Hello hello, Hail & welcome. We have a full Moon in Gemini, penumbral lunar eclipse. This is a big energy amplifying moon with the potential for some real ground -shaking for all of us.
I decided on a 3 card 3 deck stack for today’s reading. Each stack has 1 card from each of the following deck’s: Soulful Woman guidance cards by Shushann Movsessian & Gemma Summers; Goddess guidance oracle cards by Doreen Virtue; The Witches familiar runic oracle by A White Witch Oracle.
From left to right 1,2 or 3.
Stack 1:
Soulful Woman card No. 12 Creative Cocooning ; Goddess Sulis- Bodies of Water; Rune: Mannaz, Meerkat
This is your time-out & self-care reminder. Far too often we ignore what our bodies are telling us in favour of something we ought to be doing. This is a reminder to take some time out for you to purify & detox your mind & body. Allow your body rest. Let divine inspiration guide you.
Spending time near water, a lake, river or Sea is advised. Water’s soothing & curative nature will restore you mind, body & soul in order for divine flow. Do not allow monkey mind to rent space in your head & inner dialogue at this time. This is your self care time, your connection to divine spirit, this is sacred You time.
This is also a time of the mind, allow the body time to rest & be still in the present. If you are thinking of taking up study, a new course or conscious pathway, allow the universe to guide you through meditation & inspiration. Your connection with divine source will show you which way to go…trust in the process, do not doubt your instincts.
Stack 2
Soulful woman card 41: the Unknown; Goddess card Athena, inner wisdom; witches familiar Runic card Gebo, Swan.
You may be feeling as though you are in the inbetween place of not knowing what comes next. There may be decisions which need to be made. Trust in the process. To release that which no longer has a place in your life, will make space for that which the universe has in preparation for you. You will be guided when the time is perfect & you are ready. You already know what to do because you are already deep in receipt of divine intention & energetic flow. You may be doubting your decision to let go. These cards are advising you to trust your instincts, your gut feelings are not wrong.
Honour your commitments like for like. Whatever comes your way, honour it with the same respect & intent in which it was given. This exchange may come from a variety of sources, love, family, friendship or business.
If you need it ask for help or advice from a loved one or trusted source, even for reassurance.
Stack 3
Soulful woman card 5: ageless beauty; Goddess Butterfly maiden, transformation; Witches familiar rune Isa, Bat.
You are on the bridge of transformation. As you grow older, you enter new phases in your life. A life where you accept the changes occurring with grace. Show gratitude for all the gifts you have & for those yet to come.
You recognise now where you overcompensate your energies, where you over-give yourself or relinquish your power to another. These highlighted areas need work on releasing the tendency to fulfil. You are part of the cycle of life in which nature revolves & we evolve, birth- death- rebirth. Embrace changes that are occurring as they are for your benefit. Be happy in releasing the old because exciting times are ahead.
First you must do as mother Nature does & recede to do inner work in finding & gathering strength, self-reliance, self-awareness & self-acceptance. You may find that, before all of this falls into place, you must face your shadow head on & process the areas which need most attention. You may be surprised that you have been blind or selfish, or cold & emotionally disconnected in certain areas of your life or with certain people. Take heart, we all have to face our shadow in order to recognise & work with rather than work against its energies. You are advised to find your quiet space, quieten the mind & calm your emotions through meditation. All will come at the right time.
You will understand this phase as you release your more youthful tendencies to knowledge & wisdom gained, thanking each lesson learned. You do not need to worry about the future because the universe is telling you that this is already safe.
I hope you have enjoyed this journey. I hope your cards resonated with you. If you would like a further reading, please contact me. Join me again at New Moon 14 December for another oracle reading.
In love, light & al betwixt