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Astro: New Moon in Taurus

Writer's picture: Sheela AdharSheela Adhar

Updated: Jul 24, 2020

Hail & welcome to April’s edition of Astro: New Moon. Our celestial being will enter New phase on 23rd April 2020 @ 3:25am GMT. This Month’s new moon is in the sign of earthy Taurus. We need our lives to ebb and flow and this month the dependable hoof of Taurus is on side to steady us in this time of confusion and information overload. The following article has been researched and intuitively written as a guide for those who are led by the moon and other cosmic energies which play out in our daily lives and on the global stage.

Each new moon is another opportunity to to begin again. A fresh page in your book of life which allows you to set intentions and plant seeds for the future, take up a new project or hobby or implement educated changes to existing plans. New moon is the monthly system reset , a chance for rebirth and to realise what matters the most to us. A time for soul searching and discovering your personal truths. The New Moon has the energies of the wise woman and to tap into these energies allows us to be more intuitive and aware.

Earthy Taurus is grounded in nature. A strong, dependable and staunch companion who gets things prepared and makes this transition from old phase to new easily. Taurus rules over Money and food, so this will be a good moon for planting in general but also planting the seeds of intent. As a fixed sign, Taurus energy is able to mend problems we are faced with, which has the connotations of a dreams to reality moon. This steady and unshakeable energy will be with us over the new moon phase. Its time to recognise and face the unexpected challenges that this phase will bring to us and rid ourselves only of what is no longer needed on our journeying. Its a time for planting and knowledge.

New Moon in Taurus is not the time for overreaction or resistance to change, rather it is a time where we are encouraged to be methodical in our approach. To take one step at a time seems an odd statement but, given our current circumstances its possibly the wisest advice to give. This is a good time for us to look at our goals and ask ourselves where we want to be in the future, as Taurus  energies offers a chance to make those all important changes in our lives for the better. Whatever we seed today has the potential to come to fruition on Taurus Full Moon at Samhain (Halloween). If the small manoeuvres are made toward your intended goal now, good things will surely follow. Allow your inner child to play for a bit, creating the world and life you always dreamed of. How do you get there? What steps need to be taken to tread this path? What changes need to be implemented? What is hindering your progress? Taurus shows us that change and new beginnings are on the horizon, slowly getting closer and this new moon is a step toward it. With many of us in isolation, now is a good time to take up meditation and some form of exercise. Meditation allows for channels to be opened and barriers to be broken through, enabling us a greater understanding of our world , the universe and our place in it. Developing this skill will allow the inner child to play with the future. Lets see what unfolds when this happens.

Aspects to New Moon in Taurus:

At each phase of the moon, there are planetary influences, conjunctions and outside energies which have an effect on our perception and experiences during this time. These combined energetic forces can be ignored if you wish, but if like me you like to see the bigger picture it is advisable to consider the relationships these energies have to the moon, the mother earth and us.

Uranus in Taurus (hard aspect) conjunct New Moon - battle of wills comes to mind with these two components as the are pulling in opposite directions. Uranus is the planet of profound change, independence, freedom and liberation. It can create chaos, as it wants change. In order for change to happen, destruction must take place to rebuild the new. As a ‘fixed’ sign, Taurus wants to affix and secure. So bare in mind that whatever you are motioning to fix will have life changing energies attached to it. Make good work for idle hands & be careful what you wish for!

Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto (hard aspect) square New Moon & Sun in Taurus - This is the one to be extremely careful of as it is the same planetary alignment which saw virus C19 change the world in which we live. These are generational planets, so they move slower and energetically affect huge numbers of people, affecting ways of life, awakenings and have provided us with some of the most testing and demanding times of human history. This alignment is symbolic to old structures decaying or transforming and new ones being built. Jupiter amplifies all of this exponentially. We have entered a death - rebirth phase where the new order of things will rise. Be aware that whatever happens and whatever we want from this manoeuvring must serve our higher good, or what is the point? Shadow work is most important right now. Whatever surfaces from within you needs to be healed before this process of rebirth can take place, so as to move onward. If unsure, meditate and ask the universe your question, allow the inner child to play and find the answers to the world you wish to create.

Neptune semi-square New Moon (minor aspect) - Be careful not to fall for Neptune’s lower vibrational activities such as substance misuse, playing the victim in a relationship, excessive escapism. Come on people, you know what I mean!  These activities dull the senses and close you off to universal messages. Rather be aware of the nature of Neptune’s higher vibrational qualities such as spiritual awakening, dream work, creativity and the flow with the law of attraction. Its all there!

Planetary movements beyond New Moon:

The ancient Greek word for planet means ‘wander/ wanderer’. When a planet moves Rx, retrograde, it means that by optical illusion it is moving backward rather than direct/ forward, through a zodiac sign. Even though this is illusionary, these motions have an effect on us. A retrograde planet takes a break from its normal machinations. Some of us will experience a slowing down of this planet’s energies, thus ushering a time of reflection & healing.

Pluto retrograde 24th April - this Rx will last for 160 days before returning direct. Pluto is the planet of transformation, birth, death, regeneration and rebirth. Our shadow side comes into play here and you may find yourself revisiting old wounds in an attempt to heal them. Shedding layers of the old self is an important gesture to usher in transformation. Pluto Rx will highlight how we look at our relationships to power, money and control. This also refers to that global circuit as Pluto is one of this years movers and shakers, setting the theme for this year. Resistance is futile!

We are ending an old cycle and beginning a new one in 2020. This has been expected for hundreds of years, as I’ve mentioned before its written in the stars. The outcome relies on how we as humans react to the state of affairs we are in right now. Change is inevitable, as is the movement of the cosmos, the turning wheel of our year, the circle of life. Whatever you seed now will project into the future. Allow divine light to shine upon you and work through you. Be blessed in all of your endeavours.

In love, light and all betwixt


From my heart to yours




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