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Astro: July Full Buck Moon Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn

Writer's picture: Sheela AdharSheela Adhar

Astro: July Full Buck Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn

5 July 2020 @ 4:44 UTC

All hail & Welcome to this month’s Astro: Full moon article. We are experiencing the third of the three eclipses of this season. This month we will see the various effects the eclipse can have on each of us as it highlights our personal pathway. There are added energies which are actively seeking influence in your daily activities too. The 2020 Pluto- Jupiter conjunction plays a positive energetic role this month, as do many other aspects. The effects of this eclipse et al can last for up to 12 months! My gosh! That is a prolific influence to be faced with. There is a lot to discuss, including naming the moons, lists of non- bias observances & celebrations & astronomical events, as well as the astrology for this phase & beyond. Lets crack on with it!

Naming of the Moons

Naming the full moon each month is an olde phenomenon indicating the changing seasons, agricultural & ecological events during the year. Given geographical variants these names differ dependant on geographical region. The Native American names for July’s full moon are Hay Moon, Summer Moon, Thunder Moon & Buck Moon. Buck Moon is named such because it is at this time of year that bucks gain their horns. The Montana tribes named this moon the Red Berries Moon. The Northern Canadian Inuit name for this moon is Dry Moon. Across the continents & the Chinese name for this moon is the Hungry Ghost Moon. A time where the veils of the worlds are considered thin & where familial ghosts may return to where they were happiest. In India it is the month of Asdha until July 23rd when this changes to the lunar month of Svanana. In Britain, the ancient Celtic Medieval names are Claiming Moon, Wyrt / Herb Moon, Mead Moon. The Druidic calendar suggests that we are in the month of Holly, Tinne, from 8th July to 4th August. This is a feminine moon known as the Moon of Encirclement or the Moon of Polarity, with aspects of protection, Magick for animals & sex magick.

Non - Bias Spiritual & Religious events

5 July Asalha Puja Or Dhamma Day -  Buddhist

Dhammacakka day – ‘The turning of the wheel of teaching’. Theravada celebration of the First Proclamation by Gautama to five ascetics in the Deer Park near Benares. In it he taught the Middle Way, the Noble Eightfold Path & the Four Noble Truths.

7 - 16   Fravardigan -  Zoroastrian (Kadmi)

In the Fravardigan festival, immortal souls, with their fravashis (the guardian spirits of departed ancestors, half man/half bird), reside in the place of worship.  

13- 15 (Wednesday) O-Bon Japanese [Not Tokyo]

A Japanese festival when the spirits of the departed are welcomed back home with feasting & dancing. Fires are often lit to illuminate their arrival & departure.

17 Navroze / No Ruz -  Zoroastrian (Kadmi)

New Year’s Day on the Shenshai Calendar. By 20th century, Parsis of India were the largest group in the world practising Zoroastrianism. 21st century,over 95% of Zoroastrians in the UK are Parsis. Like their Indian counterparts, they celebrate 2 new years.

19 Anniversary Of The Martyrdom Of The Bab - 1850 - Baha’i

The Bab was executed by firing squad in Tabriz, Persia, at noon on this day. Commemoration at noon with readings & prayers from the Baha’i Scriptures.

22- 31 July - 1st - 10th Aug Dhul-Hijjah Muslim

The first 10 days of the month of Dhul-Hijjah are held to be holy when good deeds are rewarded by God. These days encompass the allotted days for the performance of the Hajj (pilgrimage) & the first day of Eid-ul-Adha (the feast of sacrifice).

22  Khordad Sal -  Zoroastrian (Kadmi)

Khordad Sal is the Birthday of Zarathushtra, on the sixth day after NoRuz. Khordad means perfection. Custom is to visit the Fire Temple, give thanks for the Prophet Zarathushtra. Jashan or thanksgiving ceremony, listen to stories of the miraculous birth & life of Prophet Zarathushtra, share in community meal & a dance.

23 Birthday Of Haile Selassie I Rastafarian

One of the holiest days of the Rastafarian year, celebrated with Nyahbinghi drummhymns & prayers.

24 Chokor (Also Cho Kor Du Chen)  - Buddhist

Tibetan/Nepalese festival commemorating the first teaching (the turning of the wheel of law) given by the Buddha. A colourful mid-summer festival. Statues of the Buddha & copies of the scriptures are carried round the district with music, symbolising the sharing of the Buddha’s teaching. The whole community joins in processions & picnics.

28 - 2 Hajj / Pilgrimage To Makkah (8th To 12th Dhul-Hijjah)  - Muslim

All Muslims who can afford to do so, & are not ill, are required to make this pilgrimage at least once in their lifetime. A series of ritual acts are performed by the pilgrims during the first two days of Hajj.

30 Yaum-Arafah / The Day Of Arafat (9th Dhul-Hijjah) Muslim

Muslims who are on Hajj spend the day in prayer on Mount Arafat to commemorate the end of the revelation of the Qur’an to the Prophet. Those not on Hajj pray & fast.

30 Tisha B'av - Jewish

Full day fast mourning the destruction of the first & second Temples in Jerusalem & other tragedies in Jewish history. The Book of Lamentations is read.

31 - 4  Eid-Ul-Adha / The Festival Of Sacrifice (10th Dhul-Hijjah) - Muslim

Major festival (al-Eid al-Kabir) commemorates Ibrahim’s (Abraham’s) willingness to sacrifice his son, Ismail.


1 Lammas/Lughnasadh - Wiccan, Pagan

Lughnasadh, otherwise called Lammas, is the time of the 1st harvest, the corn harvest, Pagans reap what they have sown earlier in the year. celebrations of the fruits of their labour & the revolution of Nature within the wheel of the year. At Lughnasadh, Pagans give thanks for the bounty of the Goddess as Queen of the land.

3 Raksha Bandhan  - Hindu

Raksha means ‘protection’ & bandhan means ‘to tie’. Girls & married women tie a rakhi (amulet) on the right wrists of their brothers, wishing them protection from evil.


Full moon is manifestation station! The mother in full bloom phase. A time when plans come to fruition or are amplified by lunar energies enabling the release of negative or unwanted energies. Logic, instinct & practicality in your endeavours are abundant. Full moon is also a time of heightening emotions & intuition, representing past times, emotions & feelings, so you may feel a rise of energies in any of these areas.

Full moon in Cardinal Capricorn is Earthy, bringing practicality,hard work & reliability, although rigidity in plans could be present, where flexibility is needed.  Home, family & foundations are all qualities to Capricorn Moon too.

Blood moon / Lunar eclipse is when the moon passes through the Earth’s umbra /shadow & takes on a reddish hue. Penumbral lunar eclipse adds momentum to what is happening & can act as catalyst to this moon’s energies. Eclipse is a time to look at your personal path, moving & adjusting where needed, which will help you in the future. This is potent energy which can last up to 12 months.

At this time you will become aware of imbalances within relationships by being acutely aware. These can be resolved by showing support & understanding which helps to rebalance to create harmony. There is relationship healing available with this moon phase, so it may be time to discuss vulnerability and concerns, with the view to finding common ground.

The Sun in Cancer will add a watery flow of connection to mother nature & the divine feminine, bringing in a softer edge to what seems rigid & difficult times. Cancer represents the sacred feminine & is one of two aspects of similar design to welcome into this phase. Cancer will usher in a dreamy, evocative, imaginative nurturing for new plans & evolutions.

The polarities involved in this eclipse will encourage a light, playful approach to surrender control, giving the impetus to work from the heartspace rather than the ego-mind.

This is the third & final of this years Capricorn - Cancer eclipses. A season which began in 2018. Advice is to look back over the past 2 years & ask yourself, what it is you have been working on or improving in your life & what it is that is working for you or coming to fruition right now. These are the areas which will be highlighting your personal evolution toward your highest aspirations.

As with all full moon’s, it is a time of release & this month is special, as we will be encouraged to release something that we have been holding on to. This is something which really does need to be relinquished for you to move forward. There are universal gifts on offer which will become evident to you as you move forward, stepping into the person you have been working on becoming over the past 2 years. I’m a firm believer that we chose to be in this space & time to be the catalysts of needed change, an evolution in which love overrides all else. Step into your highest self, the best version of you and watch the universe work wonders in your life. It could be a painful beginning or end, but out of it will come a new life, a new world, a new you. Be brave.

In addition, the asteroid Vesta is in play this month too, she who is the goddess archetype, the high priestess who encourages us to take care of ourselves as a priority. She guides & keeps the flames of our desire in heart & home. She is present to guide us to our higher aspirations and offers abundant harvest.

Furthermore, the whole deal is that this eclipse falls within the Sirius gateway, which adds a masculine impetus, guiding us to step beyond our known and self imposed boundaries. Sirius is also keeping the flames of desire & adventure burning within us, poking us to move forward. Together, these forces are creating a new realisation of another space in this time, in which we transform our world, whether personal or global. A new sacred space of love.

Additional aspects to consider

Mercury Rx (retrograde/slowing of energies) and Mars are set to bring some heated emotions to full moon and what is going on on the cosmos. However, they do not have to bring anger, rather they can indicate a need to discuss problems truthfully surrounding wants & needs.

Jupiter & Pluto conjunct supports expansion & transformation in a positive manner, taking abilities & talents to another level of growth, possibility & power.

This full moon is magnified exponentially in many positive ways, showing us where there is a need to find balance. There is an awful lot on the cards for the remainder of July & into the year ahead. You may experience some or all of the following during this July’s Full Buck moon penumbral eclipse & beyond.

  • Relationship epiphanies & a gentle approach to working through imbalances.

  • General life, family life or community relationship realisations.

  • Rigid structures in life or society will come into focus to be restructured in a more heartfelt manner.

  • Releasing inhibitions, creative blocks, anything which dulls your spark.

  • Making difficult decisions.

  • Stepping into your authentic nature as the best version of yourself.

  • Honouring yourself, energies, your journey, how hard you have worked to get to where you are.

  • Creating & instilling new boundaries which allow you to move forward in life & create further.

  • Making self care a priority.

  • Embracing wisdom, receiving universal knowledge.

  • Inspiration to stand in your power and go beyond self made or societal boundaries to create a new life / world.

  • Lots of grounding so that cosmic energies can be gentle on you rather than you fighting them & making it more difficult to surrender to evolution.

  • Endings & beginnings.

Remember, its all about the energies you tap into at this time. Concentrate on the energies you need, rather than the darker side of what's on offer. The moment you feel energies which are making you feel off, investigate them and meditate to get to where you need your energies emanating from. If the darkness arises and persists, it may be that you have shadow issues still do work with. Embrace it with love.

Astronomical events for July - August

5 - Full Moon. 

The Moon will be located on the opposite side of the Earth as the Sun & its face will be will be fully illuminated. This phase occurs at 04:44 UTC.

5 - Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. 

A penumbral lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes through the Earth's partial shadow, or penumbra. The Moon will darken slightly but not completely. Eclipse visible throughout most of North America, South America, the eastern Pacific Ocean, the western Atlantic Ocean, & extreme western Africa.

14 - Jupiter at Opposition. 

Jupiter at its closest approach to Earth, its face fully illuminated by the Sun, brighter than any other time of the year, will be visible all night long. Best time to view & photograph Jupiter & its moons. A medium-sized telescope needed to show some details in Jupiter's cloud b&s. A good pair of binoculars allows you to see Jupiter's four largest moons, appearing as bright dots on either side of the planet.

20 - New Moon.

Moon located on the same side of the Earth as the Sun, will not be visible in the night sky. This phase occurs at 17:33 UTC.  No moonlight means this is the best time of the month to observe faint objects , galaxies & star clusters.

20 - Saturn at Opposition. 

Saturn at its closest approach to Earth, its face fully illuminated by the Sun. It will be brighter than any other time of the year, visible all night long. Best time to view & photograph Saturn & its moons. With a medium-sized or larger telescope to see Saturn's rings & a few of its brightest moons.

22 - Mercury at Greatest Western Elongation. 

Mercury reaches greatest western elongation of 20.1 degrees from the Sun. Best time to view Mercury since it will be at its highest point above the horizon in the morning sky,low in the east just before sunrise.

28 -29 - Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower. 

Delta Aquarids is a shower producing up to 20 meteors per hour. Produced by debris left behind by comets Marsden & Kracht. The shower runs annually from July 12 to August 23. It peaks this year on the night of the 28th & morning of the 29th. A 2nd quarter moon will block the fainter meteors. But with patience, you should still be able to catch the brighter ones. Best viewing from a dark location after midnight. Meteors radiate from the constellation Aquarius, but appear anywhere in the sky.

That’s it my lovelies! There is a lot to soak up, so do feel free to browse again, allowing yourself time to glean what you need from this article. My gratitude to you for joining me on this journey. I am honoured by your presence & I hope that you have enjoyed the ride. Please return for July’s Astro: New Moon article later in the month. I wish you all a very merry full moon lunar eclipse. I hope the next few weeks brings you all you have been working toward, in abundance.

All credits are listed at the end of this article.

Blessings of gratitude in love, light & all betwixt & between






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