Sun burns my body
Mind & soul, slip beneath
the cool soil for deep relief
Finding cool dark
air, musty & cold
Slipping further down
than ever Before.
She greets, a wry smile on lips
Telling of old ways, whispering
Knowing, my presence
Tempered with healing
travelling deeper & further
unravelling, Unwrapping
pain hurt & again death
Greets my Untethered soul
beneath the dark cold
Within, toil begins Washing
away all darkened
thoughts Trailed, derailed, uncertain
Unbecoming, recoiled
Stretched out beyond, a spark
New beginnings
Arise, above uncoiling
Serpentine moving wriggling
Digging feet & hands in earth
Clawing, hips swaying,
dancing motion, moaning
Sreaming ascend in green
Gold & copper to blue
the earthly plains
To exist again No!
To live! Sacred
Undying gratification
Unfathomable presence
Held writhing whilst toiling
In reverence to she
Within. Serving
land beneath
my ragged bare feet.
To a warrior risen !
Sheela Adhar 2022