8 APRIL 2024@7.21 GMT
All Hail & welcome to Astro New Moon! I hope you have all navigated your way through from Full Moon with ease. This New Moon article will discuss the various cosmic occurrences which may effect many of us over the next few weeks. Our Zodiac wheel has just begun again! A new cycle starts & a fresh image of what we really want to manifest into our lives emerges from our minds, desires & dreams. We may have very big plans ahead of us and this New Moon in Aries is an extremely positive portal of manifestation energy. Furthermore, we have asteroid Chiron, the wounded healer in play, so there may be a lot of wounds surfacing, but don’t be put off! Our wounds when addressed with compassion can heal & allow us the wisdom of helping others to heal too! Both are part of a rare New Moon Stellium conjunction, which indicates several celestial beings lined up in Aries. Arranged in Aries we have New Moon, Sun, Mercury & Chiron, making this a very potent healing portal too. We also have an Solar eclipse making its presence known. This too is an important transformational portal! This article is quite a long read. I separate each set of paragraph’s with the assumption of taking a break or only reading the sections you may want to read. So park ya broom, draw up a toadstool & take a seat, by the fire, cuppa in hand or glass of something nice & enjoy the read & journeying with me….
Total Solar Eclipse
This New Moon is a Total Solar eclipse (Visible over most of America). This one is extremely special as eclipses have been seen by ancient people as bringers of doom or of catastrophe. In fact Eclipses are great energy portals of transformation which work on personal & collective levels, together with the element of the sign the eclipse falls in.
A solar eclipse happens when the Moon moves in-between the Sun & Earth, causing the Sun to darken as the shadow of the Moon passes over it. Sometimes this causes a ‘blackout’ of the Sun (Total), other times we will be able to see the Sun’s Corona (Annular). This is due to the differing distances of the Moon, perigee & apogee, from the Earth at various points during the year. Solar eclipse takes place at New Moon & Lunar eclipse at Full Moon when Earth moves between Moon & Sun. It can become tough if we do not allow ourselves to surrender to that which the eclipse brings to our attention for healing or transformation.
This is the 4th Solar eclipse on the Aries- Libra axis of relationships, the 3rd solar eclipse in the series of 6 In the series. The effects of this will be felt for at least 6 months.
What can eclipse in a fire sign have in store for us? We will dive into this in addition to Aries New Moon & all it has on offer for us.
New Moon
New Moon is a time of preparation, intention setting & new beginnings. Here we stand at the ending of one cycle & on the threshold of a new 28 days of lunar phasing. It is a time of balance, hope & desire, dreams & intentions and of confidently allowing ourselves to really feel into what we really want in our lives. This New Moon is asking us to take action on any area of life which is making itself prominent by raising old wounds for acknowledgement & healing . We are being encouraged to visualise & heal, to step into our authentic self! New Moon gives us a time of self expression & confidence to really put our desires into a space of manifestation. Like a vegetable patch which has been turned & prepared for seeding, the New Moon allows for us to plant those seeds of intent with hope in our hearts & minds. To make space for what is to come, we must first be sure to release that which is no longer of service to us, our paths & lives. This can be very difficult & we may get caught up in the process of acknowledgement & release, but that’s ok.
New Moon in Aries
New Moon in Aries is sometimes a very vulnerable time for our emotions & relationships due to its darker nature & the presence of Chiron in this sign, but there is light with this present cosmic set up & there are some potent positives in this New Moon’s celestial manoeuvres. Aries, the first sign of the zodiac & a cardinal sign (action) is symbolic of new beginnings, fresh starts, new opportunities & full on energy! We may have been feeling this energy rising with the changing season & within ourselves too. We may feel brighter, happier, that there is light at the end of the tunnel & there is! Aries wants us to take charge of our own lives, be independent & be self reliant. Aries mostly focuses on the self & what we want for ourselves. Lets take a look at that. ‘For ourselves’ yes this really does mean the individual. Allowing ourselves to feel into this phase & all it has to offer is as important as the aspecting influences to New Moon. In addition, we have Chiron, the wounded healer in Aries. I will discuss this later. For now sit with your needs & wants, desires & dreams for this coming zodiac year. It is time to honour Aries in gaining experience through beginning or doing something revitalising & refreshing:
Ask yourself:
What do you want to begin?
What do you really want to manifest into your life that will give you the life you want?
What seeds will you plant toward that end?
What intentions do you have for the month/ year ahead?
There is a lot of Aries energy & forward motion on offer to help us accomplish the tasks ahead. In addition, there are a lot of inspiration & action in the energies available. Think carefully & reasonably when manifesting as the universe may have our backs but it also has an outrageous sense of humour, so be careful what you wish for & even more careful when planting the seeds that you have the desired outcome in mind. Being specific with manifestation is key to success & even though we will meander through life touching on things & areas which may seem to have nothing to do with this outcome, always hold in the mind that there is a reason for all of it. When we come back to centre & harvest, these new skills & lessons coagulate to give us the necessary skills we need for our outcome. Furthermore, we are setting an intention, so we must also consider that we have work to do towards that end. The universe will help us if we help ourselves & this manifestation portal is one of the best opportunities we have this year.
Furthermore, be mindful of words, thoughts & actions right now, to be sure that we are focusing on what it is we wish to attract. Words are powerful. Speak to yourself & others in kindness & positivity. Our inner narrative may need rejigging to more positive self talk. Its a bit like weeding a garden, each time you take out one weed, you turn to find another popping its head up & needing attention. This reprogramming of the brain can take some time, so be gentle on yourself until you find that the action becomes natural & fluid. Allow yourself to create thoughts that will become expressive of hope & opportunity by moving them from the zone of limited belief to the place of abundance.
New Moon conjunct Chiron , the wounded healer, In Aries
New Moon conjunct Chiron in Aries. Chiron was the teacher of astrology & knowledge of herbal medicines. He is particularly linked to botanic wisdom, astronomy,music, medicine & divination. Chiron’s presence will bring physical & emotional wounds to the surface to be acknowledged & healed. Our increased awareness & empathy may present us with deep suffering from this pain. Remember, the universe will only give you what you are capable of handling. Although this seems overwhelming at times, know that you are not alone. Chiron encourages the great soul wounds we carry to be nurtured & healed. In this way we can use our knowledge as wisdom to heal ourselves. Knowing we have the ability to do this aids us to be of help to others who may need our experience & compassion too. Healing is a major theme for this phase & the next couple of weeks toward Full Moon. Be mindful of energy levels & acknowledge when it is time to slow this process to avoid burnout.
New Moon conjunct Mercury retrograde (as if moving backwards), In Aries
New Moon conjunct Mercury retrograde (appearing to move backwards, indicating a slowing down or spike in opposites) in Aries encourages us to communicate our feelings in depth to those around us we trust. This is a time where we might be finding it hard to see forward, our own planning & pathway, when part of our history rears its head, creating an uncomfortable & excruciating moment for us in time. If we can harness our inner healer, we can make this a truly great new beginning & move forward in a much better mindset. Help is at hand, we will know the right time & people to open up to. These will be provided by the universal flow of healing energies which are on offer through the stellium of helpers & guides in Aries. This is the most potent healing time on offer ! Know that support is on hand. This is our healing time. Those of you with which these words resonate will immediately understand this message. Do not be afraid to really express feelings, no matter how deep they run within. Wounds such as these are damaging & require attention. These are pains & hurts which will have caused several interactions within life, bringing about feelings of helplessness, lacking confidence, depression & anxiety, self pity & lacking self worth. Mercury wants us to talk it out! Chiron wants us to heal through his gifts & also through communicating using words & hands. Words are very powerful & can heal, as can hands being placed on the heart & thinking into our well of being (well being).
By being present & open to healing in its many forms, we can utilise our pain & become more compassionate people. We all know that the world needs more of us on this level right now! If we allow our wounds to guide us, we learn to accept who we are which in turn allows us to find the wisdom & inner strength we need to move forward. Motion is energy & energy is creation. Connected to the universe we are co-creators of what is to come.
New Moon Action!
As New Moon presents a sky void of light, we are encouraged to go within & listen to our inner voice & guides. We are being asked to sit with & nurse our deepest wound & to take action. No more stagnating, no more brushing things under the carpet, this is the time to walk into our most truest form & requires our energy now! Movement forward no matter how that takes shape is energy. We are creating our future by being in the present & absorbing all that is on offer for our healing to take place. As messy as this can get, know that healing is there when we feel the feels, helping us move toward our next destination with a brighter, lighter soul.
A deeper delve……
Planetary aspects to New Moon, solar eclipse in Aries
All about Chiron - Chiron is conjunct New Moon so there is a real force pushing to heal wounds & emotional trauma. There may be a connection here to transforming your motherline . We could experience a spiritual shift in our emotions. In Aries, Chiron wants us to heal the wounded part of our ego/ self. This may lead us to want to free our ego in favour of centring ourselves, as this is where the healing will really begin.
New moon conjunct Mercury retrograde (rx) - Mercury affects the mind & its machinations. In Aries its about self communication, our wit, impulses & confidence. However, keep an eye on over confidence & antagonism. Mercury in Aries has a real force of self belief. In retrograde, we can see a slowing down of these attributes & a concentration on aspects such as travel, business & communication as well as learning. Watch out for the downsides of all of these, so double check everything & make sure you are in a place of true understanding about what you are doing or about to commit to. Sometimes its best to hold off with Mercury Rx, but if you are sure of the situation, tread softly first. This is a good energy for the Chiron aspect, as communication may be the key to solving problems & trauma.
Mars, ruler of Aries is coming into alignment with taskmaster Saturn - an impetus to self assert in a controlled way. Concentrated hard working will vs powerlessness, blocks & delay. This can be a very empowering moment for us if we can work on the ego & find our centre, we can not only become more self controlled, we can really show ourselves to be ‘in control’ of our lives, emotions & drive. Saturn is also the wise master, so now might be a good time to either offer your services to someone who needs it or to seek the help you need. There is a sheer determination to overcome the obstacles life has put in our way.
Quick reminder
Solar eclipse’s are times when we begin new ventures; Retrogrades are for hindsight & redoing things in a different way. Together they indicate a 2nd chance at something. Think about where you may have had failed at something you really wanted to succeed but found no headway , at the time. Think about whether this is something you could have another go at or not. The energy of eclipse & retrograde are giving out 2nd chances but also telling us that whatever passes us now was supposed to pass us (Fate/ karma). so be mindful & if your wondering’s are igniting fire to something that was, maybe its time for a 2nd go at it!
And that’s it for another Astro article. I know it’s a long read & I sincerely hope you enjoyed it. Thank you for joining me on this expedition through the cosmos & what’s on offer to us all at this time. Please do join me again for April’s Full Moon in Scorpio on or around 23rd April 2024.
Until then I wish you all a joyous journeying through the next couple of weeks. I will meet you again for another adventure later on this month.
In gratitude, love, light & all betwixt
Hall, J, 2019, The Astrology Bible,Godsfield Press, Octopus publishing group ltd, London
Online sources