Astro: New Micro Moon in Cancer
28-29 June 2022 @ 3:52BST/ 2:52 UTC
All Hail & welcome to July’s edition of Astro: New Moon article. We have a New Moon in Cancer, the sign represented by the watery crab who carries its home around with it. In addition, this will be a 'Micro' Moon which means that our Moon is at Apogee, its furthest point from Earth. We also have New Moon Square Jupiter; Semi- Sextile Venus; Trine Vesta & Conjunct Black Moon Lilith, so we are setting ourselves up for some seriously feminine energies albeit some on the darker & more raw side. The Moon rules Cancer so is very comfortable in this sign. This phase covers the main Cancerian areas that this moon may touch on or highlight which are qualities of home, family, security, emotional expression & shadow work. Although with all of the extra boost of feminine energy, this is set to be an emotional, sensual, & highly charged Moon cycle.
New Moon signifies the end of the old cycle & the beginning of a new cycle of phasing. New Moon is a time for new energies & intentions. It brings with it a surge of fresh ideas & new energetic modes for us to experience. With the Sun & Moon in conjunction, in the same sign ,Cancer, we can easily find balance & feel that we are ready to end old habits & ways to prepare for the new fresher ideas to flow & stimulate our senses in different ways. As New Moon’s go, we can call energies closer to us, this New Moon is potently full so its a great time to write down intentions & think about the energies we really want in our lives.
Ask :
How do I wish to feel?
What kind of attitude do I want?
How do I wish my days to be?
Where in life do I need to improve?
How can I manifest this?
Write down intentions.
Cancer is a cardinal sign of the watery crab. The crab carries its home on its back & home surroundings are very important to Cancer. It represents the home, home security & personal comfort in addition to nurturing & offering space & service to others within that realm. This water sign encourages us to surrender to the gentleness of its ebb & flow. The most common traits of Cancer are practicality, helpfulness, patience, compassion, nurture, romance, sensitivity, creativity, home family, femininity & flow. The qualities to watch out for such as the not so good reflection of Cancerian energy are gossip, isolation, uncommunicative, over sensitivity, moodiness, cliquey, passive aggression. If you experience any of these symptoms of imbalance skip the vibe by retreating & going straight to self care, be kind to yourself & know that you are not alone. The moon rules Cancer so is very comfortable here with Cancerian energies, particularly those along the more healing route. Emotional healing is on offer if we can release & let go of whatever we feel is binding us to the mundane. In this way we can experience the real magick of emotional healing. In addition, this is a good time to make a pledge to the positives of the Crab, such as honouring the darkness within, the innermost feelings; acknowledging the safety & security we have in our homes; accepting help where & when needed & offering help to others in service for a greater good; beginning something new which in the long run will enhance the lives at home & of family. The potent energy of this Moon can have a long lasting affect on our lives, so is a good time to make important changes which will benefit us in the long run.
New Moon in Cancer is very sensitive & can be embodied to create intuition, awareness, empowerment & to become more sympathetic to our environment. What is set to amplify this sensitivity is Neptune’s station retrograde in Pisces, just a short time before New Moon peaks. It is square New Moon so a hard aspect involving a lot of watery emotionally charged energy. It may get really rough for a while, but it will blow over & it may be very cleansing. When it does, we get an opportunity to have a look at what has been left for our perusal! We may be gifted with inspiring thoughts & actions; given new insights; new information may present itself. Whatever it is, we will gain clarity as water gives us its flowing & knowing. Know that you are not alone & to reach out to somebody who can help or for us to offer our help to someone, embodies the characteristics of the crab & honours its presence in our lives.
Jupiter Square New Moon. Now this is the bigger & more expansive of the 2 squares.
Jupiter of exponential expansion can have an explosive effect. In this instance, Jupiter wants us to become more informed through our own inner pain. In other words, acknowledge the pain within & rather than reacting from it, focus on how to share our truth in a more mature way. With a Jupiter square we must keep an eye on exaggeration, false statements, overdoing it, misjudgement. We must attempt to focus through any red mist & talk it out maturely rather than blaming or coming from a place of hurt & mistrust.
A Jupiter square encourages us to move beyond the areas in which Jupiter touches. Expansion; adventure & foreign travel; personal philosophies & influences; higher education; becoming a wisdom giver; publishing; delusion of grandeur; celebrations. These Jupiter themes can be used in conjunction with any of the 5 Cancerian themes to enhance them.
New Moon Trine Vesta - Guardian of the eternal flame & hearth. Known as Hestia in Greek mythology. She is the representation of our personal inner flame & spark of divine. She is the flame of our desire & ambition & she is the joy when we feel accomplished. Vesta promotes selfless service making it easy to give of our time & effort to worthy causes. This is an harmonious aspect to New Moon.
New Moon Semi-Sextile Venus - relationships, finance & creativity come to the fore. Venus Goddess of love & finance. She governs the feminine aspects in love & also oversees luck & romance. Venus rules both Libra & Taurus which is why she is associated with love & money. There will be a lot of energy in the areas she highlights. Expect heat & passion!
New Moon Conjunct Black Moon Lilith - BML is not a physical point in the cosmos, rather is only included when the Moon is at Apogee (furthest from the Earth).Black Moon Lilith represents the empty void between the Earth & Moon at Apogee. She is a symbol of motherly love & represents our shadow side. She is the personification of the dark Goddess who governs sexuality, violence, reawakening of past feelings of insecurities & loneliness. She governs our hidden desires & passions & those things we keep under-wraps. Micro Moon means that the Moon is at apogee, so we need to be on the look out for varying aspects of the dark Mother Goddess. Enable her power by embracing the shadow & learning what we can from our own experiences, which in turn enrich our daily lives. She can help us to confront issues which we have kept hidden. She is adept at transforming our sensuality into a hot cauldron of passion.
This trio of Goddesses cover a wide range of personal areas at home & in life. With a watery Cancer flow to New Moon, expect some healing, sorting, cleansing & high intensity surrounding home & family, finances & love relationships. Keep the fires burning with a warn, joyful, healing atmosphere around the hearth. You are a spark of the divine!
There are a lot of energies to this new Moon & its up to us which ones we are going to flow with or work against. Overall, this will be a highly charged emotional atmosphere, with intense healing, sensuality & change where it is needed, on offer. If we are aware of what is coming into our sphere, we can deal with any untoward or damaging influences within ourselves or coming from others, in a mature way. With this in mind, its a good time to protect personal energies; get grounded; set boundaries & if all else fails go within & into self care mode! If you need answers, go within to find them first. We do not always hear the correct response for us as individuals if we are acting out from a place of hurtful past experiences, rather we heal by learning from our experiences & making good, practical use of the lessons we have learned over time.
My gratitude to you all for your time & presence during this journeying. Please join me again at Full Moon around 13 July. If you haven’t already, please subscribe to receive my articles direct to your email, before publication to social media. Have a wonderful couple of weeks in cosmic flow. My blessings to you all.
In love, light & all betwixt
Adhar, S, 2021. Astro: New Micro Moon in Cancer
28-29 June 2022 @ 3:52BST/ 2:52 UTC
All Hail & welcome to July’s edition of Astro: New Moon article. We have a New Moon in Cancer, the sign represented by the watery crab who carries its home around with it. In addition, this will be a 'Micro' Moon which means that our Moon is at Apogee, its furthest point from Earth. We also have New Moon Square Jupiter; Semi- Sextile Venus; Trine Vesta & Conjunct Black Moon Lilith, so we are setting ourselves up for some seriously feminine energies albeit some on the darker & more raw side. The Moon rules Cancer so is very comfortable in this sign. This phase covers the main Cancerian areas that this moon may touch on or highlight which are qualities of home, family, security, emotional expression & shadow work. Although with all of the extra boost of feminine energy, this is set to be an emotional, sensual, & highly charged Moon cycle.
New Moon signifies the end of the old cycle & the beginning of a new cycle of phasing. New Moon is a time for new energies & intentions. It brings with it a surge of fresh ideas & new energetic modes for us to experience. With the Sun & Moon in conjunction, in the same sign ,Cancer, we can easily find balance & feel that we are ready to end old habits & ways to prepare for the new fresher ideas to flow & stimulate our senses in different ways. As New Moon’s go, we can call energies closer to us, this New Moon is potently full so its a great time to write down intentions & think about the energies we really want in our lives.
Ask :
How do I wish to feel?
What kind of attitude do I want?
How do I wish my days to be?
Where in life do I need to improve?
How can I manifest this?
Write down intentions.
Cancer is a cardinal sign of the watery crab. The crab carries its home on its back & home surroundings are very important to Cancer. It represents the home, home security & personal comfort in addition to nurturing & offering space & service to others within that realm. This water sign encourages us to surrender to the gentleness of its ebb & flow. The most common traits of Cancer are practicality, helpfulness, patience, compassion, nurture, romance, sensitivity, creativity, home family, femininity & flow. The qualities to watch out for such as the not so good reflection of Cancerian energy are gossip, isolation, uncommunicative, over sensitivity, moodiness, cliquey, passive aggression. If you experience any of these symptoms of imbalance skip the vibe by retreating & going straight to self care, be kind to yourself & know that you are not alone. The moon rules Cancer so is very comfortable here with Cancerian energies, particularly those along the more healing route. Emotional healing is on offer if we can release & let go of whatever we feel is binding us to the mundane. In this way we can experience the real magick of emotional healing. In addition, this is a good time to make a pledge to the positives of the Crab, such as honouring the darkness within, the innermost feelings; acknowledging the safety & security we have in our homes; accepting help where & when needed & offering help to others in service for a greater good; beginning something new which in the long run will enhance the lives at home & of family. The potent energy of this Moon can have a long lasting affect on our lives, so is a good time to make important changes which will benefit us in the long run.
New Moon in Cancer is very sensitive & can be embodied to create intuition, awareness, empowerment & to become more sympathetic to our environment. What is set to amplify this sensitivity is Neptune’s station retrograde in Pisces, just a short time before New Moon peaks. It is square New Moon so a hard aspect involving a lot of watery emotionally charged energy. It may get really rough for a while, but it will blow over & it may be very cleansing. When it does, we get an opportunity to have a look at what has been left for our perusal! We may be gifted with inspiring thoughts & actions; given new insights; new information may present itself. Whatever it is, we will gain clarity as water gives us its flowing & knowing. Know that you are not alone & to reach out to somebody who can help or for us to offer our help to someone, embodies the characteristics of the crab & honours its presence in our lives.
Jupiter Square New Moon. Now this is the bigger & more expansive of the 2 squares.
Jupiter of exponential expansion can have an explosive effect. In this instance, Jupiter wants us to become more informed through our own inner pain. In other words, acknowledge the pain within & rather than reacting from it, focus on how to share our truth in a more mature way. With a Jupiter square we must keep an eye on exaggeration, false statements, overdoing it, misjudgement. We must attempt to focus through any red mist & talk it out maturely rather than blaming or coming from a place of hurt & mistrust.
A Jupiter square encourages us to move beyond the areas in which Jupiter touches. Expansion; adventure & foreign travel; personal philosophies & influences; higher education; becoming a wisdom giver; publishing; delusion of grandeur; celebrations. These Jupiter themes can be used in conjunction with any of the 5 Cancerian themes to enhance them.
New Moon Trine Vesta - Guardian of the eternal flame & hearth. Known as Hestia in Greek mythology. She is the representation of our personal inner flame & spark of divine. She is the flame of our desire & ambition & she is the joy when we feel accomplished. Vesta promotes selfless service making it easy to give of our time & effort to worthy causes. This is an harmonious aspect to New Moon.
New Moon Semi-Sextile Venus - relationships, finance & creativity come to the fore. Venus Goddess of love & finance. She governs the feminine aspects in love & also oversees luck & romance. Venus rules both Libra & Taurus which is why she is associated with love & money. There will be a lot of energy in the areas she highlights. Expect heat & passion!
New Moon Conjunct Black Moon Lilith - BML is not a physical point in the cosmos, rather is only included when the Moon is at Apogee (furthest from the Earth).Black Moon Lilith represents the empty void between the Earth & Moon at Apogee. She is a symbol of motherly love & represents our shadow side. She is the personification of the dark Goddess who governs sexuality, violence, reawakening of past feelings of insecurities & loneliness. She governs our hidden desires & passions & those things we keep under-wraps. Micro Moon means that the Moon is at apogee, so we need to be on the look out for varying aspects of the dark, Mother Goddess. Enable her power by embracing the shadow & learning what we can from our own experiences, which in turn enrich our daily lives. She can help us to confront issues which we have kept hidden. She is adept at transforming our sensuality into a hot cauldron of passion.
This trio of Goddesses cover a wide range of personal areas at home & in life. With a watery Cancer flow to New Moon, expect some healing, sorting, cleansing & high intensity surrounding home & family, finances & love relationships. Keep the fires burning with a warm, joyful, healing atmosphere around the hearth. You are a spark of the divine & Goddess will protect.
There are a lot of energies to this new Moon & its up to us which ones we are going to flow with or work against. Overall, this will be a highly charged emotional atmosphere, with intense healing, sensuality & change where it is needed, on offer. If we are aware of what is coming into our sphere, we can deal with any untoward or damaging influences within ourselves or coming from others, in a mature way. With this in mind, its a good time to protect personal energies; get grounded; set boundaries & if all else fails go within & into self care mode! If you need answers, go within to find them first. We do not always hear the correct response for us as individuals if we are acting out from a place of hurtful past experiences, rather we heal by learning from our experiences & making good, practical use of the lessons we have learned over time.
My gratitude to you all for your time & presence during this journeying. Please join me again at Full Moon around 13 July. If you haven’t already, please subscribe to receive my articles direct to your email, before publication to social media. Have a wonderful couple of weeks in cosmic flow. My blessings to you all.
In love, light & all betwixt
Adhar, S, 2021.