Astro: New Moon in Leo
August 19th 2020 @ 3:41 UTC
All Hail & Welcome to Astro: New Moon in Leo. We have reached a potent time of our turning wheel, in which harvest time is truly upon us. Lammas & the beginnings of August have passed & we are firmly into a time where the bough is heavily laden with the fruits of the Mother Earth, who revels in the glory of her fecundity & in the full potency of the Sun. The Sun is in recession, but only just, & this month it is still a potent force of effect. The trees are showing signs of turning as we rotate our way through the seasonal changes which, if we are in tune to them, will affect our lives also. Our seeds are coming to fruit & what was sown earlier in the year will now be ripening for the harvest. ‘You reap what you sow’ is always on my mind at this time of year & what a year it has been so far! Now is the time to learn from mistakes or that which did not work out, and to share the knowledge of what we have gleaned from our hard work and service.
We are in the Celtic / Ogham month of the Hazel, where the fruits of this divine being are plenty in season. Hazel represents the life force within us and is associated with wisdom & knowledge. In Celtic folklore, the Hazel is associated with the Salmon of knowledge & wisdom. Sacred Wells are also connected to this time of year with stories of the magical Salmon who offers , Iomas, wisdom & intuitive knowledge, a gift from the Otherworld. Ancient wells were treated as sacred by the women & families who kept them, as they represented the source of life’s water for villages & whole geographical areas. In Celtic folklore, the Wells were tended by maidens who were the voice of the Wells. The water was the life giving blood of the land which flowed from deep in the Otherworld. This is a very special time of year full of connection and symbiosis.
“Its a contract you see, people and the land. You care for it & it cares for you”
(Susan Blackie, If Women rose rooted)
It is time to find your muse & rekindle your love of knowledge & crafts, to unlock your hidden treasure of strength & ability, to awaken your inner wisdom & trust your instincts. Get out into nature & witness the beauty & bounty on offer. It is a time for realising your dreams, harvest the seeds of intent you planted & tended. This is a wonderful time of new beginnings, endings, reaping what was sown, bounty & witnessing the plethora which life has for you.
Astrologically, we are in Leo season. The Sun & moon are both in the constellation of Leo along with Mercury, which gives us one of the themes of this moon phase, communications & thinking, or thinking before communicating!
The New moon is the ending of the last lunar cycle & the beginning of a new one. It is a time of, resetting personal objectives, new beginnings, starting new projects, setting intentions. There is often an energy burst of initiatives around this time and it Is an excellent time to re-evaluate old habits, beliefs & attitudes in your search for personal development.
Leo is the regal sign of the zodiac. During this season, Leo is asking us to tap into its energies of healthy self pride, sovereignty & also giving to others. This fire sign wants us to meditate upon its aspects and infuse them into our own characters. Self expression, generosity, openness, warmth, activity, hospitality are just a few of the qualities we are encouraged to embrace. We are also being encouraged to create our goals by looking from new perspectives to improve our relationships romantic or otherwise, creativity , increase self confidence and in turn self-pride & to deal with others by coming from a place of love & compassion. Leo also encourages the inner child to come out & play. We all have a little bit of Leo in us & our birth charts. With this potent Leo energy, we have the opportunity to make changes which will be of advantage to us in the coming weeks & months. This moon is offering guidance, optimism, positive energies, motivation & inspiration. Leo new moon asks us to complete outstanding projects & to allow ourselves time to rest, relax and enjoy the pause before the next harvest. Furthermore, It is also a time to encourage ourselves & hold on to the dreams which we have for the future we want. I read a wonderful piece of graffiti whilst on the travelling home from Sussex, which I feel embodies this sentiment. I discovered that It was written by Arthur Ashe, the only black American tennis player to have won singles titles at Wimbledon, US open & the Australian open. Its great advice!
“Start where you are,
Use what you have,
Do what you can”
In addition, the Leo new moon offers us potent solar energies & allows us to light up the darker areas of ourselves. Yes, as we approach this darker side of the year, we will be asked to delve into our shadows once again. Pains of old, hurtful truths, will become more prominent. The new moon is the instigator of this rising darkness which will be cleansed & released once & for all! Try to remain grounded and in a place of understanding & compassion as you manage your way through this time. Remember that others reacting within your sphere are coming from their own personal dark space & belief. Fear not, this too shall pass.
Finally, we have a big planetary player this phase & beyond, who may be seeing us out of this year of transformation. Mars is active during this season & direct. Mars is square Saturn & Pluto bringing frustration, trine the moon & Sun offering self confidence in line with Leo energies & conjunct Eris, the Goddess of discord & strife! Mars can make you feel alive & kicking with energy or quite the opposite drained & tired. Either way, Mars is performing a task to create the balance which you have been losing & seeking to regain. This is a reset button, getting you ready for the next season, of the year or your life. Whatever manifests now try to practice self care, eat well, exercise, trust your intuition and protect your energies. Take a salt bath to balance yourself, meditation & breath work will also be beneficial to you. There could be a bit of frustration to work through, some crisis may appear. Concentrate on what has been stalwart & working well for you, to avoid resistance. Self discipline, hard work & patience will pay off in the coming weeks ahead.
Well, there is a lot to consider. Take your time and re-read if you need to. I always find a second read to be of benefit to my personal circumstances.
I hope you have enjoyed this new moon journeying with me. My gratitude to you for reading my Astro: New moon article. Please join me for Astro: Full moon early next month, for more insight into the coming weeks.
In gratitude, love, light & all betwixt
References/ Credits
Blackie. S. 2019, If Women Rose Rooted, September Publishing
Kindred. G. 2019, Walking with Trees, Permanent Publications, Hampshire
Romani, R. 2004. Green Spirituality. Green Magic, Somerset.
Online resources
So useful to my situation thank you so much for your amazing writing! I love this, really good to learn from such an intelligent person ❤️ blessings