Astro: New Moon in Pisces
19-20 Feb 23 @ 7:05 GMT
All Hail and welcome to Astro: New Moon in Pisces. We have reached the finale of the Zodiac wheel. Pisces is the final sign of the cycle and it heralds the end of old and beginning of new energies. We have been in our reclusion period now for a season in which we have mimicked the mother Earth’s energies by retreating and working on our inner selves, our darkness and shadow selves. We are in a place of regeneration. We have that feeling of ending the old and yet a rising energy of youthful expectation of what is to come. Its almost time to bring forth the verve which will begin our new cycle, but before that we have one final time of dreaming and contemplation.
“We can be as the trees are at this time and simply become aware of that which is new within us after the darkness of winter . In our lives we can consider that which we push towards when we have the energies of the burgeoning year flowing more strongly with us but during this season it is ours only to formulate quietly and foster fresh awareness. It is like the dawning of a long night when we may begin to think ahead again and not look back”
(Rosa Romani,2004, p.171)
So lets take a look at what’s on offer for those of us affected by the moon phase and zodiac wheel.
We begin with new moon by preparing the ground for seed planting, the setting of new intentions or ideas we wish to work with & bring to fruition. These seeds carry with them our hopes which when planted will gestate in synchronicity with the moons phases. New Moon is all about generating new ideas & planning new projects, new beginnings, soul searching & discovering our personal truths. New moon is a time when the Sun & Moon share the same degree in the same Sun / Star sign. This means that our exterior personality, our ego, interior personality, emotions & feelings are in equilibrium with each other. Thus providing us with clarity around ourselves. This is a good time to commit to serious personal goals.
Watery Pisces is flowing, opening, nurturing & protective. Bringing deep emotions with which to flow. This is potent Piscean energy pushing us to make changes to our lives. Usually a restful period before the beginning of a new zodiac year begins, however this new moon will trigger issues which need addressing, raise thoughts & questions surrounding Spirituality & creating something real from our ideas & dreams of future us. It encourages us to work on our relationship with our personal spirituality, helping us to maintain a deep & perceptive connection. We may wish to investigate new spiritual ventures too. This energy is very strong with this New Moon.
Pisces can offer a final push toward the renewal process of our inner beings helping us to end the zodiac cycle. This will encourage a burst forth with springtime, active energies. Having said that, one must not underestimate the power of this Piscean new moon. This is a dreamy time in which we choose how to end this annual cycle. With it comes themes which we may experience or touch on. Pisces wants us to accept imperfection as a kind of new & quirky perfect. It encourages us to share our dreams with others & start new innovations which require us to be creative & bring a sense of tangibility to our ideas. Pisces wants us to find peace & equilibrium by finding activities which support our inner peace & regeneration. Mostly Pisces is really pushing us to believe in ourselves in such a way that we can visualise & create our dreams to reality. In this space Pisces wants us to make those necessary changes to our lives.
In addition, The symbol of the two fish wants us to go with the flow, would love us to learn the new & put it to work, go with the flow of intuition & trust the energies & element of water. Water knows where to flow & where we place our focus will be where our energies begin to flow toward that end. It wants us to surrender, hold on to that which will benefit us & let go of that which we know needs to be released, in order to move forward. Deconstructing our boundaries even if that is only for this phase, will allow us to get into that flow we need to get creative with our ideas.
This watery sign allows us to ebb and flow with the tide. It permeates and shapes our thoughts and feelings, our actions into that which is to come. Our intentions ought to come from a place of visualisation. Remember the fishes swim in different direction but always end up where they are supposed to be.
Ask yourself,
What is is that I wish to begin to bring into my life to align with my dreams, visions and purpose?
What will I be manifesting this year?
Which new habits do I need to form in order to align with my desired destination?
This New Moon is about manifesting our dreams. Part of this process is physically putting the energy into the intention ritual, by being intentional in all aspects of the manifestation process. Have you ever tried writing down your intentions and keeping them in a beautiful book in a peaceful place, where you can go back and look at what you have been manifesting and follow its path to fruition? Writing is a physical aspect of the manifestation process. Reflection is also part of that process.
Lets just let that all sink in for a moment.
Pisces rules the imagination & the arts, intuition & all things hidden from natural sight. A Pisces new Moon can mark the end of cycles within us. It is time to allow ourselves to feel into the new & also time to deal with some potentially difficult emotions. We can illuminate that which is hidden in shadow depths & work alongside it in a liberating capacity. Releasing old news & stories about ourselves using our intuition to guide us to recognise insecurities which have played their part in holding us back is essential for growth. We can also help others to do the same. This not only helps another person who is suffering but also ourselves to feel good about how we have used the healing of our own wounds to aid another’s healing process.
New Moon is an exciting time for new beginnings which is usually accompanied by an enthusiastic burst of energy allowing us to work quickly toward our goals. Be aware of burn out and allow time for self care to keep up this energy of lusciousness. Our intuition will be on top form as the watery Piscean energies increase our ability to trust the fluidity of this phase of renewal, which will aid in the resurgence we feel rising in our bones. Take this time to become aware of what is new within, appreciate it, honour it. Trusting in our intuition in this time . We ready ourselves for a new season in which we will rise to our fullest potential whilst walking and talking our truth fearlessly and openly.
There is however, a trigger planet playing quite a substantial part in this New phase & beyond. Saturn, the taskmaster & king of Karma is readying itself to transit from airy innovative Aquarius into dreamy watery Pisces. With this in mind, know that whatever comes to us can cause a substantial amount of unveiling. During this process we will discover new boundaries & constructs which will engage our new innovations in such a way they redirect the flow of abundance, into areas which need to be activated in order for the newness to blossom.
Saturn’s transit from Aquarius into Pisces may give us a taste of what is to come over the next few years. We may see new themes unveiling which will create structure, challenges, lessons in areas which we need to pause in & work on in order to realise & understand our responsibilities more fully. We will experience direction toward where we want to be, in a structured, educated manner. Saturn’s presence in Pisces will have us asking ourselves where we want to see ourselves in our future. Ask yourself:
Where am I feeling obstructed or stagnant?
Where am I suffering the spirit of heaviness & overwhelm?
These may be some of the themes of Saturn in Pisces. Saturn will move into Pisces 7-8 March 2023 & will remain there until 2026.
A deep bow to you all in recognition of your annual journeying.
We send out love and beauty to others & we receive that which we have given freely.
We all blossom at different times, much like flora in nature, so if there is no burst of newness & energy yet, remember you may be a daisy not a snowdrop.
My gratitude & blessing to you all. I wish for you to find your true value & know your worth. I hope that you all traverse the next two weeks with softness & compassion. Please join me again for Full Worm Moon in Virgo, on or around 7th March 2023.
In gratitude, love, light & all betwixt
Adhar, S 2020,
Adhar, S 2021,
Adhar, S 2022,