AA Nm TSE in Sagittarius 4 December 2021
@7:43 GMT
All hail & welcome to Astro: New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Fiery Sagittarius. We have been experiencing a new cycle of eclipse energy, which began last Full moon & like all good beginnings, we must end the old to begin afresh. Unlike the last full moon lunar eclipse, this total Solar Eclipse is along the Sagittarius- Gemini axis, which began in May 2020 & ends the cycle with this lunation. There is a lot going on in the cosmos at the moment with huge energy shifts & crossovers occurring. So we may have felt out of sorts a little or perhaps a sense of impending change has come upon us. Either way change is on the cards! Coming to the finalé of this cycle is our shout out for reaching this cycle’s objective. There is a lot to consider & decisions to be made.
In addition, we have the Geminids meteor shower later in the month, so some top night sky viewing is available, weather permitting of course!
New Moon is a time for ideas & inspiration. Ideas such as these will come fast & will need to be thoroughly thought out before we extend to commencement. We set our seeds of intention on to their growth journey by readying the soil & preparing for inclement weather, taking precaution to protect our seeds of desire, so that they can aspire to germinate in the ground alongside the moon cycle. This is maiden’s territory, where winter to spring comes to mind. A time of generating new ideas & planning , new projects, new beginnings, soul searching & discovering our personal truths. In addition, this is often time for banishing old habits by finding new paths to encourage a fresh new outlook, change for the better, a clearer pathway to healing.
Sagittarius likes change! That’s a great thing considering what may come our way within the next couple of weeks. I feel this deeply at this present moment. Sagittarius positive qualities are honesty, optimism, enthusiasm, independence, adventure, outspokenness, intellect, curiosity, generosity & directness. The symbol for this sign is the bow & arrow of the archer. This reminds us that wherever we aim, our arrows of intent will land with force & attitude. So take aim by all means, being sure in your strength & destination. Ask yourself:
Where can I positively integrate the qualities of the archer into my life?
A Sagittarius New Moon calls us to upgrade our understanding & perceptions of the world we live in. We are being called to become courageous & welcome expansive thinking. We are being asked to view our big picture with trust & positivity. Our expansion will aid in changing the way we think, exceeding the mundane. We are in a place in which we can & must retain hope, faith & our future vision. Most of all we must trust that we will not assume the outcome, but be open-minded in our expectations. We are being asked to step out from the programming & believe in our own projections, working toward them with an ‘outside of the box’ attitude. Sagittarius thinks big & we are expected to follow this trail of thought. We must be assertive in our deeds but also mindful of our actions & how they may affect those around us. This is our chance to create the life we’ve been dreaming of, rather than to repeat the cycles which we have already taken lessons from & no longer serve a purpose. Ask yourself :
Am I ready to level up?
What am I taking with me on this adventure?
What will I need to leave behind?
Am I aiming my arrows in the direction I want to be going in?
Jupiter is the ruling planet of Sagittarius so we must also be vigilant of issues connected to optimism, belief, faith, philosophy, adventure & sharing. These areas will be highlighted over the New Moon phase.
Eclipses are huge portals of transformation, which have the ability to help our spiritual growth, change our understanding & change our lives for the better. With so much having gone on over the past year or so , it may be difficult to link our personal experiences to the eclipse cycle we are experiencing an end to at the moment. Now is the time we will make those connections between experience & growth. Whatever we have been digesting & working on is now ready to become an integral part of our lives. Think back to May last year. If you keep a journal this will be easier. Think about personal growth areas & where there has been visible expanse & change taking place. These areas can integrate into the bigger picture of our lives. Listen for the guidance that comes with this New Moon & where we are being asked to step up or change. We are entering a new season of existence & we can either walk into it freely or be pulled kicking & screaming. Either way, change will happen. No messing about! Be grateful for what has been learned & for growth. What is to come is of our own desire & manifestation.
New Moon Total Solar Eclipse (NM TSE) is the most powerful portal we can experience. These are powerhouse manifestation stations! The seeds we sow WILL be activated. So Be very careful & specific whilst setting an intention. Think of the outcome rather than the journey to it. Right now we become magnets drawing in energy. Ask yourself :
What do I wish to attract into my life?
What experiences do I want to have?
Furthermore, we can take this time as an official personal restart. Gathering in all lessons, shedding that which no longer resonates with our course, objective & beliefs. This is a good time of year to be sharing our discoveries, pitfalls & experiences with others. Knowledge is a great tool for teaching those lessons to others who may need the advice.
Planetary aspects during New Moon TSE:
Of course a moon phase is never alone in its energies. This New Moon TSE is no exception!
New Moon Conjunct Mercury - Speaking our truth & the truth will out! There are a lot of truths appearing right about now, whether in our personal sphere or that of the collective. Communications are highlighted along with thinking & travel, whether that be local or international. This aspect amplifies communications, mental clarity, quick thinking, curiosity, & our ability & acceptance of change. We may want to be more involved in our local community, to show & share compassion. This is deemed to be a very engaging eclipse with lots of personal interaction & communications. The mercury aspect makes this a good time for buying, selling, negotiations & meetings with old friends & family or meeting new people.
Moon Quincunx Uranus - Creates nervous tension, anxiety, a sense of change & not being able to fully relax. There may be a feeling of excitement & looking forward to change, along with a feeling of fear. We may feel we are being told to change by someone in authority. There may be need to change a schedule because of evolving situations. Remain open-minded & make changes which are healthy & encourage forward motion in a positive manner. By using our expression & authenticity we will still stand in our truth.
New Moon Sextile Saturn - This is our grounding force to what seems rather full on & skittish energies produced by the Uranus aspect. Offering patience, perseverance, caution & strong work ethics. This makes for a time of completion to tasks or projects, with a strong energy to get the job done in the best way. Possible promotions or recognition can come from this time & effort.
Saturn Square Uranus - The final waltz of the giants climaxes on the 24th December this year! These 2 planets have been our main theme creators of the past year or so. They offer setbacks, restriction & change. This may not be to our liking & may cause huge frustrations. This could be another tense time for us all.
Astronomical event occurring!
Geminids meteor shower 13 -14 December 2021
The Geminids is known as the king of meteor showers. Thought to be the best shower in the heavens, producing up to 120 multicoloured meteors per hour at its peak, produced by debris left behind by an asteroid 3200 Phaethon, discovered in 1982. The shower runs annually from December 7-17. This year it peaks on the night of the 13th - morning of the 14th. Unfortunately, a waxing gibbous moon blocks out most of the fainter meteors this year. However, Geminids are numerous & bright & this could still be a good show. Best viewing from a dark location after midnight. Meteors will radiate from the constellation Gemini, appearing anywhere in the sky.
Without further ado, my gratitude to you for joining me on this epic adventure through the cosmic tide of ebbing & flowing energies on offer to us at this time. Please join me again on or closer to 19th December, when I will be adventuring into the cosmos again for Astro: Full Cold Moon in Gemini.
I wish you all the very best whilst navigating these New Moon Total Solar Eclipse energies. I wish for you to stand in your truth in perfect love & trust knowing that the universe has your back! And so it is!
Blessed be!
In gratitude, love, light & all betwixt