Astro: New Moon in Leo
08/08/2021 @ 14.50 UTC
All Hail & Welcome to Astro: New Moon in Leo. We are at the peak of the Lionsgate portal right now with transformative energies bursting to offer us so much in terms of divine communication & transition. Are you in the right head & heartspace to receive that which the universe is reaching out to endow you with? We have reached a potent time of our turning wheel, in which harvest time is truly upon us. Lammas & the beginnings of August place us firmly into a time where the bough is heavily laden with fruits of the Mother Earth, who revels in the glory of her fecundity & in the full potency of the Sun. The Sun is in recession, but only just, & this month it is still a potent force of effect. The trees are showing signs of turning as we rotate our way through the seasonal changes which, if we are in tune to them, will affect our lives also. Our seeds are coming to fruit & what was sown earlier in the year will now be ripening for the harvest. ‘You reap what you sow’ is always on my mind at this time of year & what a year it has been so far! Now is the time to learn from mistakes or that which did not work out so well, & to share the knowledge of what we have gleaned from our hard work and service.
Our beautiful celestial conduit will be entering its dark & new phase over the next week. The balsamic/ dark moon phase has an astonishing energy of its own. As in wintertime, mother nature retreats to her cavern to embark on inner workings & journeying, so does the moon have a rest period, as do we, And so it is! This is the phase of the crone & a time of transition & wisdom in the darkness of our cavern wombspace. A time of thinking & practice, utilising our intuition & farseeing abilities.
As we transition to a Maiden's new moon & that beautiful silver slither in the sky, we become more aware of that which we wish to see to fruition, that which we have been given a vision of, our beckoning, destined path to journey. This is a good time for preparation, initiating ideas or preparing improved plans to move forward with. New moon is the end of one lunar cycle & the beginning of a new 28 day cycling.
In this cavern-space, we have discovered our personal truths & now in newness, it is time to act on this knowledge, feeling, intuitive blast! We may be feeling the blasts of intuition & vivid dreams more intensely with new moon Leo & Lionsgate portal.
Leo moon is a highly creative & extremely powerful moon. Furthermore, Leo is a heartspace sign, so has a huge amount of love to give, but Leo can also be offended easily. Its a good idea to stay away from ego centred anything at this time. As we are on a regal journeying with the zodiac’s drama queen, it is perhaps a good idea to keep our own ego in check. Leo is all about the self, ‘me’, whilst amplifying ego & pride. We may find an overpowering urge to express ourselves without restriction, so watch for this dominant energy in group settings as it serves only the one & not the mass. Think before you let loose the Queen! In addition, Leo has fabulous energies to work with & as always a facet which is not so great, so its always good to find the balance which shouldn’t be so hard with Sun & Moon together in Leo. The positives are courage, kindness, generosity, loyalty, protection, no bars honesty! Entertainment, passion, romance, expression & playfulness are all Leo aspects we can & should revel in. However, its always good to be on the lookout for the negative traits, so as to find the balance needed for a smoother journeying. Leo can be arrogant, wasteful, cold hearted, jealous, dramatic, proud, sloppy & aggressive. So if you recognise these aspects in a situation, know that the balance needs to be found or a bumpy journey will lie ahead. Find the Leo happiness & courage & we will enjoy Leo season even more!
In this Leo New Moon instance, we are being encouraged to use Leo energy to connect to inner courage, higher self aspects & power up our intentions to create a better life for ourselves. Leo energy encourages us to step up into leadership mode. In this case a good idea to retake control of what’s happening in our personal arena’s. What kind of life do we wish to create for ourselves in which we thrive? Sit with this question & allow your heart to answer. Now is the time to throw it out to the universe for manifestation. As the rhyme goes, Think, feel it, put it into motion!
Lionsgate portal is activated when the star Sirius, rises. Many of our ancestors tracked this phenomenon & considered Sirius our spiritual Sun. It was believed an intense portal of change, rebirth, spiritual progression & abundance, allowing movement into a higher state of consciousness. This event coincides with Leo New Moon which is laden with huge magickal potential. In addition, it falls on the date 8/8 which is the number representing infinity, in numerology. So, we can see that so many portents have been read to explain the invigorating energy of this particular cosmic event. It is hard to ignore the intensity building as we approach this peak energetic vibration.
As ever there are some other aspects to consider. Planets make aspects to the luminaries & depending on which angle they take, could have a significant effect on our experiences.
Our main protagonist during this phase is Uranus! We have been under the Uranus-Saturn Square all of this year & it is our main cosmic influence for 2021. That said, New Moon is square Uranus & this brings us unexpected change, that nervous feeling of impending change, rebelliousness & dissatisfaction. Our restlessness & anxieties may play into unpredictable behaviour & could cause chaos. We must remember that flexibility is our friend. We know there are changes on the horizon & we know that our reaction to these changes affects our experience. Keep this in mind if these emotions resonate with you & you will experience forward movement in journeying.
With the Sun in Leo too, a T-Square is formed between Sun- Saturn - Uranus. Uranus shakes things up to awaken us, Saturn wants karma, the Sun in Leo is in regal mode. This energy can be utilised for the benefit of maturely stepping up & reclaiming our sovereignty, standing in our true authentic space, allowing intuition to guide & using our favourite divine gifts to be of service to others! Allowing our inner Lion forward! Wow I like the sound of that!
With the T-Square in motion, it jump-starts the Saturn-Uranus difficulties we had been experiencing. So, whatever has been in transition mode, sudden changes or those events which have been shocking or mind & life altering are likely to come into focus again or begin anew something unexpected. Difficulties, fears, barriers, depression, chaos, unreliability may all play a part in the coming weeks. We have been going through a lot of change & turmoil with this active hard aspect Square. We have been attempting to work at a better state of affairs collectively, through changing mindsets, beliefs, habits. Now we are being asked to connect to our personal creative energies at our heart centre. It is the precipice we stand on before we take a deep dive into our own inner journeying within in different season. There are shadow aspects which we will find difficult, without a doubt. In Leo energy we find the sense of fun in creation which can give us a glimpse of our inner fire & positive future manifestations. To reach this, we must release the old patterns & listen to our hearts. Ask , What is it that makes my soul sing? What is it that gives me joy? What is it that nourishes me to thrive?
There are also other influences, I will be brief here:
Juno represents relationships, in partnership with Chiron the wounded healer, are both on the scene to give a relationship healing where needed. The South Node will exaggerate the old wounds surrounding this relationship & trigger emotions connected to it. Sun in Leo gives us opportunity to lead in the healing process with our divine gifts, which will help with healing this relationship.
That’s it folks. My gratitude to you for joining me on this journey through the cosmos during New Moon Leo & Lionsgate portal. I hope you find what you are looking for! I hope that whatever goodness is trying to find you is gifted to you at the right time so that you can thrive in this life. Join me again around 22nd August for Astro Full Moon in Aquarius (2nd one in a row!). I look forward to journeying with you all again.
Blessings of gratitude, love, light & all betwixt
Adhar, S. Astro: New Moon Leo 2020,
lions-gate-portal-2018-twin-flames.jpg by andrew gonzalez spirit lion.jpg
Beautiful!!! Thank you ❤️❤️ have a lovely night xx