All Hail & Welcome to 2022 & My first edition of Astro articles for this year. I have been experiencing some wild tech problems & have not had access from my regular internet source, whilst on my travels visiting relatives. As a result I took some down time from the internet & social media & from the last Full Moon of 2021. I am now back, with different tech problems, but not so wild in nature! All that said, I am going to make this a short & sweet article as I am sure many are still suffering effects of New Year!
Our moon enters new Phase on 2 January 2022 @ 18:33 GMT.
Our beautiful celestial magnet, the Sun is in the sign of the mountain goat, Capricorn. Cap' is generous & wise, practical & ambitious, so expect these qualities will rear their heads for us to work with. This Earth sign is one that likes to see a job all the way to its completion, as well as begin something new from scratch. So this month is going to be action packed & full of new initiatives, new beginnings & new pathways unfolding. This may not be what we were expecting however. A move toward something very new is on the agenda. The arts & creativity are favoured & those who have a disciplined outlook or schedule will find great success in what they do. Change is inevitable. How we weather that personal storm is down to us. We can kick & fight against it or we can go with the flow of whatever is unfolding. I feel more for the latter than digging my heals in!
New Moon in Capricorn (Sun Conjunct Moon) is the beginning of a new lunar cycle. It is this time we take to create & set our intentions for the coming month & as it is January, some will consider annual intentions too. Think carefully & mindfully about what your vision for this year is. This may have changed over the past few months with the last agonising dance between certain planets not showing much in terms of favourability toward that end. So, think again & rephrase your plans to fit into what you wish to achieve this year. Plan & prepare. Just like a well prepared soil bed for seeds, plant your intentions in this fertile ground & begin the journey of nurturing your idea & working toward that end. Good luck! This year is indicated to be much more hopeful & successful than previous years. You may find yourself firmly on the right track, finally & probably after a lot of meandering.
Planetary influences for this New Moon phase are favourable, with the last tango between Saturn Square Uranus finally over, we will now feel that theme from last year leaving us & becoming weaker. Yay! Freedoms will return & we can feel into whatever our new normal is for us on a personal level.
My gratitude to you all for sticking with me through my disastrous tech month & joining me on our very brief meander through the cosmic energies of January's New Moon. I will be back with 2022's first Astro: Full Moon article around 17 January. Please join me again.
I wish you all the very best new beginnings for 2022
In gratitude, love, light & all betwixt