Astro: New Moon in Libra
Thursday 15th October 2020 @ 20:31 UTC
All Hail & welcome to Astro: New Moon in Libra. We have a wonderfully strong energy around us at this moment in time, as we enter into the darker months & the deeper recesses of ourselves. The veil between the worlds is thinning and will continue to do so until Dia de los Muertos ( day of the Dead) November 2nd. We have the ability to dig deep into our primal energy & realise ourselves for who we really are. We have the connection to the ancestors stronger now than at any other time of the year, making this the most powerful portal of time & space communications . To each of us personally this can be an easy or tough time as we dig deep into our shadow and work with our hidden energies, emotions and fears. As we call on our benevolent ancestors & guides right now, we find we are surrounded by love & the consistent energy to push through the mists of time and false veils of lies & deceit in our lives.
The Libra New Moon is a time of balance, when we have reached the end of one 28 day cycle and begin another cycle of moon phasing. The new moon in astronomical terms is when there is no moon & the skies are dark. In astrological terms, this moon phase is known as the dark, balsamic moon, where we rest or release & banish the final purge of unwanted, dysfunctional, outdated & unproductive from our lives in order to make space for the new, seeds of hopes & desires. The exciting intentions we have in store for ourselves are planted at new moon when the sliver of silver is in the sky and the light of the moon is returning from the darkness. This is a very exciting phase. In order to make space for the new we must first cleanse & release old, outdated functionalities. This can sometimes come in the form of emotional traumas, relationships, careers, ways of thinking & being, which need to be detached from us to enable the space required for something good, new & exciting. Its a bit like an upgrade, out with the old & in with the new! New Moon is a time of transitioning from the wisdom of the crone to the maiden’s winter-spring.
The Sun & Moon are conjunct (in the same sign) in Libra.
The Sun represents the now, our identification, that bit of ourselves which we show the world, our consciousness, self esteem, ego & self-expression.
The Moon is our emotions, intuition, unconscious, inner personality, feelings & nurturing.
Libra is the sign of the scales of justice, with balance a key factor. Ruled by Venus, beauty, love & money. This cardinal Air sign takes action concerning relationships, business contracts & marriage.
Themes to consider for this phase & the next 2 weeks, until Full moon, are our relationship with; our sovereign self ; nature, community; others regarding relationships; business & current events; self beliefs. There may be some internal conflict arise, but harnessed correctly can open doors for our growth. The key is balance.
This a super new moon, the closest of the year, so our feelings will be very intense to feel the pull to go inward, as we mimic the Mother Earth at this time of year, if we can partially or wholly, deeper to soul depth. Pain will arise, tiredness may affect us which will add to any doubt or confusion already present. This moon will highlight areas which are out of balance. It will reveal where and to whom we have been giving ourselves, possibly to our detriment, and will bring us back in line with ourselves. The Libran New Moon is very special in that it will bring us back to a place of self & show us a new way of being which is more beneficial. This is a time to step away from the blame game and aside from feelings of guilt, shame, inadequacy & focus on giving back to yourself. A vessel half full cannot overflow to another. Only one which is full to the brim can give unconditionally of itself.
Relationship issues are a big theme this new moon. Things may come to a point which will need patience, understanding & reflection in response to what occurs. Confusion may mask how to move forward. Mars & mercury retrogrades will heighten this feeling. There may be miscommunication, so be aware of this and act accordingly. Look for anchors which are stalwart in life. Go to them, do them, spend time near them to find balance in this situation.
In addition, there is a very strong spiritual awakening vibration happening at this time. I’ve noticed as I haven’t been sleeping very well at all! We may find we are experiencing flashes of intuition, inspiration & find that connection to divine source, angels, guides & ancestors is extremely strong & easier at this time. Libra new moon wants us to align with heartspace as it is the best place to be in at this important time. Focusing on love creates self awareness, kindness & compassion. Creative projects will aid in keeping us in a place of love. Do the things which make your soul sing, that which nourishes & soothes you.
Furthermore, the theme of connection to your deepest soul level is prevalent. As we reconnect to the darker months, we are encouraged to go within. This is shadow work season commencing! Libra new moon is asking us to delve deep into our personal connection to the Mother Earth & to ourselves. We are being guided to nourish the connection to our life force, ever beating to the grandmother drum, connected to everything. No matter how disconnected we feel, this connection is unbreakable. We are encouraged to stand in our authenticity & emanate love into our world. We are being asked to look through the veils of insecurity to the root cause & to recognise our own power in this fear based world. When we work from the heartspace & love, it is far easier to see through artifice & man-made hurdles, because we are filled with compassion & wisdom.
As we enter into the darker months we are encouraged to feel into our more primal self. To face our darkness & name it once and for all, rather than run, hide or live in fear of it. There has been a lot of fear mongering this year in particular. We may find our initial work includes some of this years themes of fear of illness, death & separation. Once we delve deeper into our psyche & shadow we will notice emotions that we are not in tune with, rise. Look deeply into it with loving eyes & open heart. Open to it & embrace it lovingly. Sink into it without attempting to reason. Find its core, its beginnings. This enables us to name the darkness within. From here we can work on a deeper level with it & cohabit, co-create, rather than let it simmer over & occasionally spill, hurting us & others. It is part of us & we need to find the way through it, in love. If we do not approach our shadow work, we will be forced to! The universe has a way of giving us a shove into doing that which we feel uncomfortable doing, as a means to creating necessary change in our lives, because out of the darkness we step into light. There is equilibrium in balancing the dark & light in our lives which brings with it great clarity & breakthroughs which we may have longed for. It may come in the most unexpected way, but if we allow the process it will bring us to a place of truth.
Ultimately, this Libran new moon regards our connection to the Mother Earth, our primal self, our authenticity & surety of knowledge of self & this world in which we live. It encourages us to stand in heartspace & emanate love into all we do, touch, see, speak hear & offer. We are one part of the whole circle, we are not the whole circle. With ripples of love sent out, we are making the change we need in this world.
As with every moon phase, there are planetary influences which may effect our vibrations. This new moon is no exception. I have created a brief listing of some cosmic aspects in play for you to be aware of, so that you can react with knowledge & compassion.
There are some harsh aspects to consider which we may feel niggling at us or we may recognise in other people.
New moon opposite (180°) Mars may bring irritability, aggressiveness, assertiveness, want to get our own way. There may be sexual tension & impulsiveness.
New Moon Square (90°) Saturn makes for testing times, challenges, finding it difficult to get where we want to be. Delays, restrictions, feeling weighted by responsibility, pessimism or distress. The key is to face it head on with clear, strong ethics.
New Moon Square (90°) Pluto may bring an increase for the need to be in control. Ego conflicts, authority conflicts, possessiveness, fear involving death. The key is awareness of fear & controlling behaviour.
Mars square (90°) Pluto can bring intense desire & passion, a need to be in control. This may come in the form of others attempting to control you in their want to succeed. Be aware of this to counter it.
That’s it my lovelies. Thank you for joining me on this journeying through our Libra super new moon. I hope you have enjoyed it so much that you’ll return for another feast of delight at Samhain / Halloween, when we encounter our 2nd full moon of October, Full Blue Hunter’s moon in Taurus. All shall be revealed upon my return. Until then feel free to browse articles particularly the seasonal Samhain article.
Merry meet & merry part,
In gratitude, love, light & all betwixt