phase occurs at 18:51 UTC. Best time of the month to observe faint objects, galaxies & star clusters as no moonlight interferes.
2 - Annular Solar Eclipse.
Annular solar eclipse occurs when the Moon is too far away from Earth to completely cover the Sun, resulting in a ring of light around a darkened Moon. Sun's corona not visible during annular eclipse. Eclipse path will begin in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of South America & move across parts of southern Chile & Argentina. A partial eclipse will be visible throughout most of southern South America.
7 - Draconids Meteor Shower.
Draconids, minor meteor shower produces 10 meteors per hour, produced by dust grains left behind by comet 21P Giacobini-Zinner, first discovered in 1900. Draconids is unusual in viewing as best time is in early evening rather than early morning as other showers. Shower runs annually from October 6-10 ,peaking this year ,night of 7th. A 2nd quarter moon ensures dark skies in early evening. This could be a good show If you have patience, you may be able to catch a few good ones. Best viewing early evening from a dark location. Meteors radiate from constellation Draco, appearing anywhere in the sky.
17 - Full Moon, Supermoon.
Moon located opposite side of Earth as the Sun, its face fully illuminated. This phase occurs at 11:28 UTC.
As long winded as it reads, that’s it for this Month’s Astro Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Watery Pisces. Thank you for being here to experience the journeying we do together through our cosmic energies. I wish you all good navigation over the next 2 weeks. I hope to see you all again for our next adventure Astro: New Moon in Luscious Libra. That’s my sun sign & that of quite a few people I know & love. I look forward to meeting with you again.
In gratitude, love, light & all betwixt