New Moon in Aries
April 11/12 2021 @ 3.30 am UTC
Could Be Juicy!
All Hail & welcome to Astro New Moon! I hope you have all navigated your way through from Full Moon with an ease & comfort. This New Moon article will discuss the various cosmic occurrences which may effect many of us over the next few weeks. Our Zodiac wheel has just begun again! A new cycle starts & a fresh image of what we really want to manifest into our lives emerges from our minds, desires & dreams. We may have very big plans ahead of us and this New Moon is an extremely positive portal of manifestation energy, so lets get cracking with the forecast.
New Moon is a time of preparation, intention setting & new beginnings. Here we stand at the ending of one cycle & on the threshold of a new 28 days of lunar phasing. It is a time of balance, hope & desire, dreams & intentions and of confidently allowing ourselves to really feel into what we really want in our lives. To make space for what is to come, we must first be sure to release that which is no longer of service to us, our paths & lives. This can be very difficult & we may get caught up in the process of acknowledgement & release, but that’s ok. It means that you are still doing the work which needs doing. This New Moon is asking us to be gentle on ourselves. Let’s face it, we have been through a very tough year & with the new zodiac rotation, we finally have a time in which we can visualise & actually heal, step up & go for it! This New Moon gives us a time of self expression & confidence to really put our desires into a space of manifestation. Like a vegetable patch which has been turned & prepared for seeding, the New Moon allows for us to plant those seeds of intent with hope in our hearts & minds.
New Moon in Aries is sometimes a very vulnerable time for our emotions & relationships due to its darker nature, but there is light with this present cosmic set up & there are some potent positives in this New Moon’s celestial manoeuvres. Aries, the first sign of the zodiac & a cardinal sign (action) is symbolic of new beginnings, fresh starts, new opportunities & full on energy! We may have been feeling this energy rising with the changing season & within ourselves too. We may feel brighter, happier, that there is light at the end of the tunnel & there is! Aries mostly focuses on the self & what we want for ourselves. Lets take a look at that. ‘For ourselves’ yes this really does mean the individual. What do you want? What do you really want to manifest into your life that will give you the life you want? There is a lot of Aries energy & forward motion on offer to help us accomplish the tasks ahead. In addition, there are a lot of inspirations & actions in the energies available. Think carefully & reasonably when manifesting as the universe may have our backs, but it also has an outrageous sense of humour, so be careful what you wish for & even more careful when planting the seeds that you have the desired outcome in mind. Being specific with manifestation is key to success & even though we will meander through life touching on things & areas which may have nothing to do with this outcome, always hold in the mind that there is a reason for all of it. When we come back to centre & harvest, these new skills & lessons coagulate, giving us the necessary skills we need for our outcome. Furthermore, we are setting an intention, so we must also consider that we have work to do towards that end. The universe will help us if we help ourselves. There is plenty of time to sit & enjoy the view after we have done the work. Furthermore, be mindful of words, thoughts & actions right now, to be sure that we are focusing on what it is we wish to attract. Words are powerful. Speak to yourself & others in kindness. Our inner narrative may need rejigging to more positive self talk. Its a bit like weeding a garden, each time you take out one weed, you turn to find another popping its head up & needing attention. This reprogramming of the brain can take some time, so be gentle on yourself until you find that the action becomes natural . Allow yourself to create thoughts that become expressions of hope & opportunity & by that end extensions of ourselves, by moving them from the zone of limited belief to the place of abundance.
The planetary influences we have for this phase are off the chart! We have many aspects in the sign of Aries, so I have chosen the most influential relationships of this New Moons chart to discuss.
New Moon is in Aries, conjunct (in the same sign as) the Sun, which symbolises balance of emotions, a burst of energy, initiative & invigorating energies. In addition, a good time to re-evaluate bad habits & finding solutions to stop them, begin anew, start planned projects.
Aries’ ruling planet is Mars, which you may know can bring about a lot of stress, anger, frustration & aggression, particularly if we are blocking our emotions. Mars is sextile (60° or 2 signs away & favourable/ flirty) the Sun at the moment. This is a fortunate aspect in which we have a confidence, courage & strength booster offered to us. In turn, this brings benefits to our intimate relationships in the form of charisma & strong sex drive.
Venus is Mars’ feminine counterpart & is aspecting New Moon & Mars. They work together to bring a real sizzle to our intimate relationships. We may feel the need to express personal feelings or have an issue which needs attention. Tread carefully with all hearts & feelings involved. Speak with kindness & love, find the synergy & enjoy each other fully. I can feel that heat already!
Mars Trine (120° & auspicious, bringing luck) Jupiter, the planet of expansion, ushers in competition & success. Almost anything you start about now will carry success with it. Decisions, actions, taking the lead, wealth expansion, go for it! There is courage on offer, good decision making, opportunities for material, personal & spiritual growth, so its all there for taking. Fortune favours the brave! So take that leap because there is no better time for it than now.
Goodness me! That’s a lot of heat gong on right there! Be careful how you handle it & if you can’t handle it, maybe time to take a cold shower?!
Thank you for joining me on this New Moon journeying through the cosmic energies arising at this time. It has been a pleasure to have you all as company. I hope that you all find the sizzle that’s on offer with this New Moon, in all ways ! Blessings to you all at this time of resurging earth & cosmic energies. Please join me again at Full Moon around 27 April. Keep an eye out for my Beltane article & poem which will be available shortly.
In gratitude, Love, light & all betwixt