Astro Full Super Moon in Scorpio
27 April 4:31 UTC
All Hail & welcome to April's Pink Supermoon article Astro: Full Pink Supermoon in Scorpio. There is a lot going on for the coming few weeks, so no time to waste on our journeying through the cosmos. We begin with naming the moons & non-bias spiritual & religious observances. We will discuss the astrological implications & aspects for the full phase & into the next two weeks, ending on a list of astronomical events for the coming month. Sit back & enjoy the broomride....
Naming of the moons
The naming of the moons monthly cycle into full phase has been an international phenomenon since time immemorial. You may recognise that from some of the names the main agricultural, ecological, seasonal events are recorded as a symbolic marker for that particular time of the year. This April full moon is the first full moon in the spring and is commonly known as the pink moon. This does not mean that when the moon rises it is pink. Ancient American Indians named it such due to the pink moss and wild pink Phlox flower growing and flowering at this time of year. The native American names for the April full moon are Egg Moon, Seed Moon, frog Moon, Pink Moon and Awakening Moon. The Montana tribes named this moon the Frog Moon. Canadian Inuit name for this moon is Snow Melt Moon.
The Chinese name for this months moon is the Peony Moon. Ahh the Peony, what a very special flower! Peonies adorn many ancient Chinese paintings and vases. It is the unofficial flower of China, the other being the Cherry blossom. The Peony has been cultivated in China for thousands of years. It is so important and popular in China, that a Peony festival is held between mid April - Mid May every year. At this time the Peony begins to come into bloom. The festival in Louyang produces some of the world’s best Peonies. Luoyang was the capital of nine dynasties, beginning around 770BCE, and is known as ‘The City of Peonies’. the Peony is known as the ‘King of Flowers’ and is a symbol of Royalty, high status and virtue. It is also called the ‘flower of wealth and honour’. Peonies were revered due to their medicinal values. The root and bark were used to cool the blood and help with infections.
The Indian Panchang is in the month of Chaitra, but will enter the month of Vaisakha on 28th April, in which the celebrations of Buddha Purnima & Vaisakha Purnima are observed.
The Druidic path meandered into the month of WIllow on 15th April and will remain so until 12th May. In Druidic tradition, this month known as Saille, names the full moon, the full Witches moon or the moon of balance. It brings forth aspects of romantic love, healing, protection , fertility and women’s mysteries. So this is a good time to carry out spells or rituals for the aforementioned. The Willow is associated with healing and growth. This is a tree which loves water and rainfall and as such has been associated with protection from natural disasters such as flooding. Planting or having an existing Willow is said to ward against such disaster. Furthermore, Willow trees are associated with Witches & the goddess and many goddesses have been named as deities for the Willow; Persephone, Hecate, Cerridwen, Artemis,Selene, Luna, Diana and Brigit; are some of the Goddesses associated with this tree. Celtic Medieval names for this moon are Budding Moon, New Shoots Moon & Seed Moon and the Coligny calendar calls this Giamonios, When shoots grow.
Non bias spiritual & religious celebrations / observances
26/27 April Hanuman JayantI -Hindu
Hindu festival recalling the birth of Lord Rama’s supreme devotee, the monkey-headed Hanuman, whose feats figure in the Ramayana epic. Hanuman’s birth is celebrated at sunrise on the full-moon day of the lunar month of Chaitra.
30 April Lag B'Omer - Jewish
The Omer lasts 49 days from Pesach to Shavuot. A time of sadness, relieved on 33rd day. Recalling end of plague in Roman times. Weddings often take place on this day, since they are not usually permitted during the rest of the Omer period.
30 April Beltaine/May Eve - Wiccan/ Pagan
Beltaine - Druid
The wheel of the year continues to turn. Fertile spring surrenders to summer’s bloom. Celebrations such as lighting fires & leaping over them, with maypole dances, symbolizing the mystery of the Sacred Marriage of Goddess & God.
1 May Beltaine/May Day - Wiccan / Pagan
The wheel of the year continues to turn. Fertile spring surrenders to summer’s bloom. Celebrations such as lighting fires & leaping over them, with maypole dances, symbolizing the mystery of the Sacred Marriage of Goddess & God.
2 May Pascha/Easter - Christian (Orthodox)/ Rastafarian
Easter Day, the most important festival of the Christian year, when Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. A vigil is kept during the eve & the next day’s resurrection is greeted with lighting candles & the affirmation, ‘Christ is risen’.
4 May Lailat-Ul-Qadr - [Shi'a] THE NIGHT OF POWER
8 May Lailat-Ul-Qadr - [Sunni] THE NIGHT OF POWER
Commemoration of night in 610 CE when Prophet Muhammad received his first visit from angel Jibril (Gabriel) & his revelation of the Qur’an. Muslims believe the date of this night is kept secret by God.
9 May – 15 Christian Aid Week - Christian
Initiated in 1945. A fund raising week raising money for work with the needy throughout the world; mainly done by house to house collections/ sales of variety of goods.
12 May End Of Ramadan - Muslim
13 - 16 May Eid-Ul-Fitr/Feast Of Fast Breaking (1st Shawwal) - Muslim
When the fast of Ramadan has been completed - this is a time for making gifts for the poor. It is a time for new clothes, good food, presents for children. Families get together & friends, especially those who live far away. Communities assemble for Eid prayer & sermon at its mosques. The traditional greeting is ‘Eid Mubarak’ – ‘a happy and blessed Eid’.
13 May Ascension Day (40th day after Easter) - Christian (Western Churches)
commemorating the last earthly appearance of the Risen Christ, who, according to Christian belief, ascended into heaven in the presence of many witnesses.
17 - 18 May Shavuot / The Feast Of Weeks / Pentecost
7 weeks after Pesach, Shavuot celebrates the revelation of the Torah on Mount Sinai & early harvest season in Israel. Summer flowers and dairy foods are common.
23 May Anniversary Of The Declaration Of The Bab - Baha’I
The Bab signalled the arrival of Baha’ullah, was co-founder of the Baha’i faith; first declared his mission in Persia in 1844; Inaugurated the Baha’i calendar which numbers itself from the year of this declaration.
23 May Zaratosht No Diso - Zoroastrian (Shahenshahi; Parsi) [26 December (Iranian)]
This is the death anniversary of the Prophet Zarathushtra. Tradition records he was assassinated at the age of 77. It is customary to visit the Fire Temple, ponder upon the Gathas, the Hymns of Zarathushtra, which embody his eternal message to humanity.
23 May Pentecost / Whit Sunday - Christian (Western Churches)
Pentecost, named after the Jewish festival at which the disciples of Jesus first proclaimed the Gospel after the gift of the Holy Spirit. Seen as the ‘birthday’ of the Church. Its alternative name comes from the custom of baptizing converts dressed in white.
26 May Vesakha Puja / Wesak / Buddha Day- Buddhist
Wesak - the biggest of Buddhist festivals. Theravadins celebrate the birth, enlightenment & final passing away of Gautama Buddha. Mahayanists have separate days for each of them. Bodhi Day celebrates the enlightenment of the Buddha. Houses are decorated with lanterns & garlands. Temples are ringed with little oil lamps. People often send ‘Wesak cards’ to their friends.
28 May Anniversary Of The Ascension Of Baha’U’Llah - Baha’i
Commemorates the death of Baha’u’llah at Bahji, near Acre, in 1892. His shrine has become the place towards which all Baha’is face whilst praying.
30 May Trinity Sunday - Christian (Western Churches)
Trinity Sunday, when Christians reflect on the mystery of God. God who is seen as One but understood in & through God, the Father, God, the Son, and God, the Holy Spirit.
Our sun is in Taurus. Taurus is an Earth sign which encompasses grounding, patience, generosity, devotion & sensuality. This sign is a real powerhouse keeping a steady heartbeat of calm practicality, which helps to get done the job done. This energy will help us with those areas or situations which illuminate during this time.
Our Moon is in Scorpio. Scorpio is a deeply transformative sign, governed by the element of Water, as is the Moon, cleanse, heal & transform. It has the ability to make us directly face fears. Scorpio encourages us to see it through, to dive into it, exploring what is revealing itself to us. It is intense & penetrating. Whatever comes to the surface will be deeply intuitive, educative & transformative. Scorpio governs the very parts of ourselves we hide or forget about. It is a moon all about uncovering issues which already exist within us. Whatever comes may be uncomfortable & there is a great wisdom in learning to be emotionally present in the moment, however uncomfortable that may be.We are being asked to feel intuitively into this moon & all it has to offer. It is important to dive deep into what is being revealed. The Scorpio Moon is a perfect time to energetically release that which is no longer serving our life purpose & divine calling. This Moon will concentrate around areas of an energetic or psychic nature. It is a good time to energy cleanse with salt bath, crystals, burning incense herbs, reiki, sound baths & drumming are all a good call around the next two weeks. Scorpio also governs other people’s money, so possible financial beginnings or endings could impact us.
In addition, Scorpio represents transformation, so up-cycling something old into something with new purpose…I’ll leave that one for you!
Balance between a variety of areas in life may be highlighted during this time. We may find conflict with Home vs work; need vs want; mine vs yours; form vs transformation; personal values, material goods, possessions & security (Taurus) vs destruction of form, shared possessions, change & transformation (Scorpio). So if something of this ilk comes into sharp focus, dive into it & explore what message hides within to find the balance needed for equilibrium.
Planetary influences on Scorpio Supermoon.
We have 3 planets aspecting our Moon, with a full Square to Saturn which includes Uranus in Taurus.
Full Moon opposite Uranus
Expect the unexpected as Uranus, planet of sudden changes comes into play. Developments occur which could look out of control. There is a strong sense of freedom & independence. Rebellion is in the air! Be careful of accepting big changes which you haven’t thought through. These could effect intimate relationships. There could be mood swings & impulsiveness, possible anxiety, agitation, detachment particularly in personal relationships.
Full Moon Square Saturn
This is a big influencer. A square is a hard aspect in which to expect some of the more difficult qualities of a planet. Saturn is the planet of karma. Saturn Square will bring about some restriction to your relationships & to feelings. There may a feeling of sadness, loneliness, difficulty connecting to others, possible low self esteem.
Full Moon Trine Mars
Courage! The strength to overcome obstacles & passion to know intuitively exactly what you want, to go for it, especially if boldness is used, particularly in relationships. This energy is yours for the taking! be old & not bossy. This can help with the more challenging side of Saturn/ Uranus.
Venus Square Saturn
Added tension to love life, experiencing shyness, or restrictions. These originate in our own fears. Try not to be too hard on yourself. Do pick up on the affections of others.
Mercury Square Saturn
Communication becomes more difficult possibly because of negative thinking. Pay attention to details. Seek professional advice with contracts or legal, business issues. Be mindful of your words.
April 27 - Full Moon, Supermoon.
Moon on opposite side of Earth as Sun, face fully illuminated. Phase occurs at 03:33 UTC. First of three supermoons for 2021. Moon will be near its closest approach (perigee) to the Earth and may look slightly larger than usual.
May 6, 7 - Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower.
Eta Aquarids is an above average shower, capable of producing up to 60 meteors per hour at its peak. Most of the activity seen in Southern Hemisphere. Northern Hemisphere, can reach about 30 meteors per hour. Produced by dust particles left behind by comet Halley, observed since ancient times. Shower runs annually from April 19 to May 28, peaks this year night of May 6 and the morning of the May 7. Second quarter moon will block some of the faintest meteors this year. Best viewing will be from dark location after midnight. Meteors radiate from constellation Aquarius, appearing all over the sky.
May 11 - New Moon.
Moonlocated on the same side of the Earth as the Sun and will not be visible in the night sky. This phase occurs at 19:01 UTC. Best time of the month to observe faint objects, galaxies & star clusters because there is no moonlight to interfere.
17 - Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation.
Mercury reaches greatest eastern elongation, 22 degrees from the Sun. The best time to view Mercury as it is at its highest point above the horizon in the evening sky. Look for the planet low in the western sky just after sunset.
And that’s it for this months Full moon article. Thank you for joining me on journeying through the cosmic energies on offer to us this month. Please join me again for New Moon Astro article early in May. A blessed Beltaine to you all . Look out for my Beltaine article coming very soon.
In gratitude, love, light & all betwixt