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Astro: Rare New Moon Total Annular solar Eclipse in Aries

Writer's picture: Sheela AdharSheela Adhar

Astro 2nd New Moon in Aries

19-20 April 2023

All hail & Welcome to Astro: New Moon Annular Total Solar eclipse in Aries. Yes, this not only means we have a 2nd New Moon in Aries within a month, this one is extremely special as it is also a mixture of total & annular eclipse energies. I have so much to share with you & I'm so excited to do so. Eclipses have been seen by ancient people as bringers of doom or of catastrophe. In fact Eclipses are great energy portals of transformation which work on personal & collective levels, together with the element & the sign the eclipse falls in. It can become tough if we do not allow ourselves to surrender to that which the eclipse brings to our attention for healing or transformation. What can eclipse in a fire sign have in store for us? We will dive into this in addition to Aries New Moon & all it has on offer for us.

New Moon is a time of preparation, intention setting & new beginnings. Here we stand at the ending of one cycle & on the threshold of a new 28 days of lunar phasing. It is a time of balance, hope & desire, dreams & intentions and of confidently allowing ourselves to really feel into what we really want in our lives. This New Moon is supercharged & asks us to take action on any area of life which is making itself prominent to complete its cycle & clear the way for the newness on offer to us at this potent time. We are being encouraged to to step into our authentic self willingly or to face a series of challenges within the areas which have been brought to our attention for change.

New Moon Aries will carry with it similar themes to last Aries Moon in March, in which we either began something new or were in preparation mode for birthing new ventures or perhaps bad habits, addictions & past wounds surfaced for attention & midwiving. Keep this in mind because whatever came to you at this time will likely play out during this lunation too. Aries New moon is a good time for focusing on the more constructive side of the sign of the Ram such as being honest, brave & resourceful. Aries New Moon gives us a new platform of our own making to stand upon. It allows us the hyper-focus we need to begin new projects, ventures, to take initiatives & opportunities to the next level. This New Moon stands at the very last degree of the sign of Aries at 29° & gives us a massive boost of energy to help in our endeavours. With the Moon at anaretic degree we can expect some of the next signs influence to feed into what is happening. Taurus will offer energies through finances & resourcefulness.

We now have the motivation & opportunity to bring our ideas to life. What is inside of us is being encouraged to come out & play. Aries encourages us to re-evaluate our relationship to ourselves. With this energy we can make changes in our lives for the better & do it with great force. Aries is the 1st sign of the zodiac which means its all set for new beginnings. Action, authenticity & experience are key with Aries, so if we’re receiving intuitive nudges, take it as a sign to go for it & truly embrace the truth of BEing within what you are doing. Under the powerful eclipse’ New Moon energies we can set our intentions & really go for what we want. Watch what happens when we seek out those golden opportunities & set ourselves up to glow in our authentic nature.

Total Annular Solar eclipse

What is it?

How does it have an affect on us personally & collectively?

Eclipses; total & partial, this one is a mixture of both total & annular. A solar eclipse happens when the Moon moves in-between the Sun & Earth, causing the Sun to darken as the shadow of the Moon passes over it. Sometimes this causes a ‘blackout’ of the Sun (Total), other times we will be able to see the Sun’s Corona (Annular). This is due to the differing distances of the Moon, perigee & apogee, from the Earth at various points during the year. Solar eclipse takes place at New Moon & Lunar eclipse at Full Moon when Earth moves between Moon & Sun. This Eclipse is New Moon Total Annular Solar eclipse in the sign of Aries. As both luminaries meet up for their monthly seat next to each other in the same degree, so the Moon moves into place to darken the Sun. This eclipse mixture is rare & potent. It indicates Karmic events & evolution between worlds.

What does this mean for us? Judy Hall puts this perfectly in her Astrology Bible, in which she describes eclipses,

“During Eclipses the light of consciousness (The Sun) is blocked out & the subconscious & collective forces (The Moon) are able to surface , or rational consciousness (The Sun) overcomes the irrational (The Moon). As such an eclipse can be the moment that repressed energies burst forth with great force, and ingrained attitudes & karma, whether personal or collective, are released.” (Hall J, 2019,The Astrology Bible, pp380).

Ok! It’s a ‘hold on to yer hats’ kind of energy that is waiting to pop up, do its work & be released. And we all know how difficult release can be, especially if we hold addictions & habits that do not serve us in any way. In addition, this being an event in the sign of Aries means that the qualities of Aries will be amplified, being at 29° Aries, known as the anaretic degree, pointing to very strong impulses, evolving emotions & karmic events. This indicates closure, clearance & the new. Furthermore, that this is the 2nd New Moon in Aries means this energy has been brewing up for at least a month. Think back to New Aries Moon in March, check journals if you keep them. Ask

What was making itself known at this time?

What energy did it have to accompany it?

Was this manageable or has it continued to pervade?

What long term plans for change were implemented, if any?

This eclipse begins a new cycle of eclipses along the Aries-Libra Axis. The cycle will highlight challenges, activity , flow, how we think & communicate within our relationships with all the things! isn't that exciting? Cahnge all round!! The cycle lasts from now until 2025. The last time we experienced a series of eclipses along this axis was 1977; 2004-2006; 2013-2016. We may find themes are similar, however exact events will not reoccur. Let us concentrate on the last series 2013-2016. Ask

What was happening in my life at this time?

What themes came up for recognition?

Aries is a fire sign that can offer us courage, strong emotion & resolve. Be mindful of crossing the boundary into Aries more volatile side, anger, destruction & egoism. The strong focus here is on Aries independence, courage & confidence concerning our personal plans including new beginnings. This eclipse will illuminate issues concerning our independence & facing the fear of something & still doing it. It goes with the territory of new beginnings & ideas which we wish to birth.

We may find that areas in which we have not been true to ourselves are highlighted, bringing us to a place of understanding the nature of change benefiting growth. In addition, self assertion is being encouraged & we may find we are being asked to give something up in order to move into a place of receipt. Be mindful, healthy self assertiveness comes from a place of confidently knowing that we are not hurting anything or anyone during this process. Harsh attitudes come from overconfidence & can be very displacing & hurtful. Avoid jumping to conclusions or acting without thinking.

Furthermore, the relationship to how we manage our connections, dependencies , personal independence & how we act or present ourselves is also being highlighted by the eclipse energy. Its time to get real with ourselves, see where we are holding ourselves back & take action to get to where we wish to be in life, without the self sabotage!

This eclipse guides us to our new level of consciousness, which will be internal as well as external. Ask

How & in which direction am i being guided?

How excited am I for what is coming?

We may feel in two minds 1. whether to jump up excitedly dance & have our voice heard or 2. perhaps reel in the energy to keep ego under control. Sit with it & feel into each action. Ask which one is best for the situation we are in. Be still & listen to intuition.

All eclipses have a partner eclipse following around 14 days after the event. In this case on 5 May 2023 we have a Full Moon Annular Lunar eclipse in Scorpio. The process of eclipses can be emotionally disorientating, so be mindful of you! Take care to notice triggers or mental fogginess & allow them space to reveal their messages, whether that is to take a break , self care or meditate, get out into nature & let it all come to you naturally.

Overall eclipses are portals of transformation. They take us into shadow realms where we can heal, rid ourselves of bad habits & behaviours, release the past & accept that endings bring new beginnings. All of this process helps us transform in a powerful, productive way. If we surrender to the flow & allow ourselves to let the cosmic tides to wash over us we will be moving to a newer, fresher space of existence. However, if we fight it we cause ourselves pain, stress & crises chaos in which the process may take control, moving us unwillingly toward transformation anyway. Resistance is futile!

As this Eclipse is in a wide conjunction to Jupiter, we can expect expansive energies & opportunities to be readily available to us.

Planetary aspects to New Moon Total Annular Solar Eclipse

New Moon square Pluto is said to offer us huge awakenings & opportunities of a lifetime! These will aid us in our transformation & rebirth during eclipse portal. Pluto archetypes are fully charged creating change & quickly!

New Moon obtuse conjunction Jupiter. Not quite a conjunction, rather a functional bringer about of eclipse energies. Jupiter has been expanding & bringing opportunities to us. We can experience opportunities in travel, education, religion, philosophy. This will continue until the 15 May. We are encouraged to make the most of it whilst it lasts. Be mindful not to over commit.

And So It Is, we have come to the end of this very special Astro article. There has been so much to share with you. I feel as though there is so much more! Thank you for joining my exploration of the cosmos at this very potent time of eclipse portal openings. I hope you navigate with confidence & knowledge that you are enough & can achieve that which you set your mind & actions to. I hope you find the healing you need & the space to allow yourself free flow with what illuminates in your lives. I hope you shine your light authentically & feel the excitement of good things to come.

Join me again around 5 May 2023 for the all encompassing Astro: Full Moon Annular Lunar eclipse

In so much gratitude, love, light & all betwixt





Hall. J, 2019, The Astrology Bible. Octopus Publishing , London

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