Astro: New Moon in Gemini
All Hail & welcome to May’s edition of Astro: New Moon. Our celestial being will enter New phase on 22nd May 2020 @ 17:38 UTC/ 18:38 GMT. This Month’s new moon is in the sign of Airy Gemini. We need our lives to flow and this month flexible Gemini is on side to increase our communications and understanding during this time of confusion and information overload. The following article has been researched and intuitively written as a guide for those who are led by the moon and other cosmic energies which play out in our daily lives and on the global stage.
Each new moon is another opportunity to to begin again. A fresh page in our book of life which allows us to set intentions and plant seeds for the future, take up a new project or hobby or implement educated changes to existing plans. New moon is the monthly reset button for our system, a chance for rebirth and to realise what matters the most to us. A time for soul searching and discovering your personal truths. The New Moon has the energies of the wise woman and to tap into these energies allows us to be more intuitive and aware. At New Moon we can find balance in ourselves as the Sun and Moon are in the same sign, which means that ego and inner personality are in tandem, working together. This New Moon is asking us to think long term about that which we wish to create and if necessary, to turn inward to transform and honour creative powers. Gemini adds the pull of heart vs mind and highlights our connection between Earth and the Universe.
Gemini New Moon is going to bring in a light and airy feel to our lives. Much needed I say! This lighter energy will usher in the motivation we need to birth new projects and initiatives. Gemini New Moon offers the drive some of us have been hoping for, to put our long term plans into action. This is the New Moon to apply ourselves to our long term plans. Gemini is the sign of the twins and is reputed to have us in two minds, but in the case of this New Moon, we are looking at the heart and the mind in a tug of war, pulling one way then the other. The trick is to balance both to gain clarity. There may be an accompanying sense of confusion and hopelessness. Fear not, it is a time in which we can turn inward to work with shadow, which Gemini and ruling planet Mercury can aid us in. In addition, Mercury is direct right now and so communications will be in full flow, including connection with ourselves, the Mother Earth and the universe. Communication and connection are themes for this New Moon. We are being reminded of our capacity to become the bridge between worlds. Our personal world, the Mother Earth and the Universe work together through us. As such we are being encouraged to recognise our ability and to work within this symbiotic relationship. It is how we receive this flow of energy and how we react to it which defines the outcome of this New Moon phase for us. Some of us are being asked to take up the mantle of spirit and embalm our truths to our being and pathway. Some of us are being encouraged to speak, walk and be in our truth. We have voices which need to be heard. Gemini brings an essence of engagement and curiosity, quick wit and versatility. This is the sign of communication, logic, duality and the conscious mind. This air sign is the liveliest of all the air signs and is not afraid to voice an opinion!
Furthermore, there are planetary aspects which play their part in this month’s New Moon. Saturn Rx (retrograde/ moving slowly backward) wants us to dedicate to long term plans which will benefit our future, by offering us an attitude of diligence, allowing us to work methodically and ethically to create success and provide long lasting authentic foundations for the future. Neptune also plays a large part with Mercury, adding confusion, illusion and lack of clarity. So be aware of scams and be careful that you fully comprehend any financial or legal deals by getting advice. Neptune also makes an aspect to Venus which may bring in lacking self esteem and confidence. This could play out in relationships. Think before you glorify a romantic relationship. Is it really what it seems? Be honest. Relationship dynamics, outdated or stagnant energies will need to flow again through mutual respect and understanding or be released in love and kindness. Together, the Neptune, Mercury and Venus trio are advising us not to physically socialise or risk ill health. Neptune rules illness and infection, so stay safe, be well and use the necessary means to communicate with non-household members, rather than physically meeting up.
There are a lot of questions we could be asking ourselves with this Gemini New Moon. What do we want? What are we willing to do to achieve this goal? Will this pathway nourish us or the future which we have been working toward? How do we make the connection between the physical and the spiritual? And how do we make this work for our future visions? We need to know what sits right with our souls by meditating on whatever comes to us, by visualising a future which encompasses our authentic nature.
"Quieten the mind and the soul will speak"
(Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati)
Sometimes what we want often changes within us before it manifests. Open channels to receive and wait in love and patience for the answer which is always there. Sometimes it takes a little longer to gain clarity and once we do, there is no stopping the flow that follows it.
“As above, so below,
As within, so without,
As the Universe, so the soul”
Hermes Trismegistus, The Emerald tablet.
Thank you for joining me on this journeying. I wish you all the very best for the next two weeks. Please join me around Full moon (5th June) for the Astro: Full Moon article.
I hope you find clarity and joy in your visualisations and meditations. I would love to hear what you feel about Astro: New Moon in Gemini. Feel free to leave a comment or to get in touch if you need to.
In gratitude, love, light and all things betwixt
Adhar. S , 2020