Astro: New Super Moon in Capricorn
23/12/22 @ 10:16
All Hail & Welcome to Astro: Super New Moon in Capricorn December 2022. This is the 2nd Capricorn New Moon of the year, the 1st was in January, so we have similar themes to the beginning & end of 2022 in which Capricorn has overseen our entry & exit of this year, only our exit will be amplified by the Moon being closer to the Earth, Supermoon! Under the Capricorn new Moon, there are some very interesting aspects to our luminaries this phase which may help us to heal & reconfigure healthy boundaries & pursuits which we will benefit from in many ways. As always we have Sun conjunct Moon, in addition to another couple of planets all in Capricorn. There are also oppositions which can have a positive or negative affect on our lives depending on our views. Furthermore, as we approach the end of the calendar year to begin another, we will find that this New Moon will offer up some of the more intrinsic themes for 2023. Capricorn New Moon, although we may not see it, is a New Moon that we will definitely be feeling. Change is coming, new beginnings are on the cards & a new chapter beckons us.
New Moon is a time of new beginnings, fresh intiative, planting seeds of intent for the forthcoming season or year. It is a time of endings & beginnings & never has this been more a poignant influence as with this super New Moon in Capricorn. Hindsight is indeed a wonderful gift if a little frustrating, especially if we do not attempt to understand its lessons & amalgamate them into our forward thinking & movement. Fear not! Its not a bad thing. We find ourselves in the still of Winter in a time of regeneration. With this influence leading us to re-evaluate during this time, we can release that which is lingering & becoming stagnant; begin to feel into a new year’s new plans & projects; rekindle efforts for ambitions which came to fruit last year, armed with the knowledge gained from our experiences of 2022, all before we step into 2023’s vibrations of freshness & new ideas. We are continually absorbing this years energies. Here in this moment of reflection ask
How far have I come?
How much have I grown?
How much has changed?
Has change altered my priorities?
What does this mean in terms of my direction?
We are being asked to honour ourselves & the journeying we have undertaken. The last year gave & took away from us all. We can chose to learn its lessons & move forward or we can choose to stand in it and stagnate. Honouring our journey, how far we have come, honouring ourselves, our progress our beings, before we step into this coming years path of guidance. Reflection is part of a process to learn & gain wisdom.
What was a good thing, What was a bad thing which occurred in 2022?
By releasing stagnant energy, we free up space for the new. Beginning with hope, a fresh outlook & trust that 2023 will bring exactly what is needed to us. Trust that our journeying will lead us into our own sacred space of sovereignty in which we continue to honour ourselves & our paths. Continual sacred self care. We are being asked to renew our promise to ourselves & to our Mother Earth. With this New Moon, armed with answers to our soul searching questions we can begin to set our intentions from the place we are sure we are standing in now, our true capacity & strength gained from 2022’s experiences. Let us remind ourselves that movement & change are constants, without them stagnation occurs.
New Moon is the end of the last cycle & beginning of a new 28 day lunar cycle. The Sun & Moon align in the constellation of Capricorn for this December New Moon. We may feel a sudden burst of energies & innovation toward future plans & projects, Ideas we have been dreaming up. We may feel the need to burst forth with all our energies to birth these ideas, however, we must first consider contemplative reassessment of those ideas whilst we clear the way of old patterns, ideas & expectations. Its like preparing the soil, allowing it to settle & regenerate before we plant the seeds, which we have collected and know to be good seeds of intent.
Capricorn is represented by the mountain goat. Have you seen how easily this beautiful being climbs, descends & stands on the sheer mountainside with the grace & attitude? Yes we could be sure footed enough to jump forth now with surety, however Capricorn carries another very important message. In order have the tenacity one must first understand that all good things take time, effort & action to manifest . So, relax into the knowledge that there is time to clear out the old in order for the new to have good ground to seed upon.
With our focus on Capricorn qualities we can begin to consider realistic, sensible goals for our futures. By committing a mature approach to birthing dreams, we ready the ground for a good seeding & reaping of a good harvest. By setting our targets for the year ahead we can focus on the areas most important to manifesting our plans. Where focus goes, energy flows!
Sun & Moon conjunct in Capricorn. Capricorn is a Cardinal sign, so action is on the cards from this earthy goat. This sign rises high & delves deep, so whichever way we travel within or externally, we are being guided by this mammoth taskmaster. We can include the energy of this sign by connecting to its positive characteristics - resourcefulness, practicality, tenaciousness, ambition, discipline, loyalty, family-minded, prudence, constancy & wisdom. These qualities call for honest practical assessment before action, know your stuff! Capricorn, Cardinal Earth sign is a constant. With this in mind, we move forward only, not backward, by asking ourselves,
How can we embrace these qualities into our lives right now?
As with any Moon phase we have some planetary influences to consider.
Jupiter transits to Aries moments before New Moon. Jupiter, planet of expansion, innovation, independence & new beginnings mirrors New Moon Capricorn’s intentions. Be mindful, whatever seeds we plant at this time will likely bring about a theme for 2023, for us personally. Go with intuition & what seems to be thematic on a personal level.
Moments after New Moon Mercury will go into retrograde, joining Mars who has been in Rx since October. The message is clear. Slow down, take time contemplating before jumping in feet first. Use the wisdom of hindsight, in whatever presents itself.
Furthermore, a T-Square forms involving both luminaries. An opposition to a planet which produces tension & stress. It is a powerful aspect which very much acts out the energies of the concerned planet. In this case we have the luminaries with Mercury, Venus & Pluto in Capricorn square Jupiter of expansion in Aries of action. Now, The Sun represents our ego & present, the Moon our feelings & past, Mercury Communications & travel, Venus love & finances, Pluto transformation & regeneration, all square Jupiter of expansion In Aries, another cardinal sign of action. So what does this intimate to us on a personal level? Only we can decipher what meaning this has for us independently. In my interpretation, It seems a lot of taking direct action, sorting out of old baggage & ways in which we communicate our feelings, preferrably in a mature manner. Therefore, attaining a deeper level to our relationships could go either way. It also indicates a financial upheaval whether for the better or worse depends on the situation we are in & the choices we make, whether this indicates using common sense or recognition of responsibilities. In our preparation for our future endeavours we must maintain realism. Be sure that whatever it is that comes to us for ‘sorting’ will be expansive when it has been put into a more orderly fashion. This is a Cardinal T-Square which has mostly cardinal signs of action involved in getting things done!
Finally, the asteroid Chiron , the wounded healer is very active with this Super New Moon, having stationed direct the same day as New Moon. Chiron has learned to use his wounds by turning them into strengths & power. Chiron deals with trauma & deep wounding by helping to turn them into portals of healing, to allow growth for wisdom, teaching, healing & mysticism, in order to find a calling. We have many purposes in life, which become prevalent at various times. Chiron is asking that we connect to what is happening in our lives right now, to work with it rather than against it, turning it into wisdom by learning the lessons it has for us. This energy offers us healing vibrations. So, if there is something in life which needs healing & we feel called to do this work, set intentions for Chiron to guide this endeavour.
Well that’s it for this years Astro articles.! My gratitude to you all for joining me on the adventure through the cosmic tides this year. It has been my pleasure to write the Astro articles that so many of you seem to be enjoying.
Please join me in 2023 on or around January 6th . This will be the 1st Full ‘wolf’ Moon of the year . I look forward to journeying with you all again. Until then a Blessed Yule, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and many blessings to you all.
In Gratitude, love, light & all betwixt
Hall, J, 2019, The Astrology Bible, Octopus publishing Group, Godsfield Press, London
Online resources
Adhar, S. 2021,