@12:47-03:50 GMT
All Hail & Welcome to Astro, my journeying through cosmic energies on offer to us at New & Full Moon phases throughout the year. A very auspicious New Year to you, if you celebrate the Wheel of the Year. I find that the next couple of months contain a variety of references to new year or the returning of the Sun/ Son/ Sol. I feel to celebrate many of these during this time as it wholly resonates with me that a new beginning takes some time to settle in & get comfy before the outer work begins again. As such our references to New year begin with our internal machinations whilst we redefine ourselves within our own sacred cavern-space. Much like Mother Earth receding into the ground to regenerate after a long year of upward motion, we too need to take some advice & recede for our own wisdom which resides inside of us. Deities we resonate with at this time of year often recede to the Underworld or Otherworld to attend to inner workings. So along those threads, we can take a deeper dive into what the cosmos has on offer to us at this time by also taking a look at the planetary influences in play.
New Moon is a time of preparation, new beginnings, a flow of Ideas, new initiatives, planting seeds of intent for our future selves. It is the ending of a cycle & the beginning of a new month of phasing, as such will offer us a fresh outlook, new ideas & a surge of ‘let’s do this’ to our energy levels. We must bear in mind that some of our new ideas will be in their raw state & will need logical consideration before being aired in public. Whatever it is this New Moon phase brings, be mindful of thoughts, feelings & actions. Deliberate where necessary & share when a logical outcome seems inevitable. As this is new moon, we can expect new beginnings in the areas highlighted or within the themes of the sign of Scorpio. Water sign Scorpio governs intimacy, sharing, power, money & control, so pay attention to any areas which become highlighted during this phase as there is an indication of new beginnings in one or more of them. In addition, Scorpio new moon enables us to enhance upon our personal aspirations through the more positive qualities of the sign, within energies concerning resourcefulness, focus, passion, deep delving & cognisance.
Scorpio is an intense water sign, of transformative energies, full of passion & intent. This water sign likes to dig deep into intense emotional areas in our lives, so we may experience deep emotions coming to the surface to be heard & felt into, perhaps even put to rest. Scorpio themes cover an array of personal areas. It has a lot of themes of its own, many of which are a great companion to New Moon. The main theme of Scorpio is transformation, death & rebirth. There is a call to emotional & Shamanic processes during this time to enable us to move forward with our state of consciousness. We are being called to flush out those energies which have held us in suspended stasis, to relieve ourselves of the energies in which we have dwelt for maybe too long, to release, learn the lesson, to move toward our goals. We are all aware that to grow, we must first prepare our ground for planting the seeds of intent. So, perhaps it’s time for a clear out, mentally, physically or spiritually. Then ask:-
What needs to be released in order to make space for growth? Think about the things we use to bounce to when things aren’t going as we expected, drinking, smoking, drugs, unhealthy sexual connections, ways of thinking, actions. Old ways that we do not partake in otherwise.
What am I missing in life that makes me bounce to these destructive behaviours?
How can I make the needed changes in my life, to make it fuller & more desirable?
Scorpio beginning this new Moon cycle offers us a chance to concentrate more on our personal objectives concerning focus, inventiveness, discovery, passion & deep intuition. We are being asked to locate those areas of life, we feel powerless in & re- take control, rectifying for the good of our well-being & of those close to us. By releasing the emotional bonds which bind us to unhealthy distraction, we can gain clarity & achieve autonomy once again. We empower ourselves to find solutions which benefit us in the long run. Look for opportunities which empower us to gain control in our lives. These are the routes which can help our passions blossom making us much stronger than we think we are.
Another Scorpio theme is wealth, which could indicate a lot of money or highlight the things we value most. Whatever makes life better & real for us is being highlighted by Scorpio New Moon, so pay attention to what arises in the personal sphere. This is a good time for joint initiatives which give us hope toward our futures. In addition, it’s is a good time to discover & hear out another’s intentions, which can redefine our feelings toward intimacy & exoneration.
In addition, Scorpio energy is about power. The power of domination, manipulation & control as well as shared power. This is the energy which comes from those who have already discovered themselves & stand in their own sovereignty, wishing to help others to do the same. It’s about quality over quantity & a want to do things right.
Of course, the most obvious Scorpio theme is sex! Let us delve, shall we? Lust, being the raw sexual energy & want for sexual pleasure to reach orgasm; sacred / tantric sex in which light bodies combine, which functions at a higher level of ecstasy. Well, it’s all there isn’t it? This Moon wants us to concentrate on one relationship at a time, so as not to pour ourselves too thinly, but to focus for the purpose of initiating depth in our lives.
Finally, Scorpio rules the occult. Occult means ‘hidden’. Hidden refers to the unseen, supernatural & what exceeds the 5 senses, this can indicate mediumship, astrology, tarot, energy healing & psychic abilities. Keep an eye & ear open for gentle nudges from the universe or our guides.
Pay attention to where there is illumination to any of Scorpio themes, as these will be dominant aspects to our lives at this time. Scorpio moon is a good time for self-mastery at any of the themes mentioned. In addition to focus & deep perception, we can work toward clearing the bad habits which hold us in stasis & discover that which we feel is lacking & leads us to self-destructive pursuits.
This can be a time for us to find our courage, to release the fear of facing up to challenging issues including emotional events. As uncomfortable as they make us feel, this can give us back personal control & healing.
Planetary influences
Pluto is in Capricorn, but only just as it begins its transit toward Aquarius. Pluto is the natural ruler of Scorpio, & during this cycle Pluto sits in the aneretic degree of Capricorn, at 29 °. The aneretic degree is the last degree of each sign & as such is packing some celestial force. As Pluto is the natural ruler of Scorpio, we can expect to be completing something with this transit. It also indicates being triggered to take some sort of important fast action, before Pluto moves on. If there is one last push of energy needed in something in life, this moon will have the energetic force to aid us taking that action.
Luminaries Trine (working well with) Saturn in Pisces – We are inspired to create change. This aspect wills us to break control issues, by methodically working through an issue, avoiding the shortcut & exercising caution. We are being offered the awareness to navigate a problem & find a solution, which does not cause us overwhelm. We can process any lessons we have learned & know what needs changing. Saturn is king of order & karma, so be careful & be fully aware of what you may agree to. This may be a slow process as Saturn is in retrograde.
New Moon biquintile (pointing toward a talent) North Node in Aries – a desire to create order. An awareness of conflict & finding solutions. This seems to fit nicely with the overarching theme of this moon & the above aspects.
Well that brings us to the end of this Astro New Moon article. Thank you for being part of this new moon journeying through the cosmic energies on offer to us, at this time. Please join me again at or near Full moon later in the month.
Keep an eye out on the website or on my facebook (Ancient footprints) & insta (she_at_ancient_footprints) pages, for any updates & new postings. If you would like to receive Astro articles to your inbox before release to social media (about a week before) please subscribe on the website.
Until then, I wish you all pleasant navigating over the next two weeks.
In gratitude, Love, light & all betwixt