Astro Full Moon in Capricorn
24/06/21 @ 19.39
All Hail & welcome to you beautiful souls. As I write, Litha/ Summer solstice is taking place. Blessed times celebrating the potent solar energies & signifying our entrance to the darker side of the year. The Sun’s waning will not become apparent until later on in the year, when the nights become noticeably longer. This potent solar energy will be rippling through our Full Moon in Capricorn falling a few days after Solstice. There is also cosmic forces influencing this moon phase & into the next 2 weeks, leading up to new moon. So, grab a seat, make a cuppa & park your broom for this months full on Astro: Full Supermoon in Capricorn....
Naming the Moons
Naming the moons is an international phenomenon which directly relates to the geographical agriculture of the ancients. Although today agriculture has subsequently moved into another era in which machinery is used to do a majority of work, we still use the names which were given to the full moons. Various names have been given to each moon as a consequence of the movements of the old ways. Native American names for June’s full moon are Strawberry Moon, Planting Moon or Green Corn Moon. The Siouan tribes of Montana call this moon the Full Leaf Moon, whilst he Northern Canadian native people call June’s Moon the Hunting Moon. In China this will be known as the Lotus Moon. The Indian calendar is a Lunar calendar in which each Lunar month is named and celebrations are committed to. This will be the Lunar month of Jyestha, Purnima falls on 25th June when it becomes the month of Ashadh with the celebrations of Guru Purnima and Vyas Purnima. Hindu’s celebrate Maharshi Veda Vyasa, the the sage who was believed to have edited the sacred Hindu Vedic texts, the writing of the 18 Puranas, Mahabharata & the Srimad Bhagavatam, all of which form the basis of the Hindu religion. For Bhuddists, this is the day that they celebrate Buddha’s first sermon at Sarnath, Uttar Pradesh. It is also a celebration of teachers of spirituality. This also marks the beginning of the Monsoon season, so is also celebrated by farmers, so is considered a truly auspicious day for many.
The British Medieval names for June’s Full moon are Mead Moon, Horse Moon, Dyan Moon and Rose Moon. The Druidic calendar places us from the month of the Oak into the month of Holly. The Holly Moon is feminine by nature and is also known as the moon of encirclement, polarity & protection. Aspects are protection, prophesy, sex magick, magick concerning animals. The Coligny calendar assigns the month the name Equos, meaning Horse time.
List of non bias religious & spiritual celebrations July 2021
1 July - Jashn-E Tirgan (Tir Jashan) - Zoroastrian (Iranian)
Jashn-e Tirgan, an ancient summer festival, celebrated three months after the spring NoRuz. Tirgan is devoted to the divinity Tir and is associated with the dog-star Sirius, the coming of the rains in Iran & fertility which follows. Customs include, visit the Fire Temple to give thanks to Ahura Mazda, participate in a jashan or thanksgiving ceremony.
7 - 16 July Fravardigan - Zoroastrian (Kadmi)
Fravardigan festival the immortal souls, together with their fravashis (the guardian spirits of departed ancestors, half man/half bird), come to reside in the place of worship. Many Zoroastrians take time off to pray, recite the five Gathas and cleanse their houses. Daily samples of sacred food are tasted by them during the daily ceremonies.
9 July - Anniversary Of The Martyrdom Of The Bab - 1850 - Baha’i
The Bab’s death, execution by firing squad, is commemorated at noon with readings & prayers from the Baha’i Scriptures.
11 July - Ratha Yatra - Hindu
‘Chariot journey’. Observed mostly at Puri in the Indian state of Orissa. Processions of devotees pull huge waggons (rathas) supporting images of Krishna. He is known under the name of ‘Jagannath’, (Lord of the Universe), from which the English term ‘juggernaut’ comes. Krishna is attended on his journey by his brother & sister. The festival is celebrated in Britain with processions through various parts of London on appropriate Sundays.
13 - 15 July - O-Bon - Japanese [Not Tokyo]
Japanese festival when the spirits of the dead are welcomed back home with feasting and dancing. Fires are lit to illuminate their arrival & departure.
14 July - Chokor (Also Cho Kor Du Chen) -Buddhist
Tibetan/Nepalese festival commemorating the first teaching (the turning of the wheel of law) by the historical Buddha. A colourful & relaxed mid-summer festival. Statues of the Buddha & copies of the scriptures are carried round the district with music, symbolising the promulgation of the Buddha’s teaching. The whole community joins in the processions and the picnics that follow.
17 July - Navroze / No Ruz Zoroastrian (Kadmi)
New Year’s Day on the Shenshai Calendar. By 20th century, Parsis of India had become the largest group in the world practising Zoroastrianism,. In 21st century over 95% of Zoroastrians in the UK are Parsis. They celebrate two new years
18 July -Tisha B'Av -Jewish
Full day fast mourning the destruction of the first & second Temples in Jerusalem and other tragedies in Jewish history. The Book of Lamentations is read.
18 - 22 July - Hajj / Pilgrimage To Makkah (8th To 12th Dhul-Hijjah) - Muslim
All Muslims who can afford to do so, and are not prevented through ill-health, are required to make this pilgrimage once in their lifetime. Series of ritual acts are performed by pilgrims during the first two days of Hajj.
19 July - Yaum-Arafah / The Day Of Arafat (9th Dhul-Hijjah) - Muslim
Muslims on Hajj spend the day in prayer on Mount Arafat commemorating the end of the revelation of the Qur’an to the Prophet. Those not on Hajj are expected to pray & fast.
19 - 22 July - Eid-Ul-Adha / The Festival Of Sacrifice (10th Dhul-Hijjah) - Muslim
Major festival (al-Eid al-Kabir) commemorating Ibrahim’s (Abraham’s) willingness to sacrifice his son, Ismail. Muslims worldwide make animal sacrifice if affordable. Meat is distributed to the poor, and some is shared with relatives & friends.
22 July - Khordad Sal Zoroastrian (Kadmi)
Khordad Sal, the Birthday of Zarathushtra, falls on the sixth day after NoRuz. Khordad means perfection. The festival of Khordad Sal symbolically celebrates the birthday of Prophet Zarathushtra. Customs include, visit the Fire Temple, give thanks to Ahura Mazda for giving humanity the Prophet Zarathushtra, participate in a jashan or thanksgiving ceremony, listen to stories of the miraculous birth and life of Prophet Zarathushtra, & share in a happy community meal, a drink & dance.
23 July - Birthday Of Haile Selassie I - Rastafarian
One of the holiest days of the Rastafarian year. Celebrated with Nyahbinghi drumming, hymns & prayers.
24/25 July - Asalha Puja Or Dhamma Day - Buddhist
Dhammacakka day – ‘The turning of the wheel of teaching’. Theravada celebration of the First Proclamation by Gautama to five ascetics, he taught the Middle Way, the Noble Eightfold Path & the Four Noble Truths.
28 July - The Festival Of The Pool / Eid Ul Ghadeer/ Eid-Ul-Ghadir -Muslim (Shi‘a)
Important festival observed by Shi‘a Muslims, commemorating event shortly before the death of the Prophet, in his announcement of succession concerning Ali, as the spiritual & temporal leader of Islam.
We begin the astrology section with a quick look into a Supermoon.
The Moon’s orbit around the Earth is elliptical, in which one side is closer to Earth than the other. The point of orbit furthest from the Earth is known as Apogee. The moon’s orbit closest to Earth is known as Perigee.
Supermoon occurs when the moon is closest, perigee & as it reaches its elliptical rotation of 27.3 days, the closest approach to the Earth. On or near Perigee, the moon looks brighter, larger & fuller in the sky. The next lunar perigee is 23 June 2021 & invites our tides to swell. We call this a lunar perigean/proxigean spring tide.
A Full Supermoon harbours strong energies, amplified by the intimacy of the Moon & Earth.
Ok technical stuff done, lets take a meander through the meanings & effects this Supermoon in Capricorn has to offer us. As Moon traverses into full phase, it will already be at perigee. Full Supermoon's are amplified. This means that although our emotional, intuitive, inner personality & past resurges during this phase normally, with this month's full supermoon we will really feel a huge wave of this emotional cauldron bubbling up & potentially over! So, fair warning to be on your lookout, eyes wide open, for any signs of emotional tug of war within yourself & others around you. If you can recognise & acknowledge this surge, you will be able to work with it rather than against it.
This is going to be one hell of a ride this phase, so buckle in & steady as we go.
The Full moon represents fruition & abundance. A culmination of all the work we have put in over the past month & in this case half year. We can learn from what went right or wrong & implement necessary changes or begin again with experience. Mostly, we can release what didn't go so well & chalk it down to a learning curve. That's the beauty of manifestation, to learn & to share what we have learned; to release with knowledge, acceptance & experience that which proved not to be useful in the grand scheme of things, is such a big part of moving into manifesting.
Full Moon means that the Sun is opposite the Moon. Our ego & personal identification (Sun), versus our intuition & emotion (Moon). We need to find balance to navigate this phase, to ride the waves of emotion & the sea of thought. Opposition brings a selection of polarities which need to be balanced. Full moon brings into focus our close relationships, family & home. in this we experience a pull & push in our home-life versus our work-life, our needs versus our wants, our social life versus our private life, Moreover with Cancer- Capricorn polarities, this will more likely affect areas concerning the need for a nurturing home base versus career, reputation & accountability; unconditional love vs conditional love; values, home, roots vs sense of duty; co-dependency vs independence. There is a lot to take in, so sit with this for a moment before moving on...
Our Moon is in Capricorn. Cardinal signs like to kick things off to a good start & Earthy, steady Capricorn also likes a thorough approach to solutions. There is potential here for personal growth in that whatever surfaces for us will have lessons for us to learn. In addition, full moon's encourage, that which is no longer of service to us in our lives & pathways, be released to make space for what is to come. Capricorn encourages structure & order, practicality & action to complete projects. Time for logic & practicality, which is all in the realms of the mountain Goat's qualities. Success is on the cards if we are ambitious enough to go for it. We may feel drawn to create strong foundations, to nurture & birth new ideas, or old ones which we have put to the back burner, practical planning & forethought are encouraged before any leaps are taken.
The Sun in Cancer is opposite the moon in Capricorn & this brings with it a lot of potential confusion. The reason for this? The Moon rules watery Cancer, but is in the opposing sign of Capricorn. The full moon is never really that content in Capricorn because of this. So we will feel a little emotionally pulled in opposing directions, until we find the balance we need . Capricorn is grounding & encourages us to find our centre before we leap up the proverbial mountain! Cancer wants to flow, sometimes a little too fast. The duality of these energies is in uncertain energy which stirs up the mist until we can no longer see before us, with clarity. This is a cosmic attempt to slow us down a little so that we can take a look from another angle. Wait it out til the mist rises & you will become aware of what stands the storm & what fails to.
When we surrender to the unknown, we allow the nature of cosmic energies to reveal our next steps, rather than pushing along an unclear pathway. We open ourselves to our soul's alchemy & growth. Have courage & patience & know that through trust, we will continue taking guided steps on our soul's journeying.
Planetary influences
Full moon aspects are a real addition to the bubbling energies of this Supermoon. Looking at it, Saturn is the ruler of this Supermoon. Be on the lookout for any of the following....
Saturn is Rx, in retrograde, in Aquarius. Saturn's energies have slowed or spun to reveal the darker nature of this monster generational planet. In innovative Aquarius, Saturn the taskmaster motivates us in finding an equilibrium to both sides of responsibility, personal & that toward others, being on the same level. However, Aquarius can have the effect of severing connections to our emotions, making us seem aloof, uncaring, even irresponsible. We are being asked to grow up & be responsible for ourselves , our actions & thereafter, accountability.
Saturn in Aquarius opposite Mars in Leo, will encourage us to take things at face value, taking things personally even if invalid. Be aware not to jump to conclusions!
Saturn Square Uranus (hard aspect). Even though Saturn's energy is waning , there is still more tension to experience. There will be a few more weeks of disruption, restrictions, unexpected changes. However, this could continue until December.
Saturn-Mars-Uranus square (90°, hard aspect) - keep calm & carry on ! Try not to get invested into arguments or agitations. These challenges are sometimes sent to throw us off course.
Saturn-Mars-Juno-Chiron - a Kite forms between these 4 which offer us healing of old wounds & past hurts, regrets & such may arise. Softening ourselves & allowing these feelings to be released will aid us on our voyage of self development. This help is amplified within a group setting, raising the vibrations exponentially, for the sense of greater good for the communities in which we live.
Venus in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn increases our need for love, affection & attention. Not to become too needy is key. Warning! Close relationships may experience manipulation, suspicion, jealousy or power struggles. Tapping into the increasing power of attraction on offer, may fulfil temporary desires. Heat of the moment kind of energy! Don't get lost in its temporal nature.
Full Moon Sextile (60°) Jupiter Rx - On a much more jolly note! Good fortune, cheerfulness, honesty, optimism, family harmony, socialising, listening to others. The Jupiter energy injecting itself into this tumultuous Full Supermoon will give a softer, more cooperative energy to our time spent under this June lunation. Rounding off some of the harder edges of what seems a lot to take in at the moment! All will become clear soon enough.
June 24 - Full Moon, Supermoon.
Moon located opposite side of Earth as Sun, its face fully illuminated. Phase occurs at 18:40 UTC. This is the last of three supermoons for 2021. Moon will be near its closest approach to the Earth, may look slightly larger and brighter than usual.
July 4 - Mercury at Greatest Western Elongation.
Planet Mercury reaches greatest western elongation of 21.6 degrees from the Sun. Best time to view Mercury at its highest point above the horizon in the morning sky. Look low in the eastern sky just before sunrise.
July 10 - New Moon.
Moon, located on same side of the Earth as the Sun, will not be visible. Phase occurs at 01:17 UTC. Best time of month observing faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters as no moonlight will interfere.
July 24 - Full Moon.
Moon located on opposite side of Earth as the Sun, its face fully illuminated. Phase occurs at 02:37 UTC.
July 28, 29 - Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower.
Delta Aquarids is an average shower producing up to 20 meteors per hour at peak. Produced by debris left behind by comets Marsden and Kracht. Shower runs annually from July 12 to August 23, peaking this year July 28- 29. Nearly full moon will block block most faint meteors. Best viewing from a dark location after midnight. Meteors radiate from constellation Aquarius, appearing anywhere in the sky.
And so, we have come to the end of June's lunations & another Astro: Full moon article. There is so much to take in, so re-read those sections which resonate because these are intuitive markers for our personal use. My gratitude to you for joining me on this voyage of cosmic discovery. I wish you all the very best outcomes for your personal & community journey's.
Please join me around 10 July for New moon & another Astro: New moon article.
Blessings of gratitude, love light & all betwixt
Adhar, S. @ancientfootprints