1 AUG 23 @ 19:31 GMT
All Hail & Welcome my lovelies, a blessed Lammas to you. Welcome to my Astro: Super Full Moon in Aquarius article. All well meaning cosmic travellers & the curious are welcome in this space. Welcome aboard the intergalactic journeying portal I embark upon each Full & New lunar phase. Are we ready to come aboard for another journeying, navigating the cosmos to our personal well-Be-ing? Clamber on & enjoy the voyage, with my gratitude for your presence. Please make yourselves comfortable, park your broom, pick a toadstool or rock to be seated upon, set your curiosity to eyes & arms wide open to receive the goodness that this journey offers you all in perfect love & perfect trust. We will embark upon a journey to discover the cosmic energies on offer to us at this time during Super full phase & beyond. I speak about the names of the Moon, worldwide, discuss astrology & interpret the potential meaning it has for us, list astronomical events for the forthcoming month & round up with gratitude for all of you & this beautiful journeying we take together each new or full phase. Without further ado…..
This is a supermoon which means that the moon is at or close to Perigee, its closest approach to the Earth. This makes the Moon seem so much more than usual. The Super full size of the moon at this time acts as an amplifier to whatever this phase is offering us. So expect big everything, over the top feelings & emotions, raucous festival style vibes, exaggerations & exuberance. This is the 2nd of 4 Supermoon’s for 2023.
Naming the Moons
Naming the full moon each month is an olde phenomenon indicating the changing seasons, agricultural and ecological events during the year. Given geographical variants these names differ dependant on geographical region. The native American names for Augusts full moon range from Sturgeon Moon, Corn Moon, Green Corn Moon, Dog Days Moon and Lightening Moon. The Siouan tribes of Montana called this moon Black Cherries Moon and the Inuit peoples of Northern Canada named this moon Swan Flight Moon. In China the August Moon is named Harvest Moon. In India, on 23rd August we are in the month of Bhardrapad with the celebration of Bhardrapad Purnima. The Celtic Medieval British named this moon Dispute Moon, Lynx Moon and Grain Moon. Druidic names can vary, however we will be in the Month of the Hazel, Coll, which covers 5th August - 1st September, after which we will enter the month of the Vine. The Hazel moon was called Coll to the Celts which meant ‘Life force inside of you’. Hazel moon is associated with the appearance of hazelnuts, wisdom, knowledge, divination, dowsing & dream journeying. In addition, Hazel moon is feminine by nature and often called the Moon of the wise or Crone Moon. The magical aspects enhanced by this moon include protection, fertility, manifestation & spirit contact. It is seen as a good month for creative’s. Hazel moon is associated with holy wells & springs which contain the Salmon of knowledge.
Rather than write about all of the fabulous spiritual & religious events, I shall provide you with links to sites with this information. Please click the links below for non - bias religious & spiritual observances for the month ahead. If there are any other sites with information that you would like to see featured in this section, please send me a link in the comments or message me via the website:-
Full Moon is a time of fruition of that which we began at new Moon. It is the representation of abundance & fecundity of the both Moon & Earth, at this time of year. So we are looking at 1st harvest of the year. This can mean so much personally & globally. In addition, we have reached our 2nd of 4 Supermoon’s for this year & as such will be experiencing a whole lot of amplified energy as well as feeling a connection between this & the 1st supermoon of the year in July.
This Full Moon in Aquarius is one of the most powerful moons! Get ready for manifestation station!!!
Full Moon is the pinnacle of all that was set in motion around New Moon, it also suggests we look back to what was happening whilst July’s Supermoon was in play. By now there should be sure signs that whatever underlying energies we were experiencing at July’s supermoon are coming back into focus or coming to some sort of ending. We may find we enter a phase of closure for these matters, where we may have to make those all important decisions. As full Moon’s go, Supermoon’s amplify the need to release that which is not serving our highest good. We will notice these aspects in our lives more so at this time & we are more likely to act on release impulse toward something which has been prevalent or persistent in our lives over the time between these supermoon’s.
Sun in Leo is bold & individualistic. A fixed Fire sign of the regal lion who is ruled by the sun, so is really in its element right now. Self expression & assertiveness may need to be reigned in a little until a more logical passage has been found for ideas & personal will. We don’t wish to seem over zealous with our passion & arrogant with our confidence. Leo is the drama queen of the zodiac, so it is a good idea to think before we act out. This sign is mostly about the ‘me’ in us all & as such can be a little too over enthusiastic in leading rather than being part of a joint venture, in which the group takes the credit. We need to be mindful of where we step if we take on exciting group ventures.
Moon in Aquarius - August Full Moon is in the sign of the water bearer which is quite deceiving if taken at face value as this is actually a fixed Air sign. This is the sign of healing & transition. Aquarian energy is going to be strong at this full supermoon. We may be able to transform dense damaging energies into hope & love. This is a good time to realise our own uniqueness & intelligence, sharing them with others where apt. It is also a good time to honour our intuition & to act accordingly. We each have gifts which we enjoy & now is a great time to share them with others who may benefit from them. So in as much as Aquarian energies of humanitarianism, intuition, science & innovation are all possible, there are also the more rebellious, extremist aspects to this sign we need to consider. Try to avoid people who are damaging to us; impulsive & extreme behaviour will also not benefit us at this time. Aquarius is group oriented but does like to take the lead also. Moon in Aquarius is ultra modern, experimental & friendly. A sincere humanitarian, we may find our emotions led to helping others at this time.
Sun opposite moon - opposing forces are in play whenever we have a full moon. As the Sun in Leo sits opposite Moon in Aquarius, we may see these polarities play out in our lives. Our home & family lives are brought into the spotlight together with our close relationships. We may feel the tension in how we act out, how individualistic we can be tense against community spirit. Our values may come into focus & we may have to address these issues to be able to move forward in a more positive manner. These issues will concentrate around how we feel, our attitude & circumstance. So, what is already prominent in our lives will come to the fore for examination such as home & work, need & want, individualism & community, independence & co-dependence. With all of the dominant Aquarian energies available to us, we will have a cornucopia of help healing & being part of something which could heal us & others around us. For this we need to sit within our heartspace & act from a place of love & compassion, giving this full moon permission to hold us in that space, so that we emanate grace & love into our decisions & beam out the same such energy. As this Supermoon is connected to the last & probably the next, we need to look at what has come to our attention & where we are being led on our path. We also need to find a balance between both luminaries. We are being encouraged to find & know ourselves as individuals whilst also becoming part of group activities which can lead us to a sense of community & appreciation.
Planetary influences
Full Supermoon Square Jupiter of expansion - this Square could have us manifesting on another level. Be careful what you wish for! The universe has a sense of humour, so there is need to be precise with intentions here. There is a very off the chart feeling , an juggernaut of energy which affects our behaviour & that of community around us too. This could become uncontrollable & vastly out of order if allowed to. There could be rebellion & protests around monies. Gambling & taking risks are also something to watch for. The trick is to try to find balance between having & not having, needing & wanting , without being greedy or wanton.
Moon Trine Ceres, asteroid/ dwarf planet of food agriculture, nourishment, transitions in life, nurturing & family - indicates charity & vulnerability, nostalgia & preservation. Wisdom of elders comes into play & we are willing to spend time preserving foods & memories with a mature member of family or community. A chance to socialise & help out.
Mars of passion Trine Jupiter of expansion - bravery, action & energy expanding! Practice knowing the difference between opulence & the need to preserve, find this balance or risk over compensating one for the other further down the line, at your detriment. Think about the sparser days & prepare for them to avoid lack.
Mercury of communication opposite Saturn the taskmaster - we may have negative thoughts around how something has gotten out of control. However, we can also find solutions which balance the equation. This opposition can counteract the one mentioned before to find the balance needed.
Astronomical events
Eyes to the skies for the biggest annual meteor shower!
1 - Full Moon, Supermoon.
Moon located opposite the Earth from Sun, fully illuminated. Phase occurs at 18:33 UTC. 2nd of four supermoons for 2023. Moon near closest approach to Earth, looking larger and brighter than usual.
10 - Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation.
Mercury at greatest eastern elongation, 27.4 ° from the Sun. Best time to view Mercury at its highest point above horizon in evening sky, low in the western sky just after sunset.
12, 13 - Perseids Meteor Shower.
Perseids is one of the best meteor showers, producing up to 60 meteors per hour, produced by comet Swift-Tuttle, discovered in 1862. Perseids are famous for producing a large number of bright meteors. Annual shower from July 17 - August 24, peaking night of August 12 - morning of August 13. Crescent moon should not obscure, skies should still be dark enough for good show. Best viewing from a dark location after midnight. Meteors radiating from constellation Perseus, can be seen anywhere in the sky.
16 - New Moon.
Moon located same side of the Earth as Sun, not visible in the night sky. Phase occurs at 09:39 UTC. Best time of the month to observe faint objects, galaxies & star clusters as no moonlight interferes.
27 - Saturn at Opposition.
Ringed planet at its closest approach to Earth, its face fully illuminated by Sun. Its brighter than any other time of year, visible all night long. Best time to view & photograph Saturn & moons. Medium-sized / larger telescope allows you to see Saturn's rings & a few of its brightest moons.
31 - Full Moon, Supermoon, Blue Moon.
Moon located on opposite side of Earth as Sun, its face fully illuminated. Phase occurs at 01:37 UTC. 3rd of 4 supermoons for 2023. Moon near its closest approach to Earth looking larger & brighter than usual. 2nd full moon in same month, referred to as a blue moon.
15 - New Moon.
Moon located same side of Earth as Sun, will not be visible in the night sky. Phase occurs at 01:41 UTC. Best time of month to observe faint objects, galaxies & star clusters as no moonlight interferes.
And so we come to the end of this month's Astro: Full Moon article. Please join me again on or around New Moon on or around 16 August 2023, for my next journeying through the cosmic tides. You are most welcome to join me. I welcome & enjoy your presence.
In gratitude, love, light & all betwixt
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