Astro Full Strawberry Mead Moon in Capricorn
21/06/24 @ 2:06 GMT
All Hail & welcome to you beautiful souls. As I write, Litha/ Summer solstice is fast approaching. Blessed times celebrating the potent solar energies & signifying our entrance to the darker side of the year. The Sun’s waning will not become apparent until later on in the year, when the nights become noticeably longer. This potent solar energy will be rippling through our Full Moon in Capricorn falling on & around Summer Solstice. There are also cosmic forces influencing this moon phase & into the next month, leading up to a 2nd Full moon in Capricorn. I’ve got to admit, this time of year is amazing & difficult for me, in that I have remembrance of losing someone very close to me & always seem to experience tech issues at this time, possibly connected? Anyone else seem to have similar repetitive experiences like this at this time? The thing is, I always make an effort no matter how difficult to have a solstice ritual. Last year was with 3 generations of us girls in my family, celebrating in circle in our back yard, with music, dance, fruits & flowers, fire & a potent abundance ritual . It was magical. What plans do you have for this year?
Anyway, lets crack on with this month’s Astro Full Moon article.
Naming the Moons
Naming the moons is an international phenomenon which directly relates to the geographical agriculture of the ancients. Although today agriculture has subsequently moved into another era in which machinery is used to do a majority of work, we still use the names which were given to the full moons. Various names have been given to each moon as a consequence of the movements of the old ways. Native American names for June’s full moon are Strawberry Moon, Planting Moon or Green Corn Moon. The Siouan tribes of Montana call this moon the Full Leaf Moon, whilst he Northern Canadian native people call June’s Moon the Hunting Moon. In China this will be known as the Lotus Moon. The Indian calendar is a Lunar calendar in which each Lunar month is named and celebrations are committed to. This will be the Lunar month of Jyestha, but by 23rd June we will be in the month of Ashadha. Hindu’s celebrate Maharshi Veda Vyasa, the the sage who was believed to have edited the sacred Hindu Vedic texts, the writing of the 18 Puranas, Mahabharata & the Srimad Bhagavatam, all of which form the basis of the Hindu religion. For Bhuddists, this is time to celebrate Buddha’s first sermon at Sarnath, Uttar Pradesh. It is also a celebration of teachers of spirituality. In addition, it marks the beginning of the Monsoon season, so is also celebrated by farmers & is considered a truly auspicious day for many.
The British Medieval names for June’s Full moon are Mead Moon, Horse Moon, Dyan Moon and Rose Moon. The Druidic calendar places us from the month of the Oak into the month of Holly. The Holly Moon is feminine by nature and is also known as the moon of encirclement, polarity & protection. Aspects are protection, prophesy, sex magick, magick concerning animals. The Coligny calendar assigns the month the name Equos, meaning Horse time.
List of non bias religious & spiritual websites with celebrations/ observances:-
A quick heads up; This is the first of 2 consecutive Full Moons which will be traversing the sign of Capricorn. This months Full Moon is placed right at the very beginning of this sign & signifies the beginnings of work & results of work done well. The next Full Moon in Capricorn is in July & will be connected to this Moon in that, whatever we are beginning now will in some way manifest to its fruition by the time of July’s Full Capricorn Moon. A bit like a portal, these 2 Moons are connected to our workings & destinies from beginning to end. Depending on how we connect to these energies, our results will flow with our own force & intentions. Whatever develops now will likely set the theme for the rest of this month & up to July’s Full Moon. The trick is to be focused, responsible & use our inner wisdom, hindsight, experience & knowledge.
This is going to be one hell of a ride between these moon phases, so buckle in & steady as we go.
The Full moon represents fruition & abundance. A culmination of all the work we have put in over the past month & in this case half year. We can learn from what went right or wrong & implement necessary changes or begin again using our hindsight & experience. Mostly, we can release what didn't go so well & chalk it down to a learning curve. That's the beauty of manifestation, to learn & share what we have learned; to release with knowledge, acceptance & experience that which proved not to be useful in the grand scheme of things, is such a big part of moving into manifesting.
Full Moon means that the Sun is opposite the Moon. Our ego & personal identification (Sun), versus our intuition & emotion (Moon). We need to find balance to navigate this phase, to ride the waves of emotion & the sea of thought. Opposition brings a selection of polarities which need to be balanced. Full moon brings into focus our close relationships, family & home. In this we experience a pull & push in our home-life versus our work-life, our needs versus our wants, our social life versus our private life, Moreover with Cancer- Capricorn polarities, this will more likely affect areas concerning the need for a nurturing home base versus career, reputation & accountability; unconditional love vs conditional love; values, home, roots vs sense of duty; co-dependency vs independence. There is a lot to take in, so sit with this for a moment before moving on...
Our Moon is in Capricorn. Cardinal signs like to kick things off to a good start & Earthy, steady Capricorn also likes a thorough approach to solutions. There is potential here for personal growth in that whatever surfaces for us will have lessons for us to learn. In addition, full moon's encourage, that which is no longer of service to us in our lives & pathways, be released to make space for what is to come. Capricorn encourages structure & order, practicality & action to complete projects. Time for logic & practicality, which is all in the realms of the mountain Goat's qualities. Success is on the cards if we are ambitious enough to go for it. We may feel drawn to create strong foundations, to nurture & birth new ideas, or old ones which we have put to the back burner, practical planning & forethought are encouraged before any leaps are taken.
The Sun in Cancer is opposite the moon in Capricorn & this brings with it a lot of potential confusion. The reason for this? The Moon rules watery Cancer, but is in the opposing sign of Capricorn. The full moon is never really that content in Capricorn because of this. So we will feel a little emotionally pulled in opposing directions, until we find the balance we need . Capricorn is grounding & encourages us to find our centre before we leap up the proverbial mountain! Cancer wants to flow, sometimes a little too fast. The duality of these energies is an uncertain energy which stirs up a mist until we can no longer see before us, with clarity. This is a cosmic attempt to slow us down a little so that we can take a look from another angle. Wait it out til the mist rises & you will become aware of what stands the storm & what fails to.
When we surrender to the unknown, we allow the nature of cosmic energies to reveal our next steps, rather than pushing along an unclear pathway. We open ourselves to our soul's alchemy & growth. Have courage & patience & know that through trust, we will continue taking guided steps on our soul's journeying.
As this is the zenith of the zodiac wheel, we will find urges to take a look into our goals & dreams, those things we set our intentions for & climb to the peak of our abilities to achieve. With this Full Moon we may see some of this coming to fruition or becoming illuminated for our attention. Capricorn encourages us to commit & work in the correct way to achieve our goals. If we have worked in this manner, we will see new possibilities & experience new opportunities flowing toward us. If we have not done things the right way & for the right meaning, we may experience setbacks & delays to our forward motion. Discovering new ways & different perspectives will help us get on the right track. Along with finding the balance between these 2 energies, we are also being urged to work in this way with the correct means & intentions toward our aspirations.
Planetary influences
Neptune Square Full Moon - Deception is on the cards! This could mean we are being deceived or we are concentrating too hard on self deception & reacting to it. Be mindful & think before action is taken, if it needs to be taken. Keep thoughts in check & remind ourselves if our overthinking is playing out.
Full Moon opposition to Venus in Cancer - This is a warning to us all to be aware of how we treat others & to recognise where we may be taken for granted. Soft approach is encouraged as we may be more overbalanced & stronger on one side than the other. Our balanced overview is much more productive & approachable. There may be problems with others, so take heed of where we are in this balance & act mindfully & accordingly.
Finally, dwarf planet Ceres, representing nourishment, resources & support will turn retrograde in Capricorn a little after this lunation. Energies may be a little skewed around these areas in life; possessions, money & food may play a part in this aspect personally & possibly globally. As Capricorn governs government & politics , this is more likely played out in the international arena. Ceres will remain retrograde at the next Full Moon In Capricorn on July 21st, so will most likely be tied into what we’re focusing on during this time. Wherever you may be feeling an insecurity of sorts, work to find a positive approach & way forward. Challenges are good teachers.
June 20 - June Solstice.
June solstice occurs at 20:46 UTC. North Pole of earth will be tilted toward the Sun, having reached its northernmost position in the sky, will be directly over the Tropic of Cancer at 23.44 degrees north latitude. 1st day of summer (summer solstice & longest day of the year) in Northern Hemisphere; 1st day of winter (winter solstice & longest night of the year) in the Southern Hemisphere.
June 21-22 - Full Moon.
Moon located opposite side of Earth as the Sun, its face fully illuminated. Phase occurs at 01:09 UTC.
July 5 - New Moon.
Moon located same side of Earth as Sun , will not be visible in the night sky. Phase occurs at 22:59 UTC. Best time to observe faint objects, galaxies, star clusters as no moonlight interferes.
July 21 - Full Moon.
July 22 - Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation.
Mercury reaches greatest eastern elongation, 26.9 degrees from the Sun. Best time to view Mercury at its highest point above the horizon, low in the west evening sky, just after sunset.
And so, we have come to the end of mid year zenith Astro Full Moon article. Merry Solstice to you all whichever hemisphere you are in. I hope goodness for you all & send you all much love & gratitude for joining me on another experience of the cosmic energies on offer to us at this very potent peaking solar energy time of the year.
Join me again for Astro New Moon, as we traverse the illuminations of this moon & beyond. We will be embarking on or around 4th July 2024.
Until then take care & enjoy this time, my lovelies.
In gratitude, love, light & all betwixt