Astro: New Moon in Cancer June 2020
21/ 06/20 @ 6:41 UTC / 7:41 GMT
Solstice - Annular Solar eclipse New Moon in Cancer.
All Hail & Welcome to the Litha edition of Astro: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer. Yes its that time of year when we experience the longest of days and the shortest of nights. We have reached the Sun’s zenith and where the energies we can connect to are at their fullest potential. It is also a time of the thinning of the veils between worlds, so advice is to be careful what you wish for as all kinds of shenanigans may occur if you do not use clarity in your words, intentions and wishes this new moon. I hear a witchy cackle…oh ok that’s me! Summer solstice is the second quarter cross day in the turning wheel of the year. Litha is in the season of the ‘greenest leaves’, when trees and brambles are showing their finest blooms, reaching toward the Sun, right overhead. Litha is symbolic of midday and speaks of full summer moons peaking in energy. It is the time of seizing the moment, being bold. This time of year has two paradoxical energies colliding. The excitement and exuberance of newness, fresh ideas, brightness and heightened sexual energy as well as the more reclined, relaxed feeling of 'jobs well done' and a view toward a good harvest. Whichever it is, take it all with a big spoonful of gratitude. We are at our time of optimum ability and energy where we can live live to its fullest.
Our ancestors saw the planet at this time of year as the fully pregnant woman. Mother nature getting ready to give birth to the fruits of their labours. So they prepared for the coming harvest and continued to tend the Earth with reverence. This was a time a full potential and creativity at its highest possibilities. This year, 2020, its what you make of it yourself, rather than how to share it with the masses.
Annular Solar eclipse
This is new moon and also the second of three eclipses. An eclipse occurring on a new moon will as such will be solar. This solar eclipse is also known as an annular eclipse. An annular eclipse means that the moon is too far away from the Earth to completely cover the sun. What spectacle remains is the ring of light surrounding the darkened moon. Eclipses tend to have a long term effect, symbolising acute turning points. They also have a huge effect on global events. The sign that this eclipse is in also sheds some light on the areas which will be highlighted. This months new moon annular solar eclipse is in the sign of Cancer which highlights the home, the mother and the sea. In addition, the eclipse occurs just after Solstice. I will discuss the significance in a moment.
New Moon
A new moon is the beginning of a new cycle and a reset button for us. New moons bring with it a sense of childlike wonder, excitement and lots of enthusiasm, which I’m sure goes in hand with the exuberance of the solstice sun and the powerful annular solar eclipse.
Cancer zodiac sign
In the zodiac sign of Cancer we find that the home, pictorially carried on the back of a crab, is at the heart of events. Cancer is a cardinal action sign and a water sign. The movement, fluidity and intuition Cancer brings to the fore, again goes well with previously mentioned energies of this phase. The Moon rules Cancer, so this sign is at home! Responsiveness, intuition, emotions, helpfulness, patience and romance are all up for grabs. This can be a very sensual and intuitive time.
So what does this mean in astrological terms and what effect will this have on us?
The New Moon Annular Solar eclipse in Cancer occurs not long after the Summer Solstice. It occurs at a point of power within the cosmos, along the global axis. This symbolises a highly charged portal of new beginnings and limitless possibilities. It opens a new global time-line which has the power to usher in a new world in history. It opens the heart space ready to receive from source. In this time and space new beginnings, emotions, expressions, securities, home, family and shadow work are highlighted. It is a good time to clarify your life purpose, listen to what past psychologies pop up, heal old wounds and past experiences. It is time to visualise the world in which you want to live and step right into it, with passion. The energy from this event will last for years to come. It may herald the destruction of many things which have become old and obsolete in our lives and world. This time in the darkness is good to know yourself and complete shadow work you’ve been presented with, preparing to launch into the second part of this very powerful year of evolution and rebirth. Cancer energy brings us in line with our intuition and the self. You are enough, there is enough love for all of us, you can give love and receive it in abundance. There is a word of warning to not overspend your energy on others, remember yourself, self care and try to recognise the lead up to burnout before its too late. You can’t help that you give to others at this time, but be on guard for those who may take that beautiful energy for granted.
This years big trio are in play too, so hold onto your hats as these three planets in conjunction brought us the biggest news and halt to what we thought was normal in 2020. The main protagonist of the Saturn-Pluto- Jupiter alignment is Saturn causing imbalance between what we want and what we ought to be doing. Compromise is on the cards again, this time to find the balance needed to find your freedom within the boundaries of our new restriction. Pluto will be part of the transformation we are witnessing and Jupiter is all about expansion so expect that whatever surfaces from this trio, it will surely be exponential again.
Well Its short, sweet and to the point! My gratitude to you for joining me on this journey. A Merry summer Solstice to you, Litha blessings and a blessed New Moon to you all, Join me for Astro: Full Moon article in early July.
In love, light & all things betwixt
Reid, L. 2018, Moon Magic, SevenOaks, Carlton Publishing, London
Romani, R. 2004. Green Spirituality. Green Magic, Somerset.
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