Astro: February Full Moon in Leo 9/2/20
Image Credits: NASA
All hail and welcome to February’s edition of Astro. This month we have a Full supermoon in fiery Leo aligned with active Mars. I shall discuss the astrology of this connection later in this article. But before that I wish to divulge the phenomenon of naming the moons, after which I shall give you a list of non-bias observances and celebrations for February. Finally, I will list this months astronomical events for your diaries. So, without further ado….
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Naming the moons
Traditionally, naming the moons has historical agricultural and geographical origins. This is an international phenomenon, which generally differs from region to region, due to varying ecologies and depending on seasonal changes. The February Full moon reflects the returning light of the Sun whilst still in the midst of the Winter changeover to Spring. Native American names for this months full moon are Hunger Moon, Starvation Moon, Trapper’s Moon, Storm Moon, Tree Moon and Moon of Ice. Montana tribes named this moon Long Day Moon. Inuit peoples call the February moon Seal Pup Moon. In contrast, China names this moon Budding Moon, representing the budding of cherry trees. In India we are are in the month of Magh in which Magh Purnima observed. Then over to the British Isles, the medieval Celtic name for February full moon are Storm Moon, Ice Moon and Snow Moon. The Druidic Ogham month is Rowan,(Luis). The Rowan was used by ancient Norsemen for protection. This moon is associated with the Goddess Brighid, the Celtic Goddess of the hearth and home. She is honoured at Imbolc, on February 1st each year. Brighid is a fire goddess offering protection not only to home & hearth but to the family unit, especially mothers. This month is a great time for initiations including self dedications. Any magick concerning protection, personal power and success is recommended this month. It is also a favourable month if you practice Astral travel. This month sees many observations and celebrations which are included in the following non-biased list for February.
Non-bias list of spiritual and religious celebrations & observances
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Imbolc/ Candlemas - Pagan
Imbolc/Candlemas celebrating the awakening of the Mother Earth, land and the growing power of the Sun.
Presentation of Christ in the Temple / Candlemas - Christian
Congregations hold lighted candles to recall the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, and Mary’s is expressed in the words of the Nunc Dimittis.
Setsubun / Bean scattering - Japanese
The day for the Bean Scattering ceremony, performed both in homes and in temples.
Lantern Festival/ Yuanxiaojie - Chinese
The Lantern Festival marks the first full moon of the year and the lengthening of the days. Strings of lanterns are hung up in decoration.
8 or 15
Parinirvana - Buddhist
Mahayanists mark the final passing from this world of Gautama Buddha at Kushinagara, India, at the age of 80. Pure Land Buddhists call this Nirvana Day.
Magha Puja - Buddhist
1,250 enlightened disciples came to the Bamboo Grove on the full moon of Magha. The Buddha predicted his death and gave a summary of his teachings and a code of discipline which all monks are expected to recite every fortnight. The day is observed with meditation, chanting and listening to sermons.
Tu B'Shevat - Jewish
Jewish tradition marks the 15th of Shevat as the day when the sap in the trees begins to rise, heralding the beginning of spring. Custom for Jews all over the world to plant young trees at this time and to eat fruit produced in Israel.
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Mahashrivati [Great Shiva Night] - Hindu
The night Shiva is said to perform the cosmic dance, leading from creation to destruction. Fasting,observed All-night prayers focus on Shiva and his shrines and statues. Milk is poured on his symbol, the lingam.
Shrove Tuesday - Christian (Western Churches)
‘Shrove’ relates to absolution from sin. Nowadays it is a day for eating and enjoyment. In Britain it is called ‘Pancake Day’, as pancakes use up all the rich foods before Lent. Elsewhere it is known as Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday), and is a time for carnivals and fairs.
Ash Wednesday- Christian (Western Churches)
First day of Lent recalls the temptations Jesus faced for forty days in the wilderness. Catholic and some Anglican churches, foreheads are marked with a cross of ash made from burning the palm crosses of the previous year – hence ‘Ash Wednesday’.
26 Feb - 11 April
Lent - Christian - (Western Churches)
Forty days fasting and self-discipline (not counting Sundays) that leads up to Easter. Traditionally Christians give up something during this time marking the forty days Jesus spent in the wilderness.
"Since earliest times our ancestors have recognised that, just as the Moon has the power to move the great waters of the worlds oceans, so she also exerts a profound influence on the lives of all things that live on this planet."
(Lori Reid, Moon Magic)
Our beautiful celestial being enters full phase on 8/9th of February, depending on geographical area. For UK this will occur on 9th Feb at 7:33 am (GMT). The moon will be in the constellation of fire sign Leo, who is ruled by the Sun. The Sun will be in the constellation of airy Aquarius. In addition there is a lunar alignment with Mars, the planet of motivation, aggression, action and sex. So lets take a look at how this is going to be playing out for those of us who are affected by the lunar astrology this month.
Image Credits: Steven Rezegi
The moon represents our inner feelings and intuition, our inner expressions. At full phase our emotions reach a peak. With this being a supermoon, we can expect that our emotions and intuition will be amplified exponentially. Regal Leo is a fire sign ruled by the Sun, so this energy will add drive and courage as well having a fiery sexual connotation. Leo will be illuminating our inner being, what we think, what we want to be or do and encouraging us to take action. In addition, the moon aligned to Mars adds extra potency to the action and courage we may need to take that next step. This full moon can give us the self confidence we need to try out something new or experience that which we have wanted to try. Putting ourselves out of our comfort zone is how we grow, expand and learn. Its all in the journeying. However, fair warning here, Leo and Mars together could bring about an increased sex drive and confidence or destabilising emotions and rogue energies. Having said that, this moon will also allow us the foresight to evaluate situations before taking the next step, so as to avoid the negatives. Find the happy balance with this pairing and watch for any signs of imbalance so as to avoid adverse effects. So, take a step into the light of the sun and roar your intentions and achievements with this moon.
Image credits: Pixbay
The Sun represents our ego and external expression, our public face if you like. Aquarius is a forward thinker, leader and innovator. This airy energy carries with it philosophy, progression and charm. That job, new move, person you’ve been too shy to go for may now be more available to you than you thought. With this new found optimism which Aquarius offers, you may feel like taking that step toward your true self and what it is you really want from this life or what it is that will get you where you need to go. There is also the sense of being of service to others, which you will be able to harness by using your personal talents.
Armed with this information and understanding can help us to recognise the signs that this moon is attempting to give us about stepping up into the fire of our true selves. Harnessing the amplified instinctual lunar energies of increased strength and intuition may help us to succeed in various situations, including and especially in our relationships. We may be able to discern discord within interpersonal relationships, which we wouldn’t have been so aware of before. Using this insight we could calmly solve those issues for the greater good. Sexual tensions can be eased without losing that sensual heat between you and your partner.
My advice is to find balance in the aspects this moon is highlighting. We fair much better if we find equilibrium and go with that particular flow, rather than fighting against it. Find the fire which ignites you to succeed. Find what it is your heart is most craving for you to do and step up into the magick that is Full moon in Leo. Its time to shine, my lovelies. Go forth and shine like the sun!
February 9 - Full Moon, Supermoon.
The Moon will be located on the opposite side of the Earth as the Sun and its face will be will be fully illuminated. This phase occurs at 07:34 UTC. This is the first of four supermoons for 2020. The Moon will be at its closest approach to the Earth and may look slightly larger and brighter than usual.
February 10 - Mercury at Greatest Elongation.
This is the best time to view Mercury. It will be at its highest point above the horizon in the evening sky. Look low in the western sky just after sunset.
February 23 - New Moon.
The Moon will not be visible in the night sky. This phase occurs at 15:33 UTC. This is the best time of the month to observe faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters because there is no moonlight to interfere.
March 9 - Full Moon, Supermoon.
And so we come to the end of February's Astro Full Moon article. My gratitude to you for reading this article. I hope you have enjoyed reading? All credits follow this article. Please join me for Astro: February New Moon 2020 which is 23rd February . I look forward to reading your comments.
I hope you find your fire and step into the light of your true self with beauty and confidence.
In love, light and all things between
Reid, L. 2018, Moon Magic, SevenOaks, Carlton Publishing, London
Wigington, Patti. "Celtic Tree Months." Learn Religions, Jan. 29, 2020,
Steven rezegi