Astro : Full Pink Supermoon in Libra
8th April 3:55 UTC
Image Credits: Sheela Adhar after NASA
Hail and Welcome my friends, to another Astro: Full moon article. I hope all of you are keeping well and busy at this time. What can I say other than, there is so much happening right now which is revealing itself in the cosmos. So many of us are feeling a great awakening occurring and you would be right in thinking so. Many of us are asking questions of ourselves about the greater good and there are many messages for us all out there. Let’s just remind ourselves that our vibration needs to be raised during this current climate of fear, which seems to be permeating the very air which we breathe. I feel it intensely, so I try to stay away from social media at times like this. However, these times are like nothing we have seen before, so its even more relevant to remain as calm in our minds and bodies as we can, social media is playing its part in keeping us in contact and creating space for us to be, to do the things we love rather that which we are compelled to do. However, there is a lot of fear based social media out there and its comes to a point where I realise that some of us need to pour our love onto social media. By posting more positive energy about change and how we can create something truly beautiful from the darkness which prevails over some of us, at this present moment, we can create calm. I will be discussing the regular naming of the moons, spiritual and religious observations & events for the coming month and listing the astronomical events which will be occurring. The main part of my article, the final section, will go into some detail about the occurrences in the astrology of this month, with more detail on the planetary influences which are in full swing at this time. So, please grab a drink to keep you hydrated, park your bum and have a good read of this month’s full moon blog.
Naming the moons
The naming of the moons is an international phenomenon which informs us of agricultural or ecological events in our annual cycles. Thus pinpointing a moment in time to which we can relate our emotions, actions and feelings. This April full moon is the first full moon in the spring and is commonly known as the pink moon. This does not mean that when the moon rises it is pink. Ancient American Indians named it such due to the pink moss and wild pink Phlox flower growing and flowering at this time of year. The native American names for the April full moon are Egg Moon, Seed Moon, frog Moon, Pink Moon and Awakening Moon. The Montana tribes named this moon the Frog Moon. Canadian name for this moon is Snow Melt Moon.
The Chinese name for this months moon is the Peony Moon. Ahh the Peony, what a very special flower! Peonies adorn many ancient Chinese paintings and vases. It is the unofficial flower of China, the other being the Cherry blossom. The Peony has been cultivated in China for thousands of years. It is so important and popular in China, that a Peony festival is held between mid April - Mid May every year. At this time the Peony begins to come into bloom. The festival in Louyang produces some of the world’s best Peonies. Luoyang was the capital of nine dynasties, beginning around 770BCE, and is known as ‘The City of Peonies’. the Peony is known as the ‘King of Flowers’ and is a symbol of Royalty, high status and virtue. It is also called the ‘flower of wealth and honour’. Peonies were revered due to their medicinal values. The root and bark were used to cool the blood and help with infections.
The Indian Panchang is in the month of Chaitra, but will enter the month of Vaisakha on 21st April, in which the celebrations of Buddha Purnima & Vaisakha Purnima are observed.
The Druidic path meandered into the month of Alder on 18th March and will remain so until 14th April. In Druidic tradition, this month known as Fearn. By the 15th April we will enter the month of The Willow, Saille (15th April - 12th May). Names of the full moon are t Witches moon or the moon of balance. It brings forth aspects of romantic love, healing, protection , fertility and women’s mysteries. So this is a good time to carry out spells or rituals for the aforementioned. The Willow is associated with healing and growth. This is a tree which loves water and rainfall and as such has been associated with protection from natural disasters such as flooding. Planting or having an existing Willow is said to ward against such disaster. Furthermore, Willow trees are associated with Witches & the goddess and many goddesses have been named as deities for the Willow; Persephone, Hecate, Cerridwen, Artemis,Selene, Luna, Diana and Brigit; are some of the Goddesses associated with this tree. Celtic Medieval names for this moon are Budding Moon, New Shoots Moon & Seed Moon and the Coligny calendar calls this Giamonios, When shoots grow.
Spiritual and religious observances and events
5 April - 11 April HOLY WEEK - Christian
The most solemn week of the Christian year, in which Christians recall the events of the week in which Jesus was crucified.
6 April MAHAVIRA JAYANTI (599 BCE) - Jain
The birthday of the last Tirthankara, or great teacher and model of the Jainas.
8 April HANAMATSURI - Buddhist (Japanese)
Mahayana flower festival to celebrate the Buddha Shakyamuni’s birthday. Shrines are erected and an image of the infant Buddha is bathed.
This Hindu festival recalls the birth of Lord Rama’s supreme devotee, the monkey-headed Hanuman, whose feats figure in the Ramayana epic. Hanuman’s birth is celebrated at sunrise on the full-moon day of the lunar month of Chaitra.
9 April to 10 April (14th Sha'ban) THE NIGHT OF FORGIVENESS / LAILAT-UL-BARA'AH - Muslim
BIRTHDAY of 12th IMAM, Muhammad ibn Hasan al-Mahdi (Shi‘a)
Muslims seek forgiveness for their sins at this time. The night is spent in prayer, asking for forgiveness and God’s guidance.
9 April - 16 April - PASSOVER / PESACH - Jewish
Eight day festival when Jews commemorate the Exodus from their slavery in Egypt.
9 April MAUNDY THURSDAY - Christian (Western Churches)
Christians remember the Last Supper when Jesus blessed bread and wine and commanded his disciples to remember him whenever they did this.
10 April GOOD FRIDAY - Christian (Western Churches)
Commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus.
11 April HOLY SATURDAY - (Easter Eve) Christian
Last day of Lent.
12 April EASTER DAY - Christian (Western Churches)
Easter Day is the most important festival of the Christian year, as it is when Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.
13 April to 15 April SONGKRAN - Buddhist
Traditional New Year’s Day festival in Thailand.
In 1699, on Vaisakhi, the tenth Guru, Gobind Singh, founded the Order of the Khalsa. Five men (Five Beloved Ones), offered their lives when the Guru asked for volunteers. The ‘Five Ks’, the outward signs of Sikhism, were made obligatory and Sikh men took the name ‘Singh’ (lion) and women ‘Kaur’ (princess).
19 April PASCHA/EASTER - Christian (Orthodox) (Rastafarian)
Easter Day, the most important festival of the Christian year, is when Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.
20 April - 1 May RIDVAN - Baha’i
The most important Baha’i festival. In these 12 days, in the garden outside Baghdad after which the festival is named, Baha’u’llah declared himself the Promised One, prophesied by the Bab.
21 April YOM HA-SHOAH (Holocaust Day) - Jewish
A day of remembrance for the victims of the Nazi Holocaust. Memorial candles are lit and special services are held.
21 April ADAR MAH PARAB Zoroastrian (Shenshai - Parsi)
On the ninth day of Adar, the 9th month, Zoroastrians celebrate the birthday of fire. They pay visits to the fire temple to make offerings of sandalwood or incense, and to thank the holy fire for the warmth and light it has given throughout the year
23 April ST GEORGE’S DAY - National
St George is the patron saint of England.
24 April to 23 May RAMADAN - Muslim
Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic Calendar, when the Prophet received the first revelation of verses of the Qur’an. It is the holiest month for Muslims, and they dedicate themselves to spiritual renewal, prayer and intensive devotional reading of the Qur’an. During the month of Ramadan Muslims fast from daybreak until after sunset.
29 April YOM HA'ATZMA'UT - Jewish
Israeli Independence Day, commemorating independence of Israel in 1948.
30 April BELTAINE/MAY EVE - Pagan
1 May BELTAINE/MAY EVE - Wiccan / Pagan
The wheel of the year continues to turn and fertile spring yields to the height of summer. Many pagans celebrate Beltaine by lighting fires and leaping over them, and/or with maypole dances, symbolizing the mystery of the Sacred Marriage of Goddess and God.
Wesak is the biggest of Buddhist festivals. Theravadins celebrate the birth, enlightenment and final passing away of Gautama Buddha. Mahayanists have separate days for each of them, and on Bodhi Day celebrate the enlightenment of the Buddha.
Image credit:
April 22, 23 - Lyrids Meteor Shower.
Usually producing about 20 meteors per hour at its peak. Produced by dust particles left behind by comet C/1861 G1 Thatcher, discovered in 1861. These meteors can sometimes produce bright dust trails that last for several seconds. A nearly new moon will ensure dark skies for a good show this year. Best viewing from a dark location after midnight. Meteors radiate from the constellation Lyra, but can appear anywhere in the sky.
April 23 - New Moon.
The Moon will located on the same side of the Earth as the Sun and will not be visible in the night sky. This phase occurs at 02:27 UTC. Best time of the month to observe faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters as there’s no moonlight to interfere.
May 6, 7 - Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower.
Eta Aquarids shower, capable of producing up to 60 meteors per hour . Most activity is seen in the Southern Hemisphere. In the Northern Hemisphere, rate can reach about 30 meteors per hour. Produced by dust particles left behind by comet Halley, known and observed since ancient times. The shower runs annually from April 19 to May 28. It peaks this year on the night of May 6 and the morning of the May 7. The nearly full moon will be a problem this year, blocking out all but the brightest meteors. Best viewing from a dark location after midnight. Meteors radiate from the constellation Aquarius, but can appear anywhere in the sky.
Image credits:
As I have mentioned, there is an awful lot going on in the cosmos with plenty of alignments taking place just as the moon enters full phase. Some are minor aspects and others are the larger more generational ones. I am going to set out the next few paragraphs with a mixture of moon energies vs planetary influences and meanings. This may make it easier to understand the messages that are coming through to you and others right now. You know the voice that seems to nag at you about getting that creative piece finished or taking time to relax and recharge, or to step back and allow change to occur. Its a message I have seen interpreted by so many people right now who have meditated on current events and are listening to their inner calling.
Full Moon
Full moon is the completion of a manifesting cycle which began at new moon (24th March). It is also the phase of releasing that which no longer serves you, your purpose, your future, your path. The Sun represents our ego and is still in the fiery courageous, self asserting sign of Aries. The Moon enters full phase on 7th / 8th April, depending on your timezone, represents our inner personality and is in the cardinal balanced and compromising Air sign of Libra.
Image Credit: source unknown, found on Pinterest
Full moon in Libra allows us time to focus on keeping the peace in our own surroundings, something I’m sure many are finding difficult right now, particularly with an Aries Sun. Libra loves harmony & balance and this allows for us to regain or remain centred and grounded and for this to permeate into our surrounding environments. Focus on areas you have been neglecting in an attempt to restore some balance into life. Relationships are highlighted with Libra, in today’s situation, this indicates being in contact with those we love, whether that is a phone call, email, text, or other. For those with loved ones at home, its a time of living in understanding and respect of each other. Work on relationships which are in need of attention. We may find that our relationships to others are strengthened. We might be experiencing the ability of independence and self sufficiency, maybe for the very first time. We may also feel the urgency to help others in whatever capacity we can and this is exactly the vibration we should be attending to within our communities. Finding balance is key to Libra Moon.
Planetary aspects
There is a real potency about the planetary alignments this full moon. Let me explain, each planet has positive and negative aspects. In each paring of planets it is unclear which attribute will preside unless there is a clear indicator. In some cases it is as simple as reading the planet & the aspect it forms and from each similarity comes the nature of the alignment. In other cases it is an intuitive decision to act in a certain way, which will influence the nature of the alignment. For example fear feeds fear, creating more fear, all of which are negative energies. Love and compassion feeds hope and thus produces a positive energy.
The Moon makes a minor aspect, a Quincunx Neptune, the planet of hidden illness, addictions and low immunity, amongst other things. Quincunx has an association to illness and health problems.
So, the C19 pandemic is set to continue.
Mercury and Neptune are conjunct in Pisces which means a blending of themes and acting together. Mercury the ruler of communications and travel is direct and will allow for clear concise messages to be relayed and understood. Neptune is the ruler of mysteries, illusions and a higher state of consciousness.
Expect revelations connected to the current global climate. Expect awakenings en masse.
Mars square Uranus. A square brings tension to the participants. Mars is the ruler of energy, passion, action and initiative. Uranus the planet of chaos and the unexpected.
A possible arise in conflict over unprecedented change. Awareness of the need to be around others.
Venus Trine Mars. Venus rules love & money and presides over Libra. Mars rules energy, passion & action and Aries. Libra Moon, Aries Sun is upon us.
This harmonious coupling allows for repair of conflict. Conversation & candour are on offer. There may be revelations within relationships, highlighting areas which need attention.
Finally we have two conjunctions/ alignments which will definitely ring bells in fact it could be considered a triple conjunction. Saturn/ Pluto/ Jupiter. I have discussed Saturn / Pluto conjunction briefly before. This is a theme for the next year. There are huge swings between the positive and negatives on this pairing. Saturn rules achievements and constructions through working hard and getting what you deserve. Pluto can bring empowerment through life changing events and transformations . It could also be the harbinger of death, whether physically or spiritually. Jupiter brings expansion, ethics and your take on life. Jupiter expands whatever it touches. Together, these are potentially dark pairings which include lots of destruction and chaos, but ultimately a light at the end of a very long tunnel can be seen to bring hope, opportunity & renewal.
Now this is where the main theme of my guidance & intuition has led me. This is a time of deconstructing old ways and patterns. A time of constructing a new more cohesive future, for who we need to become as an individual and as part of the collective. At times of great upheaval, darkness and chaos, the fear vibration is strong. It is important not to continually feed fear, as it creates more fear and from that comes chaos and misunderstanding. Rather, it is imperative that we centre our attention on hope and opportunity which will arise as a result of our unmovable focus. We need to become the change we wish to see, or we will allow the darkness of the past and present to swallow up our beautiful future and happiness. I choose the positive. It is time to step up into your authentic self and stand up for the world you want to create. Visualise the world as you would want it to be, meditate and let the inner child in you free, to show you the depths of your capacity to create something beautiful, simple and so attainable, from something dark and unknown. Working with shadow, meditation, spiritual journeying, going within, creativity are all favoured.
Right now the Earth’s energies are waxing. They are strong and powerful enough to connect with the closed mind. Tap into the thrum of the Mother and allow your mind to feel the movement and vibration she will give you on your journey. Be ready for your visions to unfold, for your inner child to come forth, allowing you to create a new and beautiful future on the Mother Earth. Believe it to be and so it shall be!
I have been led to step back and allow the current situation to run its course. I have been encouraged to take more time to go within and to meditate on a healthier world vision. I have been doing just that and messages are flying in right now. During my meditations, guidance in the form of a mantra came to me also and I think it apt for all of us.
Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo
I bow to creative wisdom , I bow to the divine teacher within
So a deep bow to the infinite teacher within and a chance for us to open to infinite source of wisdom and creativity within.
It has been an absolute pleasure to meditate, research and intuitively write this article for all of you.I find it to be the most important Full moon article I have ever written. It comes from my heart to yours in love, light and good intention, always.
Know that you are not alone and that I am there for you if you need to talk. Don’t be afraid to ask for help where it is needed. Don’t be afraid to offer help if you can and you feel led to do so. Trust your instincts my lovelies. Stay safe, Be well.
Blessings to you all
If you would like to know more about the positives and negatives of the generational planetary conjunctions of Saturn, Pluto & Jupiter, I have found the following article by Ben at Astroshaman to be most informative: