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  • Writer's pictureSheela Adhar

Astro: Super New Moon in Virgo

Astro: New Moon in Virgo 17 September 2020

All Hail & welcome to September 2020’s edition of Astro: New Moon. We have our very first of 3 super new moon’s which will lead us up to a solar new moon eclipse in December, opening a portal to new beginnings!!! There is so much cosmic movement over the next three months so my advice is hold on to your hat my lovelies as this is going to be a roller-coaster of an end to this truly transformative year & keep reading my articles as they happen. I will continue to keep you in the cosmic loops of infinity & know-how.

A New Moon is a time of new beginnings, restarts & planting seeds of hope, which we as universal beings enter into a contract with the universe to manifest. Manifestation is a reciprocal relationship we have with the universal flow of energy. As long as we work toward what we have put out there energetically & keep in mind the end result, we will be in receipt of that goodness. New moon is a time of setting boundaries, intentions & plans for the future. However, this New Moon will have a strange feel to it. As night turns to day, New Moon remains in Virgo & many planetary influences come into play. As day turns toward night, we will feel a relaxing vibration which will be lulling us into the rest of the phase as New Moon enters equilibrious Libra & the Sun shifts into a favourable position to Saturn which I will discuss further.

Virgo New Moon ushers in the self dependability, organisation & a welcome recharge. Virgo is all about health, well-being & systematic rearranging. Far from being stuck in a rut, we are being encouraged to get out into nature to ground & find balance for our own health & well-being. We are being kicked up the bottom to get a grip of our daily lives & get into the wisdom of our own bodies. Virgo wants us to have a good old clear out, physically, mentally & practically, a fresh new start. A good home or workspace cleanse to remove all unwanted energies is called for to create space for efficiency & productivity. This process applies to our minds & bodies also by using the inner strength we all have to tap into the deep healing energy on offer. So once you have that space cleared, its time to reschedule yourself into your own routine! Look for the things which do not work for you. The type of food which makes you sluggish, get rid! The lack of motivation around exercise or beginning that new workout? Schedule something new in, even if only for 5 minutes per day, as this will give you the impetus to do more & you will feel the benefit of that positive change in your life almost immediately. Warning here is to not allow Virgo’s obsessiveness to over-compensate in areas of neglect. For example, try not to allow cleaning & clearing the home or workspace to prevent you from allowing that, self love & care, routine you had in mind to timetable into your more productive days. It pays to pay attention to every area, but not at the risk of obsession. Virgo wants us to have words with ourselves about setting healthy boundaries & realistic targets. This is your Autumnal wake up call to get organised & efficient.

Furthermore, this is the first Super New Moon in a trio which ends with a portal of New beginnings in December, along with the great conjunction of 2 major planets. In addition to this phenomenon, there are some real heavy duty planetary players involved between now & then, which we really need to pay some attention to, in order to gain an understanding of events. Once again, Jupiter, Saturn & Pluto are all retrograde & in Capricorn. Therefore, what we experience is a push & pull between planets; Jupiter’s wish to get everything correct & expanding it; Pluto’s ability to bring in sickness & his wish to destroy illusion; Saturn’s wish to deconstruct then rebuild from the bottom up. The three of them criss-crossing this year has been a major global theme & is an indication of things to come over the next few months as they all go direct again, by the beginning of October . We will keep an eye on this trio!

Jupiter is now direct so we will feel an expansion in areas in which we have been working hard on, so expect recognition. However, Saturn does not go direct until 29/9 & Pluto will also remain retrograde until 3/10. What is causing the undercurrent of emotional frustrations is a hard square aspect made by retrograde Mars in Aries. You know that frustrating ,sluggish feeling you may have been experiencing? That’s Mars retrograde in Aries ! Mars makes a square to the Giant planet Saturn, which at first will bring in some frustration, making it harder for us to express ourselves fully. This may lead to temper tantrums for some, impulsiveness of others or even violent behaviour. Be careful of who or what you are lashing out at. Emotionally harming yourself or an innocent other, is avoidable if you can think before you act. Watch for energies which seem as though they are competing, bringing frustration with them. Find a balance in which you could potentially help someone else in selfless service. This also applies to the global stage!

The early morning of New moon will hold most of the planetary aspects & dealings for this phase. You may experience some dark, funky dreams whilst you sleep through most of it. During the first part of the day, there may be long awaited conversations surrounding areas of exasperation or where you have recognised blocks. Following New Moon morning’s intensity, Saturn retrograde trine’s the sun comes into play. This means that Saturn is 120°, 4 signs away from the luminary & in the same element , Earth. This allows for more responsible, dependable energy focusing on grounding & resolution, aiding in a slow release of all the irritations of the day.

By afternoon, the Moon moves into airy Libra adding to this harmonious energy.

And breathe! Phew! Eh?

Do read this article over again, as there is much to take in with regards to this phase & the next few months.

My gratitude to you for accompanying me again on my journeying through the cosmic energies. Please join me again on October 1st  (My birthday!) for another mind blowing, though provoking article on Full Libra moon.

I wish success for your healthy boundaries & schedules to be set. I wish for you to make time for yourself to love & care for yourself in the way only you know how to.

Be blessed in love, light & all betwixt





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