New Moon In Cancer July 2020
All hail & welcome to July’s edition of Astro: New Moon. It seems thus far that 2020 has been a very thematic year & July’s New Moon is no exception. As the 2nd New Moon in the zodiac sign of Cancer, which is a rarity, this moon is also known as a black moon & is quite significant in terms of themes running through the year & beyond. I shall discuss the black moon & its deeper meaning in more detail further into the article. Lets begin with the basic set up…..
New Moon is our reset button, where we can begin anew, set intentions for the coming month, year & beyond. It is the end of one lunar phase & the beginning of new 28 day lunar cycle. The moon cycles through the signs of the zodiac over the next month, spending around 2 1/4 days in each sign. The same zodiac cycle is also made by the Sun, but it takes the Sun a whole year to pass through all the signs, spending 1 month in each. Our July New Moon is once again in the sign of Cancer for the 2nd time in one solar month, the 1st being Summer Solstice/ Litha 21st June. 2020’s Cancerian season has been full of eclipse energies, which I am positive many of us have felt in a variety of ways. With this Summer's eclipse season over, the energies are lifting & a new flow is about to begin with this Black New Moon. We now look to the areas in which Cancer is most comfortable for guidance & what may need our attention. At New Moon, the Sun & Moon are in the same sign, Conjunct, so there is a sense of equilibrium within ourselves, which we may not have felt so much at the last New Moon, due to concentrated eclipse energies. In addition, our ego and inner personality are in a more harmonious balance than they are at Full Moon, when the Sun & Moon are at opposites. We may be getting an urge to burst forth whilst feeling a sudden surge of high energy as we embark on another 28 day cycle of manifestation. However, we will experience a little frustration, restriction & possible hardship during this phase, more on that later.
A Black Moon occurs only once every 2 1/2 - 3 years. Its theme will resonate through this time & is a life changer, without a doubt! It is of great significance to our life journey that this Black Moon manifests in 2020 and will continue energetically evolving highlighted areas of our lives until the next Black Moon, in Aries in March 2013. Black Moon is powerful & invites us to draw from our personal font of inner wisdom.
‘Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo’, - A call to the divine teacher within.
We will utilise this energy to prepare us for the huge shifts which will occur in our personal lives & worlds. These will be life changing events. A Black Moon is a symbol of a new phase, a new karmic cycle for our lives. The 1st New Moon in Cancer set the pathway for a fresh start to begin at 2nd New Moon in Cancer. We stand at the edge of our world, which is always a place of endings & new beginnings, ready to receive the potency of the approaching unknown, allowing it to envelope us, readying ourselves to dive into the flow of energies on offer to us at this time of beckoning change. For some, this may be a difficult time with what needs to be moved in order for us to become or move forward into this divine space. Remember with every step, the impermanence of everything - this too shall pass. A new life theme emerges, which will grow & mature over the next 2 1/2 - 3 years. We may find that what we once found important is no longer so & it may loose its hold whilst we shift gear into deeper intentions surrounding the home, relationships, work, friends, occupation & hobbies. A whole new phase is ready to emerge, like the butterfly from the cocoon & unfolds before us in ways we least expect. We will, in hindsight, see the wisdom of it all in time. Issues raised by Cancerian energies are all triggered in this process.
Cancer New Moon is sensitive & can usher in a real mixture of energies. We have a fresh start, away from the heavy eclipse energies we’ve been feeling. We’ll be feeling lighter, more inspired & maybe even thinking on what the next few months will hold for us. It is definitely a time to pay attention to what seeds we have sown & how they are getting on. Time to do some weeding to our plans & projects, sweeping out the unwanted & clearing the blockages. Cancer Moon will also be lifting the veil so that we can see the bigger picture of what all the shifts occurring thus far have been working on or toward for us. Cancer is a watery feminine sign which encourages a ‘go with the flow’ attitude, rather than over organising. In this flow, we are being encouraged to align with our truest selves, our highest truth & not to concern ourselves with the unfolding, as all will become clear as we go through this process of surrender. Whatever is meant for us will inevitably find us, when we are aligned with truth & purpose. In order for this to occur, one must cast aside egoisms & societal expectations. Surrendering to the flowing energies of our true potential, our highest self. Meditate, listen to the Earth vibration, recalibrate to open your channels to universal energetic downloads. Now is time to step up into this divinely created space & time to fulfil your utmost design, receive your personal code, your truth.
In addition, I mentioned restriction, hardship & frustration earlier. The antagonist bringing about the uncomfortable is once again Retrograde Saturn in Capricorn. Saturn sits opposite the luminaries, Sun & Moon. As the zodiac’s taskmaster, Saturn will test us. If we have not made an effort to move into our truth in those areas in which Cancer is flowing, Saturn will be putting us to the test, even punishing for our inattentions! These areas highlight the home, relationships,beliefs, habits, routines, family, security & shadow work. If by chance, time has been spent developing these areas, attempting to mend or clear out & start afresh, we are in the position in which we can be of help to others, who are struggling to attain some sort of stability in these areas. In this position of the Wise Elder of the tribe, we can offer a helping hand or virtual guidance during this time of difficulty. There is a strong productive nature around Cancerian qualities of this New Moon.
Furthermore, there are other lesser influences to consider during this phase. Also sitting opposite the luminaries are Jupiter & Pluto. So, if you are not strongly feeling any of the aspects I have already mentioned, this may be where you are being influenced. Pluto can bring up old wounds which goes hand in hand with shadow work which I mentioned earlier. Pluto is the grand transformation conductor of the zodiac, so if the feeling is to purge old psychologies & wounds, Pluto is your influencer & guide during this time. The answer is to go within and do more shadow work. Jupiter’s influence , although not as strong as Saturn’s, will still be there in the undercurrent. Jupiter is King of expansion, & will be able to expand on any of the aforementioned highlighted areas. Jupiter also brings great benefits such as joy, hope, good fortune, so goodness can come from what is occurring at this time.
This phase in life is not supposed to be ‘hard work’. We should be living a life of joy, clarity, fun, purpose & productivity. It is there for the taking, but there is a great need to shed so much of which has been put in place to hold us back in fear, doubt, limited thinking & programmed mindset. There is a different way of well-being & wholeness…it is waiting for you to wake up and step into its sphere.
My blessing to you all. Its been a long year so far and a very difficult eclipse season for some of us. My gratitude to all of you for joining me on this beautiful journey of discovery. Join me again for Astro: Full Moon around 3rd August.
In blessings of love, light & all betwixt & tween
Fascinating read!! Sooo much to take in, will do a manifestation ritual tonight! Thank youuuuu