Astro: Full Pink Moon in Libra
5-6 April 2023 @ 5:35 BST
All Hail & welcome to Astro: Full Pink Moon in Libra. I hope you have been navigating your way through the past couple of weeks with cosmic guidance, healing & compassion. We have a journeying to find emotional balance ahead. With all the Astro forces which are aimed at us right now, we may find we have to balance the fiery Sun of Aries which will shine its light opposite the Libran scales of justice. Will diplomacy battle with authenticity? How do we find equilibrium between fire & air? Are there other forces in play which could aid in healing or create conflict? Which areas of our lives are to be affected? A lot of questions, I know, so lets crack on with getting some answers…
Naming of the moons
The naming of the moons monthly cycle into full phase has been an international phenomenon since time immemorial. You may recognise that from some of the names the main agricultural, ecological, seasonal events are recorded as a symbolic marker for that particular time of the year. This April full moon is the first full moon in the spring & is commonly known as the pink moon. This does not mean that when the moon rises it is pink. Ancient American Indians named it such due to the pink moss & wild pink Phlox flower growing and flowering at this time of year. The native American names for the April full moon are Egg Moon, Seed Moon, frog Moon, Pink Moon & Awakening Moon. The Montana tribes named this moon the Frog Moon. Canadian Inuit name for this moon is Snow Melt Moon.
The Chinese name for this months moon is the Peony Moon. Ahh the Peony, what a very special flower! Peonies adorn many ancient Chinese paintings & vases. It is the unofficial flower of China, the other being the Cherry blossom. The Peony has been cultivated in China for thousands of years. It is so important and popular in China, that a Peony festival is held between mid April - Mid May every year. At this time the Peony begins to come into bloom. The festival in Louyang produces some of the world’s best Peonies. Luoyang was the capital of nine dynasties, beginning around 770BCE, & is known as ‘The City of Peonies’. the Peony is known as the ‘King of Flowers’ and is a symbol of Royalty, high status and virtue. It is also called the ‘flower of wealth & honour’. Peonies were revered due to their medicinal values. The root and bark were used to cool the blood and help with infections.
The Indian Panchang is in the month of Chaitra, but will enter the month of Vaisakha on 19-20 April, in which the celebrations of Buddha Purnima & Vaisakha Purnima are observed.
The Druidic path will remain in Alder until 15th April. The Alder month, called Fearn by the Celts, and pronounced fairin, is a time for making spiritual decisions, magic relates to prophecy, divination, being intuitive. By 15th April we will have meandered into the month of WIllow & will remain so until 12th May. In Druidic tradition, this month known as Saille, names the full moon, the full Witches moon or the moon of balance. It brings forth aspects of romantic love, healing, protection , fertility & women’s mysteries. So this is a good time to carry out spells or rituals for the aforementioned. The Willow is associated with healing & growth. This is a tree which loves water & rainfall, as such has been associated with protection from natural disasters such as flooding. Planting or having an existing Willow is said to ward against such disaster. Furthermore, Willow trees are associated with Witches & the goddess. Many goddesses have been named as deities for the Willow; Persephone, Hecate, Cerridwen, Artemis, Selene, Luna, Diana & Brigit; are some of the Goddesses associated with this tree. Celtic Medieval names for this moon are Budding Moon, New Shoots Moon & Seed Moon and the Coligny calendar calls this Giamonios, When shoots grow.
To round up this section, here is a list of websites for April & May’s special dates of observation or spiritual significance:
We have a beautiful full moon in Libra, with a Sun in Aries, the 1st sign of the zodiac. We may well have been basking in the joy of new beginnings & ideas with the start of a new cycle, the Spring Equinox & the resurgence of the Mother Earth. The feeling of newness & the shine of Spring time is set to continue as are we, with a delve into the equilibrium & sensuality of a Libran moon.
Full Moon is a time of the peaking energies from that which we began at New Moon. Journal writers can look back at what was happening around 2 weeks ago & what intentions were set for the month ahead. In addition look as far back as the last Libran New Moon we had in late September 2022, as a point of long term reference. Full Moon represents abundance, fruition & release of what is no longer serving our path & life. We may find ourselves naturally purging this month as Spring Equinox has now passed & a new astrological year has begun. With the Sun opposite the moon there are areas of possible angst surrounding that which we want v that which is needed, work v home. These internal oppositions can cause tension or inner conflict. In addition, Full Moon is a time of closure to that which is not resonating with our lives & journeying. A time to trust your instincts in deciding the next step.
The Libra Moon is a moon for adjustment & creativity within our relationships. The Moon represents our inner voice, unconscious, the past, intuition, emotions, nurture & feelings. Libra, the scales of justice requires honesty, diplomacy & balance within our personal relationships. In addition to balance & justice on offer there are also intense healing, protection & harmonious energies. Libra is governed by Venus & rules over love & finances. So these areas of our lives will be highlighted through the next 2 weeks. Love is a strong vibration within this moon phase, with lunar qualities peaking, our emotions & instincts heightening means we are able to find a way through relationship challenges & read the dynamics in a more productive manner. Libra energy is asking us to find the balance we need to recognise the difference between the old & new, what to keep & what to release. Full moon is a time in which many of our new moon intentions for a month ahead will come to fruition. Those longer term intentions which we have put in place may begin to show new shoots & small lessons which we will learn from during the growth process of the year. Full phase is also a time of an emotional peak, so we may feel more sensitive around this time, as well as more intuitive.
Sun in Aries opposite the Libran Moon. Aries is a fire sign & also the 1st assertive sign of the zodiac. Taking action during this phase depends on where our energies are concentrated . Aries drives our ego & personal identification, that which we present to the world. The Sun represents our consciousness, self esteem & self expression. In Cardinal sign Aries we find that we are in action station mode, whether in the mind or physically, we are readying to burst forward with the ideas we have been working to birth. Furthermore, Aries is playing a big part in housing significant influences of this moon. For example, Chiron, the wounded healer is in Aries. Chiron is here to suggest we stop attending wounds & rather use the energies to rise into our inner warrior. The Aries - Libra polarities highlight possible areas of conflict or pain. As Aries is all about the self, Libra is more about the important others in our lives. Where Aries is self assertive, Libra chooses compromise. Aries wants us to be courageous, a leader, independent & autonomous, Libra wishes for us to find balance in our relationships through compromise, using grace, favouring companionship. So it looks like a battle of wills to begin with whilst we meet our own needs, we will need also to find time for the important people in our lives. Both are important & losing sight of one causes imbalance to occur. Libra highlights relationships we have with ourselves, others & our finances so expect these areas to come into focus over the next 2 weeks on the lead up to New Moon in Taurus.
Know that the universe is offering for us to release any old energies which have been rising for attention, those which we know no longer serve us on the path that we travel at present. The universe has our backs with acknowledging new terrain which we need to clear before we embark on a new journeying & is encouraging us to be honest with ourselves. We may need to acknowledge where we need to schedule more time for something which will benefit us, where we need to clear & restructure. Both Aries & Libra are cardinal signs which give us the impetus to drive ourselves to stand in a place of authenticity, to our truest nature. Anything which feels in need of attention or stifled may come into focus to be healed & released.
Ask yourself:
Where is there tension in my life?
How can I find balance in this area?
What needs to be released in order for me to move on?
How do I restructure this part of my life to enable forward motion, whilst being my truest self?
We can also apply these same questions to our relationships with our significant others. It can be a real heart opener for us to stand in our own centre, being true to ourselves & feeling into each of the areas of our relationships with others. Being as honest as we can be with ourselves & the other important beings in our lives is such a gift, we cannot deny ourselves this opportunity.
Planetary aspects
We have a stellium of planets & asteroids all sitting comfortably in Aries, opposite our Full Libra Moon. Here’s a quick breakdown of their general meanings:-
Chiron in Aries deep healing of relationship wounds by owning our own wounds & learning lessons from them we can be of service to others through our own experiences. When in need we can help heal our own relationships, wounds & thrive from the lessons we have learned from them.
Jupiter in Aries expansive energies of optimism. Anything Jupiter comes into contact with will amplify with exponential possibility. Take care to concentrate this energy where it is truly needed.
Sun in Aries as discussed. Action station, full of desire & confidence; innovations, ideas, new beginnings. surging forward motion.
Eris in Aries offers extreme Goddess influence; Goddess of discord & strife. Expect some form of the former mentioned. But remember we can handle the things the universe throws at us!
Vesta in Aries means extreme Goddess energies; hearth & home. Concentrating at the heart of the matters, the heart of the home & family. Personal relationships can deepen.
In addition we have Uranus, planet of chaos, liberation & change only a few degrees away from this line up. Uranus is in Pisces, so can add change or bring unexpected surprises in flow with what is happening in our conscious lives. It can act as a catalyst to freedom & Independence. It can also send us bolts from the blue or give us a sense of chaos. The choice is down to us.
When we recognise the qualities of these aspects in play within our personal spheres, we are much better equipped to deal with them in a more positive manner & this can only be of benefit to our lives & the lives of those who surround us.
And so it is!
April 11 - Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation.
Planet Mercury at greatest eastern elongation of 19.5 degrees from Sun. Best time to view Mercury at highest point above the horizon in the evening sky. Look low in the western sky just after sunset.
April 20 - New Moon.
The Moon will located on the same side of the Earth as the Sun and will not be visible in the night sky. This phase occurs at 04:15 UTC. Best time to observe faint objects, galaxies & star clusters as no moonlight interferes.
April 20 - Hybrid Solar Eclipse.
A hybrid solar eclipse occurs when the Moon is almost too close to Earth to completely block the Sun. This eclipse will appear as a total eclipse to some parts of the world yet will appear annular to others. Eclipse path begins in southern Indian Ocean, moving across parts of western Australia, southern Indonesia. Partial eclipse visible throughout most of Indonesia and Australia.
April 22, 23 - Lyrids Meteor Shower.
The Lyrids average shower, producing about 20 meteors per hour, produced by dust particles left behind by comet C/1861 G1 Thatcher, discovered in 1861. Shower runs annually from April 16-25, peaking this year on the night of the night of 22nd - morning of 23rd. Meteors can produce bright dust trails lasting several seconds. Thin crescent moon sets early leaving dark skies for an excellent show, weather permitting. Best viewing from dark location after midnight. Meteors radiate from the constellation Lyra, appearing anywhere in the sky.
May 5 - Full Moon.
Moon will be located on the opposite side of the Earth as the Sun and its face will be will be fully illuminated. This phase occurs at 17:36 UTC. This Moon is also a hybrid
And so we have come to the end of this Astro Full Pink Moon in Libra article. Thank you for joining me on this adventure through the cosmic energies that we've focused on together. I am so pleased you joined me. Join me again on another adventure on or around the Taurus New Moon 19-20 April 2023.
Feel free to browse the website & comment on the areas you like the most. I welcome constructive comments & very much enjoy your presence. Til the next time, I wish you well.
In Love, light & all betwixt
Adhar. S, 2022.
Thank you so much for this beautiful, insightful and well written article Sheela 🙌 I always enjoy reading you and you have provided me with a lot of food for thought with this article ☺️ Thank you for all that you do, best wishes to you and blessings sent your way for the coming weeks ahead 🌹