Astro: New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus
30/04/22 @ 21:28 (BST/ UTC+1hr)
All hail &Welcome to the Astro: New Moon article for 30 April 2022. Grab a cuppa of your favourite tipple, park your bum & enjoy the journey with me....
This is the 2nd New Moon of April & the 2nd New Moon in a calendar month, also known as a Black Moon. In addition, we have a partial solar eclipse occurring at New Moon phase. What is a partial solar eclipse? The moon's elliptic orbit means that twice a month, the moon, sun and Earth are directly aligned, creating the combined gravitational force which in turn creates High/ Spring tides & low/ Neap tides. At eclipse, the Sun, Moon & the Earth are again all aligned. As the Moon moves between the Earth & Sun to cast a shadow over the Earth, it blocks some of the Sun’s rays from our vision. This is what we call a partial solar eclipse. This eclipse can be seen in the South east Pacific & Southern south America. And so we begin another Eclipse season! Many people believe that Eclipses are the harbinger of strange occurrences particularly with the weather, moreover within ourselves. If you are affected by Moon energies, you are also likely affected by Eclipse energy. Our beautiful celestial being is in the sign of Taurus for New Moon partial Solar Eclipse. Much of what we experience will be aligned by Taurus’ qualities. Come with me on this meandering journey through the cosmic energies on offer to us……
New moon conjunct Sun in Taurus. The Moon & Sun are in the same sign, complimenting each other. Here we find balance to life & all it has on offer for us. New Moon is the time for new beginnings & intention setting. It gives us a burst of energy and resourcefulness in addition to emotional balance, quite the opposite of full moon aspect. New Moon is an excellent time for fresh starts, beginning a new project, reassessing old habits & making the necessary changes. This New Moon phase is in Taurus, the sign of the Bull.
Taurus is earthy, grounded, stable, dependable & strong. Its ruler is Venus who governs harmony, love & finances, so these areas will be highlighted with this moon phase. There is something quite exceptional about Taurus’ influence, something gentle , patient, generous & sensual. As the 2nd sign of the Zodiac, it is fixed & able to keep up momentum. Taurus offers laid back energy, rather than panic mode. This is a moon of self love as much as any other love. A moon when you can treat yourself & not be guilty of selfishness, but be careful not to overindulge, one of Taurus’ not so good traits. Taurus New Moon is asking us to pay attention to ourselves & enjoy the fruits of life. We are being encouraged to allow these energies to flow to where they are needed most rather than directing the force to where we think it is necessary. Its time to get out of the head & into the heartspace. Find our centre & ground, walk barefoot on the ground, sand, grass, take time in nature to nurture our souls, allowing ourselves to feel into & welcome the current of creativity & intuitive energies to flow through us unconditionally. New Moon Taurus is a good time to reflect on our personal goals, to enjoy the simple pleasures life offers us such as, good food, getting out into nature, evaluating our safety & security & what works harmoniously for us. There is also a potent Taurean energy which will offer us the chance to make important changes in our lives, make solid plans for sowing seeds of abundance & reassess our relationships to money & the material, ultimately helping us to uncover what it is that makes us really happy & content. The theme is to find what makes your soul sing & do it. Concentrate on managing yourself or reinvesting more time in what it is you want. Keep in mind the Taurus energies on offer: Strong will, endurance, patience, consistency, deliberation & sensuality, the last one here is more likely going to be on overdrive with planetary influences which I will discuss, further.
Partial Solar Eclipse ushers in the work we need to do in order to reach our fullest authentic life. These are long term changes surrounding new beginnings, compelling us to recognise which areas of life need re-evaluation. Sounds great doesn’t it? And it is, however many of us have to declutter our lives from that which prevails to keep us bound to old ways of thinking & being. To be able to walk the walk, we must first clear out anything which has lost its viability to our lives. It may be people, relationships, old habits, projects which didn’t go too well, poor financing, decluttering home & mind. On the other hand, this could be the green light we have been waiting for to fulfil that which we put to the back burner, in hopes that one day the right mindset or energy would be abundant enough to complete the task. Well this is that time! This partial Solar eclipse , leads us to our personal understanding of what is good for our minds, bodies & souls. The energy is asking us to pay attention & become the master of our own relationships to people, finances & material possessions. Take a moment to think about where there may be a see-saw/ good-bad relationship with anything. This is where we overcompensate or overindulge. Think about what makes you happy & fulfilled. This is where we can interpret what needs to be included in our lives & what has come to an end for us.
Now, ask yourself:
Where have I been over complicating life?
What makes my soul sing by creating happiness & fulfilment?
Feelings of self worth are also a big part of this transitioning. If we feel we are not worthy of this change in our lives, we will place that energy in front of what we try to achieve. It becomes a hurdle or obstacle which we then must find a way through, round, over or under. Acknowledging that something doesn’t give us that feeling of lightness & comfort is part of this process. Doing something about it is the physical attribution for fluid movement toward a healthy self worth mindset. This also means that we must look into what crutches we use which give us a misguided feeling that all is ok in our world.
Ask yourself
What it is of value in my life?
Where am I recognising an unhealthy reliance?
Weigh it all up! What is good for you, what is bad for you, what complicates everything & finally what makes your heart & soul sing for life. You may be surprised at the answers. More often than not , we already know the answers. Time for a bit of a nudge:
Can you declutter any of the areas we have been discussing?
We are well sourced enough to know that changes come from endings & not everything has permanence in our lives. As such we understand that to make space in our lives aids in our personal & spiritual growth. Find your personal power mantra & make it work for you everyday. Once we make a commitment to change, it will happen quickly & develop over the next few months. Remember, not every change will happen of our own accord. Eclipse is the one time the universe will put us exactly where we need to be to receive that which we have been manifesting. This may not be where we envisaged ourselves, moreover it will place us on the correct pathway we need to take.
In our immense surging action in these areas, we must also be mindful of others. It is important to allow another person space to express themselves. It is of great importance to understand that not everyone we know will have the same opinion as we do. Always consider whether you are speaking from heart space before action or reaction. Think before you speak or run the risk of manifesting your words into reality, after all this is New Moon & potent time for setting intentions. This month, it is better to go with the universal flow which presents itself to us.
Planetary influences
As ever we have a few planets in play this New Moon partial Solar Eclipse. These are set to raise the vibrations of this phasing.
Uranus, planet of awakening & surprising events is very active; conjunct New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse; Sextile Mars. Uranus wants us to be free from the binds which prevent us from forward motion. It may seem a little radical to begin with, but whatever comes to up in the form of surprise, use it as a nudge to re-evaluate this area & to create a clearer image of how to invest in the path to authentic self. Uranus adds a sense of open mindedness, self awareness & flexibility.
Conjunct New Moon PSE, brings exciting transformations in our freedom & encourages new beginnings.
Sextile Mars will offer us impetus & inspiration for adventure.
Jupiter of expansion conjunct Venus of love & finance, lends its subtlety to give us a happier outcome. This combination also allows for us to tap into real abundance. Whatever you may have been working toward is now going to give you that pat on the back you need to keep going. Fruition, reward, abundance. These 2 are a good combination for love & money.
Venus is the ruler of Taurus, so we can expect an increase in its sensuality & financial energy.
Phew! That is a lot to take in. If you feel the need to re-read, please do so. I find I come away from an article, find some resonance in particular areas of life, then come back to re-read that section for advice.
Don’t forget ETA Aquarids meteor shower peaks on 6-7 May, so eyes to the skies for what will be a great show, weather permitting of course.
Thank you all for joining me on another adventure through cosmic tides. Join me at Full Moon around 16 May for the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio article. Until then, happy navigating & I hope for you all to find your adventure in life.
Sending you bright blessings for Beltaine. May the fecundity of the season give you abundance in life’s adventure.
In love, light & all betwixt
Adhar S , 2021.